I'm not trolling, I am simply saying, looks at Crysis and then look at Halo 3. They both scored the same 9.5, yet are drastically different. Halo 3 is an average shooter at best, Crysis is evolutionary. Crysis has wide open levels, the nano-suit, which actually open up a lot more options than you would think, beautiful graphics, and really solid gameplay.
Halo 3 has solid gameplay, I'll give it that, but what else? It really does nothing to seperate itself from the rest of the pack. Now, on the consoles, Halo 3 is the cream of the crop. But on PC, the standards are just higher. Cevat Yerli, the head of Crytek, said himself, he played a Halo game and it seemed as if he was playing a PC game from 5 years ago.
My point? Publishers release console ports over to the PC and it doesn't sell, and compan ies like EA decide they need to make PC games even MORE casual aka Battlefield Heroes and Red Alert 3. When will devs get that all we PC gamers really want is an in depth PC GAME!!! Look at Sins of a Solar Empire. I bought it at Best Buy and 3 other people bought it while I was there. I have never had that happen before, and it just goes to show: if the devs would put in the time to make PC games like they were meant to be, more people would buy them.
And I still stand by my point that Halo 3, if it were on the PC would score no higher than an 8, because it doesn't really do anything new at all that other games haven't done before and better. No, Forge doesn't count. Why would I choose a pseudo-map editor over a real one?
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