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Halo: Combat Evolved. Or rather - Combat DeEvolved. That should be the slogan that Microsoft should run with for the latest in its One Hit Wonder trilogy - Halo 3.
Now don't get me wrong. Halo was a good game, although a little over rated, and fulfilled itself as the only official X-Box game worth buying the console for (although it came out on PC! Bad move). It developed tactical shooting and developed a good fanbase for those interested in that kind of thing. It had satisfactory multiplayer content which was good solid fun but also applied the use of tactics like in the missions.
Then enter Halo 2. To increase Halo fanbase, they decided to dumb the game down for those who don't have the time for tactics and made the game just a full on shooter with limited tactics and cruddy weapons. Yes Halo 1s weapons were far superior.
And now Halo 3 which promises to be a rehash of Halo 2s style of gameplay to keep these gamers who don't like to think that much and just shoot (the types of gamers who thought Doom 3 and Prey were Gods Gift to Gaming) and still keep in pretty well the same style as Tribes only without the jetpacks. Plus the same repetitive nature of the game will drastically annoy fans of the original and soon enough people will just ignore Halo and remember it for what the series really is - A One Hit Wonder, much in the same vain as the Baha Men's "Who Let the Dogs Out" and the original Rocky film.
Resistance is the Halo killer for this generation of gaming. No doubt about it.
[QUOTE="yo_foo"]Halo: Combat Evolved. Or rather - Combat DeEvolved. That should be the slogan that Microsoft should run with for the latest in its One Hit Wonder trilogy - Halo 3.
Now don't get me wrong. Halo was a good game, although a little over rated, and fulfilled itself as the only official X-Box game worth buying the console for (although it came out on PC! Bad move). It developed tactical shooting and developed a good fanbase for those interested in that kind of thing. It had satisfactory multiplayer content which was good solid fun but also applied the use of tactics like in the missions.
Then enter Halo 2. To increase Halo fanbase, they decided to dumb the game down for those who don't have the time for tactics and made the game just a full on shooter with limited tactics and cruddy weapons. Yes Halo 1s weapons were far superior.
And now Halo 3 which promises to be a rehash of Halo 2s style of gameplay to keep these gamers who don't like to think that much and just shoot (the types of gamers who thought Doom 3 and Prey were Gods Gift to Gaming) and still keep in pretty well the same style as Tribes only without the jetpacks. Plus the same repetitive nature of the game will drastically annoy fans of the original and soon enough people will just ignore Halo and remember it for what the series really is - A One Hit Wonder, much in the same vain as the Baha Men's "Who Let the Dogs Out" and the original Rocky film.
Resistance is the Halo killer for this generation of gaming. No doubt about it.
The funny thing is, Halo 3 has probably already sold more copies than Resistence has - and it won't be released for another 10 months! I bet the number of preorders for Halo 3 far outclips the number of copies of Resistence that have been sold to dissappointed PoS3 owners.
Throw in the Halo 3 beta and I can bet that more people will play the beta than the number of people who bought Resistence: Flop of Man.Â
You fail, again.
[QUOTE="audioslavery5"]God this guy is a manipulator, he's another mindless Sorny fan just ignore it and itll die eventually.Mr_Prezidentsorny lol, but this thread has already reached 50 pages so i doubt this thing is gonna dissapear off the face of the earth, hell i hope it gets a sticky lol. console shooters are light years behind anything on PC, and the fact that future ps3 titles are getting KB/M support because sony is releasing bluetooth KB/M is only gonna make halo that much more ancient. exactly. Console Shooters don't give you the freedom to shoot where you want. Yay for the skills involved in auto assist! Anyone can just walk and press the fire button and clear out enemies in a room. :'(
[QUOTE="yo_foo"]Halo: Combat Evolved. Or rather - Combat DeEvolved. That should be the slogan that Microsoft should run with for the latest in its One Hit Wonder trilogy - Halo 3.
Now don't get me wrong. Halo was a good game, although a little over rated, and fulfilled itself as the only official X-Box game worth buying the console for (although it came out on PC! Bad move). It developed tactical shooting and developed a good fanbase for those interested in that kind of thing. It had satisfactory multiplayer content which was good solid fun but also applied the use of tactics like in the missions.
Then enter Halo 2. To increase Halo fanbase, they decided to dumb the game down for those who don't have the time for tactics and made the game just a full on shooter with limited tactics and cruddy weapons. Yes Halo 1s weapons were far superior.
And now Halo 3 which promises to be a rehash of Halo 2s style of gameplay to keep these gamers who don't like to think that much and just shoot (the types of gamers who thought Doom 3 and Prey were Gods Gift to Gaming) and still keep in pretty well the same style as Tribes only without the jetpacks. Plus the same repetitive nature of the game will drastically annoy fans of the original and soon enough people will just ignore Halo and remember it for what the series really is - A One Hit Wonder, much in the same vain as the Baha Men's "Who Let the Dogs Out" and the original Rocky film.
Resistance is the Halo killer for this generation of gaming. No doubt about it.
Let's say halo 3 really does suck, they replace master chief with mario and junk. Nobody's going to know but Microsoft that this game blows. Only after like 10 million coppies are sold people figure out it's crap. Even if it is crap, this game is going to sell like hell. Oh and one more thing, Halo 3 isn't supposed to be a game to let you turn your brain off. Devs say they learned the mistakes from Halo 2, and were rushed at the end of development and screwed up. From what I've heard, Halo 3 is actually playable right now, they're just tweaking things up and making it harder. Way harder. alpowerfullthey are tweaking the graphics to make it much more of a graphical improvement. But how is it a gameplay improvement if its the same as the previous two games? :'(
FEAR > Halo 2 because FEAR did something a lot different to something like Doom 3. It wasn't a boring crawl through a space dungeon. Halo isn't like that either thats why it sold well. But Halo 3 is not an original gameplay experience! :'(]-[3 will be the single greatest FPS game to come out on any system this generation.
It will be better than Crysis, Resistance, Unreal III, Killzone 2, and any other clone.
The only FPS's worth mentioning are Half Life, HL2, Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark, Halo, Halo 2, and the upcoming Halo 3.
Games like FEAR, Doom 3, Resistance, and Perfect Dark Zero are only there to pass the time between Halo's.
The Halo franchise raised the bar, and will continue to do so when Halo 3 arrives. Halo 3 will be years ahead of the competition. Half Life and Halo are the true kings right now. Only a blind FPS fan will see it any other way.
Crysis is so overhyped I can't stand it. This game will end up having slightly better looking visuals than Halo 3, but how will its gameplay, features, multiplayer, and fun factor stack up?
The bottom line is that Halo>all.
I'm only posting because of the poster called resistance a Halo killer. That was silly. By the time Halo3 comes, Resistance will barely be remmembered. It didn't seem to stand out to anyone. Anyway, if Halo3 has a hard time, it will be because it's in direct competition with other 360 titles. The 360 has a mind-blowing line-up on the way. TrashfaceResistance is a lot more original than Halo 3. It's the PS3s big FPS. It would have been the 360s big AAA FPS if it came out on that console. Reviewers have lower standards for 360 games. :'(
[QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="dr-venkman"][QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]Such an original opinion you have there. :| Do i even need to bother pointing out how it got AAA reviews across the board?dr-venkmanHalo 3 isn't even out yet... But if you were referring to Halo 2 - it flopped on score compared tot the original. :'( How did it flop on scores. The original got near perfect. Halo got 9.6 as an average by critics. Halo 2 got an average of 9.5 by critics. Thats a 0.1 less. Somehow i don't think thats a flop! so therefore Halo 2 scored less than the original. :'( Once again you've proven how much of a biased loser you are. You said it "flopped on score compared to the original". How is 0.1 points less considered a flop. You can't suddenly change you're opinion, acting like all you meant in saying that was "Halo 2 scored less than the original". A sequel floping compared to the original would be Devil May Cry 2. DMC2's 7.2 average compared to the 9.2 the original got is a flop. 0.1 points is not. Now please, take youself, and your multiple accounts, and go play Halo so you don't have to be jealous anymore. I have no alt accounts...? But the scores for halo 2 are lower than the original therefore they are lower. Not higher... simple mathematics :'(
You should clean your magic ball. Your thoughts are way too pesimistic and you know heck. Only seconds have been shown of Halo 3 and you are sure it sucks. Wow, I wish to be you...:roll:
But seriously, Halo 2 was not that good, and it`s alright to be a little cautious on third installments, but heck, not every failure is followed by a bigger one.
Let this thread die! Sony fanboys just never give up. And I'm pretty sure the original poster has multiple accounts. It's no coincidence that the only other posts he supports are completely biased like his. Someone with so much anger and free time towards Halo has to have something wrong with him. Maybe someone didn't get that Xbox he was asking for at Christmas? Who cares about Halo 3 anyways, Mass Effect will rule 2007. dr-venkmandon't get me started on "Mass Effect" yep 360 FTW on a broad range on genres. :'(
[QUOTE="16bitkevin"][QUOTE="Lord_Simus_X"]and where'd you get all these posts???yo_foo
yo_foo you're an idiot! I don't think I've ever seen such biased Sony fanboys on SW. This is truly the cream of the crop of retards. Nothings worse then idiots who hate games yet can't stop talking about 'em. Where does this urge come from? Seriously. This is an honest question for any Sony fanboys (you know who you are) please tell us why you keep bringing up the fact that you hate Halo. Why do you love to talk about Halo so much. praisebeakatoshI liked Halo 1 how many times do I have to say that? And Halo 2 disappointed me because it was just like what Halo 1 wasn't. A n00b console shooter. Stop being so mean. :'(
Rofl. Halo 3 will STOMP Resistance in sales, gameplay and everything else. Nice try with the whole trying to be fair thing. It really doesn't work out.nice. Could I borrow that Crystal ball? :'(
p.s. You remember what happened last time to a game that was hyped "Halo-killer" Yeah. Get out.Gigas_Yuu
1. Did you guys notice that this post has been up since the 22nd? It has been a week since this post came out and you all are still biting at the flame bait. 2. I think it is rediculous to say it won't sell, it is a gaming trademeark. People act just as they did a few years ago at the release of H2, insane. But in score, it is much to early to say if it flops or not.coreygamesI never said it won't sell. :'(
[QUOTE="Gigas_Yuu"]Rofl. Halo 3 will STOMP Resistance in sales, gameplay and everything else. Nice try with the whole trying to be fair thing. It really doesn't work out.nice. Could I borrow that Crystal ball? :'( can we borrow yours?
p.s. You remember what happened last time to a game that was hyped "Halo-killer" Yeah. Get out.yo_foo
Everyone, just ignore yo_foo. Yo_foo provides no factual evidence, just an opinion based on very little (looking at a few screenshots and past disappointment with Halo 2 is how yo_foo came to the conclusion that Halo 3 will suck :roll: ). If yo_foo thinks the game will suck, just let it be. This person obviously thinks highly of themselves, and since when can you reason with fanboys anyway? Yo_foo's logic is obvously flawed and the fact that this thread is so long shows unwillingness to admit defeat. Why argue with somone who's been owned countless times yet doesn't admit it? Just let this thread die everyone.coolviper2003I am saying that Halo 3 is unoriginal. That's why people will get sick of it! :'(
[QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="Gigas_Yuu"]Rofl. Halo 3 will STOMP Resistance in sales, gameplay and everything else. Nice try with the whole trying to be fair thing. It really doesn't work out.nice. Could I borrow that Crystal ball? :'( can we borrow yours? I'm making a calculated estimate. Not a bold unsupported statement. :'(
p.s. You remember what happened last time to a game that was hyped "Halo-killer" Yeah. Get out.imothissucks
[QUOTE="walter09"]One thing is for sure ... Microsoft is not going to sell more consoles with the release of Halo 3. :Pyo_foothats absolutely true. Because people who are interested in Halo bought gears. And I know that Halo 3 will not beat Gears Of War's score. :'(
Hmm.....  :P No seriously, no one can tell the future.Â
[QUOTE="imothissucks"][QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="Gigas_Yuu"]Rofl. Halo 3 will STOMP Resistance in sales, gameplay and everything else. Nice try with the whole trying to be fair thing. It really doesn't work out.nice. Could I borrow that Crystal ball? :'( can we borrow yours? I'm making a calculated estimate. Not a bold unsupported statement. :'(
p.s. You remember what happened last time to a game that was hyped "Halo-killer" Yeah. Get out.yo_foo
[QUOTE="coolviper2003"]Everyone, just ignore yo_foo. Yo_foo provides no factual evidence, just an opinion based on very little (looking at a few screenshots and past disappointment with Halo 2 is how yo_foo came to the conclusion that Halo 3 will suck :roll: ). If yo_foo thinks the game will suck, just let it be. This person obviously thinks highly of themselves, and since when can you reason with fanboys anyway? Yo_foo's logic is obvously flawed and the fact that this thread is so long shows unwillingness to admit defeat. Why argue with somone who's been owned countless times yet doesn't admit it? Just let this thread die everyone.yo_fooI am saying that Halo 3 is unoriginal. That's why people will get sick of it! :'( So are most other games. Very few games nowadays are truly original. And why would Halo 3 need to be super original? The trilogy needs to be finished, and the game really only needs tweaks and added elements to make it great. Why completely redo the gameplay when there really isn't anything wrong with it? People who will buy Halo 3 will expect it to play like Halo, not Fear or RFOM, because then it wouldn't be Halo.
[QUOTE="imothissucks"][QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="Gigas_Yuu"]Rofl. Halo 3 will STOMP Resistance in sales, gameplay and everything else. Nice try with the whole trying to be fair thing. It really doesn't work out.nice. Could I borrow that Crystal ball? :'( can we borrow yours? I'm making a calculated estimate. Not a bold unsupported statement. :'(
p.s. You remember what happened last time to a game that was hyped "Halo-killer" Yeah. Get out.yo_foo
So my calculated estimate that Final Fantasy and Metroid will be gaming failures cause they are in most degrees a similar game to the last ones and I dont like them? No dice.
[QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="coolviper2003"]Everyone, just ignore yo_foo. Yo_foo provides no factual evidence, just an opinion based on very little (looking at a few screenshots and past disappointment with Halo 2 is how yo_foo came to the conclusion that Halo 3 will suck :roll: ). If yo_foo thinks the game will suck, just let it be. This person obviously thinks highly of themselves, and since when can you reason with fanboys anyway? Yo_foo's logic is obvously flawed and the fact that this thread is so long shows unwillingness to admit defeat. Why argue with somone who's been owned countless times yet doesn't admit it? Just let this thread die everyone.coolviper2003I am saying that Halo 3 is unoriginal. That's why people will get sick of it! :'( So are most other games. Very few games nowadays are truly original. And why would Halo 3 need to be super original? The trilogy needs to be finished, and the game really only needs tweaks and added elements to make it great. Why completely redo the gameplay when there really isn't anything wrong with it? People who will buy Halo 3 will expect it to play like Halo, not Fear or RFOM, because then it wouldn't be Halo. i'm saying people will get sick of playing the same thing over and over again. Lack of originality means repetitive tasks. I bet you wouldn't like working at say...a checkout and doing the same thing for 9 hours every day? :'(
nice. Could I borrow that Crystal ball? :'( can we borrow yours? I'm making a calculated estimate. Not a bold unsupported statement. :'([QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="imothissucks"][QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="Gigas_Yuu"]Rofl. Halo 3 will STOMP Resistance in sales, gameplay and everything else. Nice try with the whole trying to be fair thing. It really doesn't work out.
p.s. You remember what happened last time to a game that was hyped "Halo-killer" Yeah. Get out.DHReese
So my calculated estimate that Final Fantasy and Metroid will be gaming failures cause they are in most degrees a similar game to the last ones and I dont like them? No dice.
Metroid is possible but Final Fantasy no because there are many changes evident in each FF game. :'(so lets start betting. ALL who think it will not be successful must leave if it is and vice versa. now.....exactly what is successfull? i say about 1 million copies is pretty successful. but ill give you a little room, well say...........3 million. i say that halo 3 will sell at least 3 million copies. with over 1 million ON THE FIRST DAY.lespaul1919No! Sales don't make a game great! 50 Cent Bulletproof must have been one of the most successful games if thats the case. :'(
saying halo 3 wont be successful is like saying MGS4 wont successful of course they willboyinfridgeNo. MGS4 will be successful in both sales and gameplay because they are all set in different scenarios. Halo is pretty much the same thing in the same world. :'(
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