Honestly, I don't like the idea of this.
Halo 4 probably have used all DVD's space, so they have to use DLC to push more content to my 20GB hard drive? No thanks, I'll give it a miss. Not good enough.
This goes to show just how necessary the Blu-ray is.
My broken 360 was 20GB as well, that ran out real fast. I'm debating about getting a new 360 or not, but don't know if it's worth dropping $300 for, and XBL isn't worth it to me, maybe if I find it cheaper somewhere like $20 for a year or whatever like some Lems say you can. But even then I'm not really paying for anything I'm not getting on PSN aside from cross game chat. Which I can live without.
Next gen the Xbox will have Blu Ray, it's necessary this gen and it will no doubt be necessary next gen. Funny how 360 owners bash it but next gen they will love it. 360 has some good games, but I don't know if it's worth getting a 360 without XBL. Is halo even worth owning without it? That is my dilemma.
I don't really know but online multiplayer is obviously the main meat of the game. The story in the Halo franchise is not as good as Uncharted and Killzone. PS3 is where quality single player is, thanks to the additional capacity provided by Blu-ray as it allowed more high quality cutscenes and good set pieces. So I think you should forget about the 360 and stick with your PS3.
Honestly, when my 360 dies, I doubt I'll get another one. It's not worth it anymore.
Well as far as storyline goes, I think Halo is better than Killzones but not by much. I have a bunch of old Xbox 1 games I got, which the 360 could be BC with some of them, and I still have a few 360 games around and the 360 has some good games for it like Witcher 2 and Halo 4 is looking alright now.
I agree they don't even come close to anything like UC or the upcoming TLOU. But they still are fun I suppose. Just I don't think XBL is really worth it, I'm not going to pay $60 a year just for cross game chat, that's the only difference when it comes to online gaming.
I already pay for PS+ which is a GREAT deal, XBL Gold doesn't match up to it at all. So without XBL I'm not sure if Halo or Gears will be worth it at all, I wouldn't be getting the full experience.
Way I see it:
360 = bad SP but good MP
PS3 = good SP and good MP
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