Really? Because I have an XBL account on my friends 360 and I see no such deal and I'm a silver member. Even when his Gold runs out he sees no such deal either. I did however see it when I first made one, but that only for a week or so.
Is that what you do with your Gold account?
It's been happening to me as well. Eveytime my gold expires, I either geta 1$ for 1 month or 2$ for 2 months.
I've seen threads about this in the 360 section, so I'm guessing this is a pretty common occurrence.
Well that's like dirt cheap then, still is there a catch to it then? I don't use CC, I don't like putting it online.
I could easily do that, but I haven't seen the deal myself too much. Still then it would be $300 for Halo and a couple other games, maybe some multiplats and XBL titles, and BC with some Xbox 1 games.
I could get a 3DS instead though, hmm.....
You got to be careful when you put your card information on it - It's Microsoft we are talking about! They hate to see your money disappear from their greedy sweaty hands.
I had issues removing my card details and trying to turn off Xbox Live auto-renewal. I was forced to pay £40 when I didn't want to!
Just be careful, pal.
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