YIPPIE :] ;}
" Big things are afoot in Redmond, Washington. Following confirmation that the next Halo will release later this year, 343 Industries is shifting production up a gear with a reshuffle of its core creative team, which has led to a host of internal promotions and new hires"
"With ex-LucasArts and Crystal Dynamics alum Tim Longo recently joining the Halo team as its creative director, former creative director Josh Holmes has taken on the role of Halo 5's executive producer, heading up the internal development team. Holmes is now responsible for "overall project leadership and business ownership," as the man himself explained in a blog post on Halo Waypoint. As for Halo 4's exec producer, Kiki Wolfkill, Holmes assured readers that she was still at 343, "developing exciting new stories, experiences and technologies that will transform the way you experience Halo. She will have more to share at a later date," he continued, "but I can promise that what she is working on is really cool."
"Newly appointed art director Nicolas 'Sparth' Bouview, whose previous credits include the Assassin's Creed franchise as well as RAGE and Prince of Persia, has big plans for the future of the series. Taking over from previous art director and 343 founding member Kenneth Scott, Bouview was lead concept artist for Halo 4 - so already knows his way around the franchise. Scott, however, will still be working remotely on the title as a visual design consultant - in his underwear, he claims, in case you were wondering: "those Skype meetings will get awkward..." Bouview's introduction on Halo Waypoint was accompanied by a sneak peek of a piece of his concept art; "an early exploration of a new location that features prominently in a little game project we're tinkering with..." No prizes for guessing which project 343 is referring to there
Those aren't the only Halo-related hires that have happened over the last few months, however. Joe Staten, Bungie's lead writer and cinematics director, and the man responsible for penning practically every Halo from the 2001 original right up to Halo: Reach in 2010, left Bungie last September. This occurred just as the studio was deep into development on Destiny - on which he was working as a writer and design director."
"So what do we know about the new Halo so far, other than Microsoft expects it to be in our hands by the year's end? Rumours suggest it'll be preceded by a TV series - the one that's being helmed by Hollywood legend Steven Spielberg, no less"
a very good two page article on whats been going on with the new next gen Halo game. what i've quote in here isn't even the bulk of the article. anyone sincerely interested in the game should do themselves a favor and read it for themselves.
besides re-confirming that the game is due for this actual year they also went on to speak about the direction and gameplay aspects they're are trying to implement to this game and franchise. about how they're trying to take it in new directions as well as perfect the Halo formula that it's fans love about the game. who woulda thunk it...a first party team trying something new with one of their games despite it being a familiar franchise. them not just throwing more paint on it to pretend its great even though its still the same old last gen crap...looking at you Sony/Infamous/The Order...etc.
they seem to have acquired the talent, have a plan and ideas, and are progressing forward nicely. E3 is going to be big for Halo fans this year.
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