@goldenelementxl: I don't think anyone has mentioned "Colt", "Dealer", or "RDX" on this forum more than you..
And nobody has tweeted at them as much as you.
And they‘ve been sourced here plenty. Don’t do that...
@goldenelementxl: I don't think anyone has mentioned "Colt", "Dealer", or "RDX" on this forum more than you..
And nobody has tweeted at them as much as you.
And they‘ve been sourced here plenty. Don’t do that...
@goldenelementxl: I don't think anyone has mentioned "Colt", "Dealer", or "RDX" on this forum more than you..
And nobody has tweeted at them as much as you.
And they‘ve been sourced here plenty. Don’t do that...
You can do better than that. 😂
@Pedro: Xbox is the ones trying to showcase halo infinite as a visual splendor when they showcase the new engine.
They showcase their new engine. So, what? As I have said, if you want fancy graphics look no further than Hellblade 2.
for xbox to pay billions to 343 it should be the best looking game. sorry it just should. hellblade 2 doesn't even have half that budget but yet will look better.
flag ship games 99% are the best looking games in the industry.
no excuse for 343 for it not to be series x best looking game to date.
it should be on par with horizon forbid west or ratchet and clank or demon souls or miles ect.
@dabear: "Do some research before you self own like this..."
More like lems are being owned everywhere because they kept claiming xsx were the better more powerful console and yet their first flagship title will be fugly lmao.
Halo was a technical showcase for the power of the consoles back in the day and no amount of spinning will change that.
And again, if this game aced in the graphics department, y'all would be championing it. All of this is pure damage control.
I'm certainly glad I'm not stuck with the Turd box consoles, all and all, if anything, if I end up playing Halo Infinite it'll be on PC with mods that enhance the original objectively INFERIOR graphics.
Let's see. On one hand, there's your opinion. A cow fanboy. On the other hand, there is Gamespot's reviews of every Halo game, which back up what I say...
Hmmm, I wonder which one I should continue to believe...
@dabear: Damn! You triggered him good.😂
I don't know why people can't just go look at the gamespot reviews for past Halo games. Or, just read my quotes from those reviews.
Is it that hard?
I mean, I even made the relevant text bold, and linked the review(s).
@goldenelementxl: i barely tweet and i can tweet at absolutely anyone i choose to.. and what does twitter have to do with anything?.. and how do you know anything about my twitter activity?.. why do you even care about my twitter activity?..
so many questions with likely creepy and uncomfortable answers..
again, noone mentions "Colt", "Dealer", or "RDX" here more than you.. that's just a fact.. clearly, you have some kind of unhealthy obsession with them..
and apparently you have an unhealthy obsession with me if you're stalking me on social media.. "don't do that"..
@Pedro: Xbox is the ones trying to showcase halo infinite as a visual splendor when they showcase the new engine.
They showcase their new engine. So, what? As I have said, if you want fancy graphics look no further than Hellblade 2.
for xbox to pay billions to 343 it should be the best looking game. sorry it just should. hellblade 2 doesn't even have half that budget but yet will look better.
flag ship games 99% are the best looking games in the industry.
no excuse for 343 for it not to be series x best looking game to date.
it should be on par with horizon forbid west or ratchet and clank or demon souls or miles ect.
Uh….when did xbox pay 343 “Billions”?
@Antwan3K: Lol, come on. I stumbled upon them when trying to figure out where you and RonBot were getting this “Scorpio won’t need patches to update games“ nonsense. I’ve since subbed to Dealer‘s channels. The dude is talented. (But also wrong as much as he’s right. And he’s been blacklisted on Era. He’s a very polarizing personality) I stumbled across your Twitter when looking at a silly Colt tweet. It’s funny how whenever I see ridiculous Xbox fanboyism on the internet, you’re somehow present. I’ve NEVER run across a Tormentos anywhere but here. You carry your SW persona into the real world. That’s fascinating to me.
And you don’t have to mention Colt and Dealer. Your “opinions” are regurgitations of things those guys say every week. I know because I listen to them, and interact with you here. So when I say you’re following a script, I’m not talking trash. You clearly follow the ”Xbot“ playbook. To the goddamn letter... I’ll never understand the type of brand loyalty you practice.
for xbox to pay billions to 343 it should be the best looking game. sorry it just should. hellblade 2 doesn't even have half that budget but yet will look better.
flag ship games 99% are the best looking games in the industry.
no excuse for 343 for it not to be series x best looking game to date.
it should be on par with horizon forbid west or ratchet and clank or demon souls or miles ect.
What billions are you talking about?
Who made that rule that "flag ship" games supposed to be the best looking games in the industry?
Why does it need to be the best looking game to date/ever made?
Why should it look on par with Horizon Forbidden West or Ratchet and Clank or Demon's Souls or Miles Morales?
You are creating expectations that were never set and you are pretending that these expectations are industry standard.
I would be surprised if they where top consider when they showed it last year it looked like a Xbox 360 game lol. Yeah they might have gotten better sense then but I don't think they are going to go from way behind in graphics to around the best. If they are just ok looking it would be a big step up from what was shown last year.
Actually it looked great last year, even though it was in alpha form and didn't have the majority of the assets ready. But the still shots of a couple areas that were zoomed in on didn't look that good. Glad they were still working on it.
That shot with the helmet there looked good but the game play they showed last year looked like a joke.
@goldenelementxl: yeah all that sounds very likely.. /sarcasm
you clearly listen to RDX more than i do.. it's not in the top 5 of my favorite gaming podcasts and not even in the top 3 of Xbox related podcasts that i listen to.. and considering the fact that i usually have time to listen to one or two gaming podcasts a week, that's a clear sign that i listen to them way less than you do..
And it's amazing that you think I, an Xbox fan, have to "follow a script" in order to feel positive about the direction of the brand.. the entire industry as a whole is far more positive about Xbox at the start of this generation than last generation and the reasons for that are very evident.. you don't have to follow a script to know why Xbox is winning in PR right now and why the future outlook is very bright..
you're just clearly obsessed with these guys and you've seemingly added me to the mix.. you even slipped up and used my real name in one of your meltdowns on this very website.. I let it slide then but now it's definitely moved into creepy territory.. again, "don't do that"..
@Antwan3K: You’ve lowered the bar of success so low, it’s impossible for you to not feel good about the direction of the brand. We have to ignore hardware sales, hardware availability, software sales, services and subscription revenue etc to come to the conclusion that Xbox is successful. But, “the entire industry as a whole is far more positive about Xbox at the start of this generation than last generation.” You can’t be serious with that statement. It’s IMPOSSIBLE for the Xbox image to be lower in favorability than it was last gen. Winning in PR?! To who? When is a Xbox “win” in PR gonna turn into something real?!??
Xbox has more studios and has made access to their games easier. That hasn’t turned into more profit or revenue, but you’re happy. If your happiness = Xbox is successful, then I’m happy for you and Xbox. 🙄
I live in a results based reality...
I would be surprised if they where top consider when they showed it last year it looked like a Xbox 360 game lol. Yeah they might have gotten better sense then but I don't think they are going to go from way behind in graphics to around the best. If they are just ok looking it would be a big step up from what was shown last year.
Actually it looked great last year, even though it was in alpha form and didn't have the majority of the assets ready. But the still shots of a couple areas that were zoomed in on didn't look that good. Glad they were still working on it.
That shot with the helmet there looked good but the game play they showed last year looked like a joke.
Only select zoomed in areas looked like a joke. Most of it looked great.
I would be surprised if they where top consider when they showed it last year it looked like a Xbox 360 game lol. Yeah they might have gotten better sense then but I don't think they are going to go from way behind in graphics to around the best. If they are just ok looking it would be a big step up from what was shown last year.
Actually it looked great last year, even though it was in alpha form and didn't have the majority of the assets ready. But the still shots of a couple areas that were zoomed in on didn't look that good. Glad they were still working on it.
That shot with the helmet there looked good but the game play they showed last year looked like a joke.
Only select zoomed in areas looked like a joke. Most of it looked great.
So great that they delayed it by a year 😎😊😂🤣
@goldenelementxl: you spouted all that but you still can't illustrate how what I said is incorrect.. Xbox has tons of positive PR right now when they got destroyed in terms of PR at the beginning of last gen.. is that an incorrect statement?.. is that not a fact?..
also, yes, they now have 23 studios and have made accessing their games easier across the board.. that's a good thing for me, an Xbox fan.. if you value revenue reports so much, great!!.. that's your priority.. my priority is what's good for my gaming time and my wallet.. investing in 1st party content, Game Pass, backwards compatibility, cross-buy on PC, and more are exactly that.. again, how is that such an "Xbot" thing to say?.. I'm just acknowledging the good things they are doing for Xbox gamers and it seems to eat you up inside..
You've really lost it dude.. I simply stated that you mention "Colt", "Dealer", and "RDX" more than anyone here.. a certifiable fact.. and even worse, you probably listen to their content more than anyone else here.. yet instead of just recognizing that reality and moving on, you're back with personal attacks that border on stalking.. all because i stated a FACT..
step away from the keyboard dude..
my priority is what's good for my gaming time and my wallet.. investing in 1st party content, Game Pass, backwards compatibility, cross-buy on PC, and more are exactly that.. again, how is that such an "Xbot" thing to say?.. I'm just acknowledging the good things they are doing for Xbox gamers and it seems to eat you up inside..
You come into System Wars refusing to recognize any of the metrics that measure success among these competitors. And yes, they are still competitors. Your wallet is something that should be discussed in the Xbox board, not here. Hell, EVERYTHING you discuss belongs in that board more than here. Crowning Xbox for “winning” PR is like giving a Super Bowl trophy to the NFL team with lowest concession prices and the best fan giveaways. What do those things have to do with the points on the scoreboard?
Or, we can rename the board “Antwan’s Wallet Wars”.
@goldenelementxl: so "value" has no place in System Wars?.. gotcha.. that's a really convenient way to downplay what Game Pass brings to the table.. I suppose once those 23 game studios kick into gear with consistent releases (directly into GAME PASS), we can't discuss that either..
you're mental..
i can't remember a single time that i cared about which company is making the most revenue as to why i came to System Wars.. I came here talking about PS2 vs Xbox and i was discussing how many great games the PS2 had versus the better hardware and online of the Xbox.. and as always, it boiled down to personal preference.. what you "value" more as a consumer.. where does "revenue" enter the conversation?..
you're arguably the only one that tries to shoehorn revenue into these threads so maybe you're the one that needs to go to another board for discussions.. maybe some type of "Golden's gaming financials" board.. because here in System Wars, the overall value a gaming brand is providing to their customers is not only a fair discussion to be had, it's arguable the most important discussion..
@Antwan3K: @goldenelementxl: Game where you want, on what you want and have fun. 😁
I do. That’s why I have multiples of all the consoles. I’m a gaming enthusiast. Not a shill for a specific company.
@Pedro: that's what i do.. and i do so without worrying about who's "first place" in revenue..
right now, based upon my personal preferences, Xbox is legitimately providing a better product for me than what i'm seeing on the PlayStation side.. I actually couldn't wholeheartedly say that for most of last generation other than i prefer online multiplayer.. other than that, Sony was providing the better box up until the Xbox One X and Game Pass were introduced.. that was the tipping point in my opinion..
Sure, Sony is dominating in revenue.. but i'm not worried about that.. they are charging you $70 per game on a single device while Xbox is providing their content in Game Pass across as many devices as possible.. that's much more important for me and it's also a valid topic of discussion in System Wars..
@Antwan3K: Value has a place here. Most people don’t value the Xbox library. Xbox has even recognized this, which is why they’re buying up what they can. When the 23 studios start to kick in, we can properly address that. Until then, most don’t place the value in Game Pass that you do. I gladly spend the $15 a month for Ultimate. But I value Nintendo’s first party more, and others seem to value the PS library more. I don’t really care for their movie games, but Returnal and R&C are undeniably better than what Xbox has launched recently. And here we have Xbox goons on Twitter damage controlling Halo Infinite months before it’s release. As it stands right now, the draw for the Series X is its power advantage, but the toolz have kinda goofed that up.
I‘d rather spend $60-$70 for good games than $15 for a bunch of mid. Luckily I don’t have to choose and just get it all.
Whats this BS about halo NOT being about graphics?...the first game was amazing for its time, visually...same goes with Halo 2 pushing the original xbox even further....halo 3 and 4 both looked amazing aswell. I'm starting to think the whole cross gen developement hit the game hard and they had to keep the last gen consoles in mind..hence the downgrade if it indeed doesn't look on par...........we shall see.
@Antwan3K: Value has a place here. Most people don’t value the Xbox library. Xbox has even recognized this, which is why they’re buying up what they can. When the 23 studios start to kick in, we can properly address that. Until then, most don’t place the value in Game Pass that you do.
but that value is still up for debate on a case-by-case basis.. it'll be up for debate again after E3.. it'll be up for debate again after Halo Infinite.. it'll be up for debate again if rumors of Battlefield 6 coming to Game Pass are true.. it'll be up for debate again if Microsoft makes another acquisition.. so if "value" has a place here for discussion, what are you moo'ing about?..
and i don't come here representing "most".. i come here giving my own personal opinions on how I find value in what these companies are providing..
do you base all your decisions, enjoyment, and buying habits based upon what "most" people purchase or support?.. I guess your favorite NFL team is whoever has the best record at the moment?.. if not, then i have every right to be a fan of the Xbox brand and applaud the strategies they are putting in place that directly add value to my gaming hobby..
@goldenelementxl said:
Luckily I don’t have to choose and just get it all.
Do you honestly believe i can't afford a PlayStation or don't like Sony?.. i had a PS1, PS2, and PS3.. I chose not to get a PS4 because last generation had the absolute most overlap in multiplats ever and i barely have time to play what's available on one console, let alone two.. and now those "bangers" i missed are either on or coming to PC.. Horizon: Zero Dawn is looking and running great at 60fps on my PC and i enjoy the game..
if i end up seeing enough reason to get a PS5, i will.. grow up, dude..
@hardwenzen: yup because it wasn’t done. 😂😂😂 Fucking COVID 😂😂
5 years and literally nothing was done. Not only graphics sucked. Animations were early 2000's level.
@hardwenzen: and you still make up shit 😂😂
You shill too much. Stop.
The game is a mess. 5 years. 6 years. it doesn't matter. its a mess.
@Pedro: i really hope you didn't think any of this has an affect on my gaming enjoyment.. i'm currently going through the Yakuza series thanks to Game Pass and really enjoying it.. and i'm looking forward to The Ascent dropping into Game Pass soon to give it a try, along with Warhammer Darktide, Stalker 2, Halo Infinite, and others..
again, not sure what "3rd place" or "revenue" has to do what that enjoyment but apparently other people's enjoyment is a sore spot for some others..
Saying Halo was Graphics King is like saying Destiny is graphics king, halo has never been graphics king, closes it ever got to that title was 1.. and other games on PC still looked way better at the time, NG looked better, hell crimson skies looked better lol
do you base all your decisions, enjoyment, and buying habits based upon what "most" people purchase or support?.. I guess your favorite NFL team is whoever has the best record at the moment?.. if not, then i have every right to be a fan of the Xbox brand and applaud the strategies they are putting in place that directly add value to my gaming hobby..
Nope. I buy what I want. And I base all opinions and criticisms on my experience with the products. I bash the PS exclusives based on my experience with them. I praise Nintendo based on my experience. I prefer Xbox over PS because of my experience.
As for the NFL comparison, no I’m not a bandwagon jumper. I’m a Detroit Lions fan. I’ve had season tickets, and been going to games for over a decade. I am by far the most critical of that team among all of my friends and family. And until that team starts to succeed on the field, I will continue to be critical. This city is run by the most inept owners in pro sports.
Im an Xbox fan and choose to be critical where I see fit. Nintendo can get theirs too. PS almost isn’t worth my time outside of a couple great games and a cool feature here and there. I want Xbox to be running things in the U.S. Xbox offering “value” isn’t gonna do that. Value and “consumer friendly” have proven to be buzzwords as in this industry. Those phrases are meaningless. The 23 studios stuff is their best chance, but I’m not sure we can wait as long as is needed. This games drought is allowing the other two to gain too much momentum. But Xbox being 3rd doesn’t change my enjoyment of the console or games, but I like discussing the competition in the industry too.
@Pedro: ..
again, not sure what "3rd place" or "revenue" has to do what that enjoyment but apparently other people's enjoyment is a sore spot for some others..
Nope, just not sure how your enjoyment is SW related...
But Xbox being 3rd doesn’t change my enjoyment of the console or games,
that really should be the beginning and end of our interactions here.. but somehow it isn't..
i dont care about "1st place in revenue" like you do.. please try to keep that in mind the next time you reply to one of my posts..
@hardwenzen: your post history is what one would call a mess. You try wayyy too hard to troll and you still fail. Just stop.
The only Halo game with top-tier visuals was 4. The others looked good, but were never the showcase people hyped them up to be. Fortunately the games were fun, so everyone just kinda looked passed it.
As long as this plays well, I'll probably pick it up on PC.
But Xbox being 3rd doesn’t change my enjoyment of the console or games,
that really should be the beginning and end of our interactions here.. but somehow it isn't..
i dont care about "1st place in revenue" like you do.. please try to keep that in mind the next time you reply to one of my posts..
Well stay out of the financials/sales threads, and stop peddling Game Pass in System Wars and we shouldn’t have a problem.
Well stay out of the financials/sales threads, and stop peddling Game Pass in System Wars and we shouldn’t have a problem.
"peddling Game Pass"?.. you literally just agreed that Game Pass (among other features) can represent "value" and value is open for discussion.. it seems you can't even keep track of your own statements..
and as far as financials/sales threads, you also claim that i don't participate in those discussions anyway (which is mostly true).. i usually just comment on engagement and subscription numbers because active users and subscribers are the new install base and the higher those numbers, the more leverage they have to get 2nd and 3rd party deals done.. (ie "value" for me).. i'll continue to leave the revenue talk to you and.. .. .. um, well it's usually just you since no one else seems to care..🤷♂️
so according to you ^, we shouldn't have a problem yet you clearly seem to have a problem with my posts.. hopefully that is resolved and you can keep that in mind the next time you're about to hit the "reply" button on something i say..
@Antwan3K: Those financials and sales threads are among the most active on this board, so it’s clearly more than just me.
You pop in on the Xbox financials threads talking about how impressive they are, yet are absent when the other 2 release much more impressive numbers. Strange... (not really)
@goldenelementxl: because i literally don't care how good or bad the other two are doing.. if you'd be honest for a single second, you'd see that i'm usually not in any PlayStation or Nintendo threads.. because i don't care.. the only thing i care about is that the gaming industry in general is healthy because competition is good for me, the consumer..
see the trend there?..
you seem to care more about these companies' wallets than anything else.. i don't.. i couldn't care less about what million, billion, and trillion dollar companies are making..
i just want to see how healthy the product is.. an imaginary "1st place trophy" for a company that i don't work for is meaningless.. as long as Xbox is gaining active users and subscribers, which is growing the install base and ensuring future support, i'm good.. as long as Sony and Nintendo are doing great in order to keep them honest, i'm good..
anything beyond that is me seeing how far fanboys can sink into these outdated arguments.. and it seems you're right there in the mud with all the other rabid cows, sheep, and lemmings.. you keep trying to call me an Xbox fanboy when i'm simply an Xbox fan.. if you could quit blindly System Warring for 3 seconds, you'd see that..
@goldenelementxl: because i literally don't care how good or bad the other two are doing.. if you'd be honest for a single second, you'd see that i'm usually not in any PlayStation or Nintendo threads.. because i don't care.. the only thing i care about is that the gaming industry in general is healthy because competition is good for me, the consumer..
see the trend there?..
you seem to care more about these companies' wallets than anything else.. i don't.. i couldn't care less about what million, billion, and trillion dollar companies are making..
i just want to see how healthy the product is.. an imaginary "1st place trophy" for a company that i don't work for is meaningless.. as long as Xbox is gaining active users and subscribers, which is growing the install base and ensuring future support, i'm good.. as long as Sony and Nintendo are doing great in order to keep them honest, i'm good..
anything beyond that is me seeing how far fanboys can sink into these outdated arguments.. and it seems you're right there in the mud with all the other rabid cows, sheep, and lemmings.. you keep trying to call me an Xbox fanboy when i'm simply an Xbox fan.. if you could quit blindly System Warring for 3 seconds, you'd see that..
Again, you seem like you're lost. The forum you're looking for is over here.
I only care about what the companies are making in the context of this board and the discussions here. I don't lose any sleep over who makes what or finishes where. I'm a Sega fanboy refugee after all.
And I could call into question many points in arguments you've made here, and in the past, but you won't answer any of the questions honestly so there's no point. You care about competition when it fits your narrative, but ignore competition when it doesn't. If Microsoft wasn't struggling with marketshare and revenue, you wouldn't be getting things like the Bethesda deal or Game Pass at the rate you currently are. Those aren't moves industry leaders make... But you ignore all that and move the goalpost to your wallet and the "value." Anyone that can claim to only be a fan and consumer of a single company in the industry is nuts to me. You're missing out on so much. To come into System Wars and ignore 2/3 of the industry seems disingenuous. And to ignore every metric while claiming Xbox is winning PR is wild.
"an imaginary "1st place trophy" for a company that i don't work for is meaningless.." But running a PR campaign on System Wars for a company you don't work for is worth your time? Being an industry leader in hardware, software, revenue and profits isn't "imaginary." But winning PR is as close to imaginary as it gets... Every move Phil is making is an attempt to put them in PlayStation or Nintendo's shoes
lol u two should begin a podcast or something.
I think that would be a lot of fun. That's something SW should have expanded on since the days @TheEroica, @Heil68 and @Animal-Mother were doing their thing.
@goldenelementxl: still wearing those fanboy goggles i see..
I've been coming to this forum since 2005.. the idea that i can't come here without fanboying for a specific faction shows exactly how delusional you are..
i can be pro-Xbox without being anti-PlayStation or anti-Nintendo.. I don't have to engage in an imaginary contest in order to appreciate and discuss the current events in the industry..
as far as Microsoft making acquisitions and creating Game Pass, that's the beauty of competition, genius.. competition breeds value for consumers.. something i literally championed in the post you're currently responding too.. but you seem to think "value" is meaningless in comparison to whichever company is making the most revenue.. Xbox can be "3rd place" in revenue until the end of time.. as long as they are providing me the best value for my personal preferences, that's all that matters..
if you disagree, you're clueless..
again, keep in mind that i don't care about "Revenue Wars" the next time you respond to my posts..
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