Is this thread in response to how subpar the graphics are in the recently flopped Infamous 2?
Cool story bro,Reguardless of Infamous 2's score, it is still easily the most polished, high production value game ive played this gen, and ive played almost all major releases this gen.I love how lemmings would rather force themself to HATE polish and production values, and tell themselves they dont matter just because they cant use it as ammo on the imaginary console warz, instead of just wishing/demanding those same production values from a top tier franchize like Halo.
Why is it always the people who cant use "graphics/visuals/production values" to their advantage always the first ones to cry "buu..buu..buu, graphix =/= gameplay", as if the two are mutually exclusive or something? They are like the fat girl in highschool who never shuts the hell up about how the hot cheerleader is such a slut.
Infamous 2 is the most fun game I have played probably since the PSone/N64 days. In my opinion, if Sony can put that much production value into a previously obscure franchise like that, there is absolutely no reason a top tier franchise like Halo (which has a higher budget, sells more, and has a longer development time) cant do the same. This is not to bash reach because Halo is an excellent franchize, but god damn, give credit where it is due. Stop acting like if you had a choice to improve Halo's graphics you would say "no".
opinions are fun arent they. you get the same..... "Cool story bro". cant say theres games that are more fun out there, thats subjective, but hey to each their own i guess.
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