[QUOTE="_SWAG_"]does every ps3 game look good?they look better than 360 ones in my eyesi agree with this 10 thousand percent and i think this goes for every 360 game too in my eyes
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Simple fact it Halo get's "pass" scores because of unseen factors regardless of it's lack of actual quality.casharmyYou can prove facts. You can't prove this, so it isn't a fact. I know this cool guy named Binky who helps with this sort of stuff. You want me to give you his website?
does every ps3 game look good?[QUOTE="slvrraven9"][QUOTE="_SWAG_"]
i agree with this 10 thousand percent and i think this goes for every 360 game too in my eyes
lol, nice damage control.
the topic is about "halo Reach" not some random low budget 3rd party exclusve. Typically when it comes to high profile PS3 exclusive games, they do all look good. It's quite sad to try to damage control this, because Halo isxbox360's premire high profile exclusive for this gen, with only Gears and Forza to add to the listand that's it.
Simple fact it Halo get's "pass" scores because of unseen factors regardless of it's lack of actual quality. Now I can't talk about Reach because I haven't played it but I have played Halo 3 and man is that game trash, I really cant belive the nerve of some xbox fans who tryied to bash Infamous 1's gfx and turn aroundpraise this crappy looking thing.
Reach's mediocre graphics are made up by its huge vista of mulitplayer suites that no other console game has matched. And why are you arguining against the truth? Infamous 1 has not aged well, its sequel looks awesome making the predescessor look crap.
If Sony can make Infamous 2, Uncharted, god of war and Killzone look the way they do, there is absolutely no reason Microsoft couldnt do it with Halo.
Halo sells alot more, the games have a LONGER development cycle than all 3 of these games, and im sure Microsoft could foot the bill for a bigger budget alot easier than Sony could.
Even Halo 3 campaign looked like dog **** , Reach looks fine , far from impressive but at least it doesn't hurt the eyes , like its antecessor.
does every ps3 game look good?[QUOTE="slvrraven9"][QUOTE="_SWAG_"]
i agree with this 10 thousand percent and i think this goes for every 360 game too in my eyes
lol, nice damage control.
the topic is about "halo Reach" not some random low budget 3rd party exclusve. Typically when it comes to high profile PS3 exclusive games, they do all look good. It's quite sad to try to damage control this, because Halo isxbox360's premire high profile exclusive for this gen, with only Gears and Forza to add to the listand that's it.
Simple fact it Halo get's "pass" scores because of unseen factors regardless of it's lack of actual quality. Now I can't talk about Reach because I haven't played it but I have played Halo 3 and man is that game trash, I really cant belive the nerve of some xbox fans who tryied to bash Infamous 1's gfx and turn aroundpraise this crappy looking thing.
:| :lol: dude im not even gonna sit here and try and change your mind about something you have your mind made up on. you and fanboy i quoted seem to have your heart set and thats cool. typicaly xbox 360 exclusivegames have great graphics too.....care to try and change my mind? opinions are fun and what we think looks good is all opinion, nothing more. i think ps3 make great looking exclusives but to say ALL 360 exclusives look bad is absolutely ridiculous bro same as saying ALL ps3 exclusives look good, high profile or not. going by the reviewers scores...which is what we base our facts on around here, your and your friends opinions are wrong. currently playing inf 1 right now...yes i think theres a lot of 360 exclusives that look better. lol at your damage control mention! seriously bro!? :lol: not that serious! :lol:
Halo pass..... :| :lol: :lol: :cry: too funny!
Halo also has co-op support, and a lot going on on-screen, plus some really impressive tech stuff (HDR lighting, etc). A game like that is never going to be a graphics king.If Sony can make Infamous 2, Uncharted, god of war and Killzone look the way they do, there is absolutely no reason Microsoft couldnt do it with Halo.
Halo sells alot more, the games have a LONGER development cycle than all 3 of these games, and im sure Microsoft could foot the bill for a bigger budget alot easier than Sony could.
The HDR lighting from Halo 3 is gone in Reach and is now using a much lower precision model FP10, this is how they increased the resolution slightly but is still sub hd 1152 x 720. The temporal aa also creates a ghosting effect which further reduced the iq. Overall it's decent looking but far from the top tier on consoles.gpukingErr they used FP10 in Halo 3 too, it was just composed of two 1152x640p frame buffers added together (similar to real HDR photography). The HDR in Reach is fine. KZ3 for example doesn't even have HDR and it noticeable at times. However, it does feature fantastic IQ and the MLAA is a better AA solution then Temp AA is. May be sub HD still (however minute that difference is to true 720p) the texture filtering is two notches above Halo 3's. They can actually show off the very nice texture resolution off.
[QUOTE="slvrraven9"] does every ps3 game look good?Ironbash
lol, nice damage control.
the topic is about "halo Reach" not some random low budget 3rd party exclusve. Typically when it comes to high profile PS3 exclusive games, they do all look good. It's quite sad to try to damage control this, because Halo isxbox360's premire high profile exclusive for this gen, with only Gears and Forza to add to the listand that's it.
Simple fact it Halo get's "pass" scores because of unseen factors regardless of it's lack of actual quality. Now I can't talk about Reach because I haven't played it but I have played Halo 3 and man is that game trash, I really cant belive the nerve of some xbox fans who tryied to bash Infamous 1's gfx and turn aroundpraise this crappy looking thing.
Reach's mediocre graphics are made up by its huge vista of mulitplayer suites that no other console game has matched. And why are you arguining against the truth? Infamous 1 has not aged well, its sequel looks awesome making the predescessor look crap.
Since I don't have xbox live the campaign is all I'm left with. So it's my fault that I didn't fork over the ransome to access the orther portion of the game? :roll: so the part of the game that is good is the part that I have to pay extra for? Yeah that to me is a half *** game and is trash. Since the developers couldn't make the default portion of the game inpressive it doesn't deserve any praise.
Like I say the Halo get's pass scores for unseen factiors, by what people say when defending the game "bu but the multiplay portion is the greatest" they should realize something, the game isn't judged by the whole of it's parts like other games. Generally games that have good parts in one area but are crap in others get ripped (looks at Killzone 3 "reviewers man the game is great, but don't like the story 8.5") So no I pretend that the game is good when what I play is actually crap (not just the graphics either).
Dude, Super Mario Brothers looks like crap and it's still a great game. /threadNot to be a graphics whore...and i'm months late, i know. But i just picked this up today pre-owned...and damn. I'm shocked at how ugly this game is. I don't remember Halo 3 being this ugly? I know the Halo games aren't known for mindblowing graphics...but damn...it's just not fun to look at. It looks 5 years old.
Halo is the most overrated granchise in the history of gaming so the overrateness covers every aspect including graphics. kuraimenFor someone who started gaming last year I can see how it's overrated. For everyone else who was there when the first came out and actually played it, it wasn't.
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]Halo is the most overrated granchise in the history of gaming so the overrateness covers every aspect including graphics. Sgt_CrowFor someone who started gaming last year I can see how it's overrated. For everyone else who was there when the first came out and actually played it, it wasn't. I played it when it came out back then. Even though I enjoyed it, it failed to impress me, I couldn't understand what all the hype was about. I figured that maybe most people hyping it had never seen a FPS before or something.
[QUOTE="Sgt_Crow"][QUOTE="kuraimen"]Halo is the most overrated granchise in the history of gaming so the overrateness covers every aspect including graphics. kuraimenFor someone who started gaming last year I can see how it's overrated. For everyone else who was there when the first came out and actually played it, it wasn't. I played it when it came out back then. Even though I enjoyed it, it failed to impress me, I couldn't understand what all the hype was about. I figured that maybe most people hyping it had never seen a FPS before or something. It was revolutionary for FPS on consoles, and set the tone for pretty much every FPS game after that.
Too busy tb'ing nubs to do a graphical analysis. There are only two people that do that, those that get paid to do it and rabid fanboys that are disappointed with their console of choice.
That is the truth. I especially like the Gears 3/UC 3 graphics threads floating around here. Relax, folks, both games will look fantastic.Too busy tb'ing nubs to do a graphical analysis. There are only two people that do that, those that get paid to do it and rabid fanboys that are disappointed with their console of choice.
You seem to be confusing your opinion with fact.[QUOTE="clone01"][QUOTE="kuraimen"] That's probably due to how overrated and overhyped it became.tempest91
It's not on a Sony console, so that pretty much ensures that it's overrated and overhyped.
I know...Personally, I found MGS4 one of the most overrated games this gen. But I know its just my opinion, and others may disagree.[QUOTE="tempest91"][QUOTE="clone01"] You seem to be confusing your opinion with fact.clone01
It's not on a Sony console, so that pretty much ensures that it's overrated and overhyped.
I know...Personally, I found MGS4 one of the most overrated games this gen. But I know its just my opinion, and others may disagree.Discovering that difference is crucial for those who want to be taken seriously.
You seem to be confusing your opinion with fact.[QUOTE="clone01"][QUOTE="kuraimen"] That's probably due to how overrated and overhyped it became.tempest91
It's not on a Sony console, so that pretty much ensures that it's overrated and overhyped.
LMAO....wow bro! you know what proves the fact that its not overrated and overhyped? is that 10 years later people are still talking about H:CE, 4 years later were talking about H:3 and people are STILL comparing the latter to everyday shooters that come out today. overrated games dont get mentioned and compared to games that people constantly try and debate about how its better that its "rival" or any other games of its genre that people try and claim superiority about.....and some games that are not in its genre. the only people that overrate games and overhype them is people like you that constantly give focus and attention by trying to defame it and claim its less than X game of comparison. the same can be said for games like uncharted 1 and other memorable mentions. All jokes aside if halo was a multiplat at least half of you fanboys would be giving it praise for one reason or another. simply put.... Gamers, game. Fanboys wish it was on another system...It´s funny how in system wars there are only two kind of games. The best looking one and the crappy looking ones.
Personally, when it comes to consoles, i cant tell the technical diference between like 30 games. Many games look great being the art direction the only major diference.
it's kind of a bummer that so many people expect games with wide open areas that have to be animated to look like corridor shooters.
LOL. This thread. Some fantastic responses here. I love how i'm being accused of being some sort of fanboy or having some sort of ulterior motive because of my opinion. YIKES. I suppose this is system wars and i had that coming. I own all 3 consoles btw. I was just let down with the visuals in Reach. Doesn't mean i don't enjoy the game and so on. I just expected them to be more polished.cyclops10This. At least the people saying something negative about halo have actually taken the time to play and enjoy the damn games. Make a Killzone or Infamous thread, and see how much ignorant hate it gets by people who will NEVER play it.
[QUOTE="tempest91"][QUOTE="clone01"] Please stop. 360 fanboys are ALOT worse than cows at this. Every single damn game on PS3 is talked about like it is utter trash, except for Uncharted 2, and the only reason they dont bash that, is because cows will spam the massive list of awards the game got, not because they actually believe something on PS3 can be of quality. They dont even give PS3 games a chance lol. 360 fanboys also tend to speak out of ignorance ALOT more than cows. Look at games like the Killzone franchise. At least the guy bashing Halo has played the damn game. How many 360 fanboys who bash Killzone have even SEEN the game in person let alone played it? Killzone 2 and 3 are 91, and 84 on metacritic, but BOTH games are talked about by lemmings as if they scored in the 60's. When Cows bash games, more often than not, they are speaking from personal experience. When lemmings bash games, the majority of the time, they have never played, nor ever intend to play the game, and are speaking out of Ignorance/unhealthy Sony hate. And lems have the nerve to say cows are the worst :roll: Im a cow, but do you know what I do when i see Gears 3, or Forza threads? I dont even click on them. Why? Because I dont care about them, thats why. I hated Gears 2, but I acknowlege that people like it, and I wont go out of my way to bash something I simply dont care about. Yet, make a Killzone or Infamous thread, and theres more lemmings in it than cows. I promise you Lemmings HATE Sony alot more than Cows hate Microsoft.StrongDeadlift
you cannot provewhos played the game and who hasnt.so its nothing more than an assumption and as suchat this point cantbe proven as fact.... although im tempted to agree to a certain degree as you can SOMETIMES clearly tell whos making bogus claims and who isnt.
[QUOTE="cyclops10"]LOL. This thread. Some fantastic responses here. I love how i'm being accused of being some sort of fanboy or having some sort of ulterior motive because of my opinion. YIKES. I suppose this is system wars and i had that coming. I own all 3 consoles btw. I was just let down with the visuals in Reach. Doesn't mean i don't enjoy the game and so on. I just expected them to be more polished.StrongDeadliftThis. At least the people saying something negative about halo have actually taken the time to play and enjoy the damn games. Make a Killzone or Infamous thread, and see how much ignorant hate it gets by people who will NEVER play it.
and of course not that you were speaking to me directly id just like to point out for myself that i have played all the games (except K3) and i enjoy them all in their own different ways. of course people are entitled to their own opinions though, no matter what side of the field they choose to play
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