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One thing i have been wondering what was bigger halo or goldeneye (on nintendo 64)? Both games were extremly popular. Both games set the bar for FPS. Both games sold their consoles. Both games are Great. So what game made a bigger impact on the industry?EmperorZeruel
Halo was bigger, had more fans, and ended up enduring to a 3rd title while Goldeney ended with a crappy rehash. Most people keep talking about it because of nastolgia. Do me a favor, go back and play throught it again, play the multiplayer and see if you don't pull your hair out halfway through. The lack of dual analogs is really a pain.
Halo gave life the console FPS period. Before Halo there were very few FPS games and worst - FPS gamers. Most people could not comprehend the first person view and hated it. They were so use to seeing a person as they moved that they always ended up looking at the sky or floor as they played.
After Halo came out, it go so popular that First person view became practical, and it was easy to find people to challenge.
Golden eye has changed the FPS industry at that time. We all know Doom started it, but Goldeneye was a "Masterpiece". IMO, which should be a fact, it started the whole 3D FPS. Halo has set the bar as well for FPS today. However, it has not set the bar as high as goldeneye.
This is how i see it. Doom is the grandfather. Goldeneye is the father, and Halo is the son. Silly analogy, but that's how i see it.
What about Quake that made online fps a reality? Or Half Life who made fps story telling and scripted events amazing?Golden eye has changed the FPS industry at that time. We all know Doom started it, but Goldeneye was a "Masterpiece". IMO, which should be a fact, it started the whole 3D FPS. Halo has set the bar as well for FPS today. However, it has not set the bar as high as goldeneye.
This is how i see it. Doom is the grandfather. Goldeneye is the father, and Halo is the son. Silly analogy, but that's how i see it.
[QUOTE="EmperorZeruel"]One thing i have been wondering what was bigger halo or goldeneye (on nintendo 64)? Both games were extremly popular. Both games set the bar for FPS. Both games sold their consoles. Both games are Great. So what game made a bigger impact on the industry?mtron32
Halo was bigger, had more fans, and ended up enduring to a 3rd title while Goldeney ended with a crappy rehash. Most people keep talking about it because of nastolgia. Do me a favor, go back and play throught it again, play the multiplayer and see if you don't pull your hair out halfway through. The lack of dual analogs is really a pain.
If by crappy rehash you mean Goldeneye: Rogue Agent then I'll forgive you.
[QUOTE="EmperorZeruel"]One thing i have been wondering what was bigger halo or goldeneye (on nintendo 64)? Both games were extremly popular. Both games set the bar for FPS. Both games sold their consoles. Both games are Great. So what game made a bigger impact on the industry?mtron32
Halo was bigger, had more fans, and ended up enduring to a 3rd title while Goldeney ended with a crappy rehash. Most people keep talking about it because of nastolgia. Do me a favor, go back and play throught it again, play the multiplayer and see if you don't pull your hair out halfway through. The lack of dual analogs is really a pain.
i completely agree a few of my friends arent really in to games and when i go over there house they weall ways play goldeneye and i cant stand playing it.but back in the day itwas greatHalo gave life the console FPS period. Before Halo there were very few FPS games and worst - FPS gamers. Most people could not comprehend the first person view and hated it. They were so use to seeing a person as they moved that they always ended up looking at the sky or floor as they played.
After Halo came out, it go so popular that First person view became practical, and it was easy to find people to challenge.
You do know that Goldeneye sold more than eight million copies right? Which is the same as Halo 2 and more than Halo. And on top of that, the game hasgotten great reviewsall around.So to say that people hated FPS games beforeHalois just like saying the Halo games are a failure.
goldeneye was ahead of its time for when it came out, halo was just another shooter that we had seen that that point, i dont want to say it defined the FPS genre but, it definatly made alot of rules for it todayAnimal-MotherThere had never been an FPS like Halo outside the PC and few could stand up to it at the time.
Goldeneye revolutionised the console FPS especially in offline multiplayer letting players chose maps and weapons (a rare occurance before that point in time), Halo revolutionised Online multiplayer but in the campaign did nothing other shooters hadn't done already except using a diffrent artistic design model. Goldeneye sold over 8 million units around the same as Halo 2 and more than Halo. Goldeneye also spawned one of the greatest games ever as its sequel Perfect Dark (A game that along with Metroid gave women a voice in gaming instead of the usual machoism of FPS'S) if anything Rare did more that generation to forward gaming than any other dev team of a similar size, and if you look at current inovation it seams as if gaming is going backwards instead of forwards.
Credit where its due Halo made online multiplayer a reality on consoles but it doesn't hold a candle to Goldeneyes 700 watt light in terms of invovation (for there respective periods).
Gamespot also gave Goldeneye a 9.8 (for people that only rely on gmaescore reviews)
I think without goldeneye's influence on console FPSs halo could not have been what it is.laughingman42
Perfect Dark as well.
Put it this way, playing Goldeneye now would be painful. Playing Halo is still fun, playing Quake 3, Doom, UT etc... is still fun. Goldeneye was just the first FPS on a console that didnt completely suck, nothing more.TerroRizing
Did you even play it when it first came out?
[QUOTE="laughingman42"]I think without goldeneye's influence on console FPSs halo could not have been what it is.Kratos_OMEGA
Perfect Dark as well.
I agree. Perfect Dark was the best FPS. The only problem with it is that it was released during the N64's last days.
[QUOTE="TerroRizing"]Put it this way, playing Goldeneye now would be painful. Playing Halo is still fun, playing Quake 3, Doom, UT etc... is still fun. Goldeneye was just the first FPS on a console that didnt completely suck, nothing more.Kratos_OMEGA
Did you even play it when it first came out?
Yes, it was terrible compared to pc FPS at the time. Halo was the first console shooter that could compete with PC FPS. Even go back and read the reviews for Halo, /End Thread
I'm sorry, but this one isn't even a close call. To that idiot who said FPS wasn't relevant before HALO, don't post again and go have your mom make you a snack pack.
Pre-Goldeneye there was Doom, Duke Nukem, Castle Wolfand Quake that were making waves on the FPS scene. An established scene on PC. N64 launched with the promise of GE, but the game was delayed. If anyone remembers buying one at launch like me, once you got through Mario 64 and Wave Race, all you did was stare at the images of GE on the back of the console's box.
Then Star Wars Shadows of the Empire came out for N64 adding to a growing FPS genre on N64. FPS was established on consoles. Finally GoldenEye was released with perfect graphics and more importantly, perfect multi-player. The game dominated, and while it didn't do much that was groundbreaking, it did bring the MP experience to the masses and make the game a cultural phenomenon. Anyone in college when it came out can attest to that. What it did was perfect a recipe that was already in existence.
Halo simply used the same recipe with higher quality ingredients. Without GE, there would be no Halo. And that is said with respect to Halo - it has become a cultural phenomenon as well.
I recently broke out my N64 and played GE again. Still holds up. Gameplay is great and the graphics, while aged, are still nice.
I'm sorry, but this one isn't even a close call. To that idiot who said FPS wasn't relevant before HALO, don't post again and go have your mom make you a snack pack.
Pre-Goldeneye there was Doom, Duke Nukem, Castle Wolfand Quake that were making waves on the FPS scene. An established scene on PC. N64 launched with the promise of GE, but the game was delayed. If anyone remembers buying one at launch like me, once you got through Mario 64 and Wave Race, all you did was stare at the images of GE on the back of the console's box.
Then Star Wars Shadows of the Empire came out for N64 adding to a growing FPS genre on N64. FPS was established on consoles. Finally GoldenEye was released with perfect graphics and more importantly, perfect multi-player. The game dominated, and while it didn't do much that was groundbreaking, it did bring the MP experience to the masses and make the game a cultural phenomenon. Anyone in college when it came out can attest to that. What it did was perfect a recipe that was already in existence.
Halo simply used the same recipe with higher quality ingredients. Without GE, there would be no Halo. And that is said with respect to Halo - it has become a cultural phenomenon as well.
I recently broke out my N64 and played GE again. Still holds up. Gameplay is great and the graphics, while aged, are still nice.
Halo doesnt have much to do with goldeneye at all, it was a pc game that microsoft bought up to be released for their console. Console shooters had been done before goldeneye, and im sure Halo would have happened even without goldeneye.
i say perfect dark and the spiritual successor to golden eye. also perfect dark was the first FPS that i was able to play with dual analog sticks. you could play using two controlers at once to achieve this. i thought it was really cool when i first did it. i never thought it would catch on to be the standard for console FPS. i find it funny that so many people list halo as the first dual analog FPS on consoles as there were many before it. including a few on the ps2.frankeyser
Who the hell would use two controllers to control a game?
Halo gave life the console FPS period. Before Halo there were very few FPS games and worst - FPS gamers. Most people could not comprehend the first person view and hated it. They were so use to seeing a person as they moved that they always ended up looking at the sky or floor as they played.
After Halo came out, it go so popular that First person view became practical, and it was easy to find people to challenge.
actually the fps's that came out before halo were very good. goldeneye, perfect dark, quake 2& 3, and although i may be mistaken, jet force gemini was fps too.
goldeneye brought life to the console fps, not halo. halo did redifine it with using the second analog stick. but without goldeneye, i dont believe games like halo would exist.
[QUOTE="TerroRizing"]Only on System Wars could Goldeneye win this poll, everyone knows that Halo has impacted the gaming industry much much more than GoldenEye could have ever even dreamt of.JuarN18
Goldeneye sold almost the same of halo 2!
Sales and impact on industry arent the same thing.
Another thing about goldeneye was when they relesed the sequel perfect dark for the nintendo 64, it was a big change from the 1st to the 2nd. The graphics were alot better more weapons were added and coop was added. There was nt as much of a change from halo 1 to halo 2, yes the graphics were better but there wasnt as many new weapons added compared to golden eye to perect dark. EmperorZeruel
yes perfect dark is better than Goldeneye, despite sales figures.
[QUOTE="Blue-Sky"]Halo gave life the console FPS period. Before Halo there were very few FPS games and worst - FPS gamers. Most people could not comprehend the first person view and hated it. They were so use to seeing a person as they moved that they always ended up looking at the sky or floor as they played.
After Halo came out, it go so popular that First person view became practical, and it was easy to find people to challenge.
actually the fps's that came out before halo were very good. goldeneye, perfect dark, quake 2& 3, and although i may be mistaken, jet force gemini was fps too.
goldeneye brought life to the console fps, not halo. halo did redifine it with using the second analog stick. but without goldeneye, i dont believe games like halo would exist.
halo was being made for the MAC then got ported over to the xbox.... bungie did't set out to make a FPS on consoles (at first)...I completely agree. Goldeneye sucked me in so badly that it was the only game I was playing for a good portion of the year it came out.I have fond memories of playing multiplayer and destroying most of the opposition. Good times. :)Goldeneye revolutionised the console FPS especially in offline multiplayer letting players chose maps and weapons (a rare occurance before that point in time), Halo revolutionised Online multiplayer but in the campaign did nothing other shooters hadn't done already except using a diffrent artistic design model. Goldeneye sold over 8 million units around the same as Halo 2 and more than Halo. Goldeneye also spawned one of the greatest games ever as its sequel Perfect Dark (A game that along with Metroid gave women a voice in gaming instead of the usual machoism of FPS'S) if anything Rare did more that generation to forward gaming than any other dev team of a similar size, and if you look at current inovation it seams as if gaming is going backwards instead of forwards.
Credit where its due Halo made online multiplayer a reality on consoles but it doesn't hold a candle to Goldeneyes 700 watt light in terms of invovation (for there respective periods).
Gamespot also gave Goldeneye a 9.8 (for people that only rely on gmaescore reviews)
Put it this way, playing Goldeneye now would be painful. Playing Halo is still fun, playing Quake 3, Doom, UT etc... is still fun. Goldeneye was just the first FPS on a console that didnt completely suck, nothing more.TerroRizing
Agreed,and please yeah goldeneye was a great game to play split screen,only couse no other shooter did that on the console at teh time,and also the game had some cool death animations :) but i think people are giving it far too much credit,without great PC fps games like doom2,quake and duke3d,HL non of the console FPS would be as they are those games should be gettinglots and lots more credit for anything FPS related than goldeneye or halo regardles of the platform!
For god sakes people when was the last time you all played 007GE? Auto aim out the wooha, no speech yo had to read it all. The 2nd 007 on the n64 was much better, speech audio, better graphics it even had bots for multiplayer, it had way more then 007GE
If you played Halo and 007GE side by side you would know Halo stomps it in every way. 007GE was just the first good FPS on a console nothing more.
Another thing about goldeneye was when they relesed the sequel perfect dark for the nintendo 64, it was a big change from the 1st to the 2nd. The graphics were alot better more weapons were added and coop was added. There was nt as much of a change from halo 1 to halo 2, yes the graphics were better but there wasnt as many new weapons added compared to golden eye to perect dark. EmperorZeruel
I don't recall Perfect Dark being the sequel to Goldeneye.
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