PC gaming is the reason alpha/beta/crowd sourcing gaming is so big. Now we have a whole bunch of incomplete piles of shit such as fallout 76, pubg and numerous others.
Pc gaming gave us
- Minecrap X1000
- Daycrap X1000
- Battlecrap X1000
- Walking sims
- Walking sim horror games
- Toxic Dota/LOL players
- Toxic (cheating) CS players
- Weapon skins/gambling
- The asset flip
- Unfinished games (EA) selling DLC
- Shitty hentai games
In it's short time Switch has given us
- The best open world game of this gen (until BOTW sequel)
- The best 3D platformer of this gen (until Odyssey sequel)
- The best racing game of this gen (until Mario Karts sequel)
- Most likely the best and most popular fighting game this gen (Smash)
- Most likely the best FPS (Metriod) of this gen
- Free post-support
- The most polished games in the industry
Pc gaming gave us
- Minecrap X1000
- Daycrap X1000
- Battlegroup X1000
- Walking sims
- Walking sim horror games
- Toxic Dota/LOL players
- Toxic (cheating) CS players
- Weapon skins/gambling
In it's short time Switch has given us
- The best open world game of this gen (until BOTW sequel)
- The best 3D platformer of this en (until Odyssey sequel)
- The best racing game of this gen (until Mario Karts sequel)
- Most likely the best and most popular fighting game this gen
- Most likely the best FPS (Metriod) of this gen
Skins are the worst man.
PC gaming is the reason alpha/beta/crowd sourcing gaming is so big. Now we have a whole bunch of incomplete piles of shit such as fallout 76, pubg and numerous others.
Huh? Fallout 76 on PC doesn't even have text chat and barely functioning FOV.
This is a console creation through and through.
Your opinion on Pubg and Fortnight being bad for gaming are noted, but I feel movie games are much worse. RIP Crytek.
PC gaming is the reason alpha/beta/crowd sourcing gaming is so big. Now we have a whole bunch of incomplete piles of shit such as fallout 76, pubg and numerous others.
Huh? Fallout 76 on PC doesn't even have text chat and barely functioning FOV.
This is a console creation through and through.
Pc game, ported to consoles.
You're moving goal posts anyways.
PC gaming is the reason alpha/beta/crowd sourcing gaming is so big. Now we have a whole bunch of incomplete piles of shit such as fallout 76, pubg and numerous others.
Huh? Fallout 76 on PC doesn't even have text chat and barely functioning FOV.
This is a console creation through and through.
Pc game, ported to consoles.
You're moving goal posts anyways.
Except he's not moving any goalpost.
PC gaming is the reason alpha/beta/crowd sourcing gaming is so big. Now we have a whole bunch of incomplete piles of shit such as fallout 76, pubg and numerous others.
Huh? Fallout 76 on PC doesn't even have text chat and barely functioning FOV.
This is a console creation through and through.
Just a week ago you were arguing there was no difference between PC/Console as lead platform and that PC getting a life-line from "consoles" was irrelevant. Now it does.
Pc gamers once again changing goal posts to hide reality.
Fallout was a PC franchise btw. The word "was", being key.
PC gaming is the reason alpha/beta/crowd sourcing gaming is so big. Now we have a whole bunch of incomplete piles of shit such as fallout 76, pubg and numerous others.
Huh? Fallout 76 on PC doesn't even have text chat and barely functioning FOV.
This is a console creation through and through.
Pc game, ported to consoles.
You're moving goal posts anyways.
Except he's not moving any goalpost.
It's one example of thousands of games.
Pc gaming gave us
- Minecrap X1000
- Daycrap X1000
- Battlecrap X1000
- Walking sims
- Walking sim horror games
- Toxic Dota/LOL players
- Toxic (cheating) CS players
- Weapon skins/gambling
- The asset flip
- Unfinished games (EA) selling DLC
- Shitty hentai games
In it's short time Switch has given us
- The best open world game of this gen (until BOTW sequel)
- The best 3D platformer of this gen (until Odyssey sequel)
- The best racing game of this gen (until Mario Karts sequel)
- Most likely the best and most popular fighting game this gen (Smash)
- Most likely the best FPS (Metriod) of this gen
- Free post-support
- The most polished games in the industry
Agree with PC, Switch is still garbage though.
PC gaming is the reason alpha/beta/crowd sourcing gaming is so big. Now we have a whole bunch of incomplete piles of shit such as fallout 76, pubg and numerous others.
Huh? Fallout 76 on PC doesn't even have text chat and barely functioning FOV.
This is a console creation through and through.
Pc game, ported to consoles.
You're moving goal posts anyways.
No. This is a console developer trying to copy PC successful PC designed games such as Pubg and Fortnite. It wasn't ported from PC to consoles, it doesn't even have text chat.
Don't blame PC for this. Just like you can't blame PC for Destiny1/2 being turd when trying to copy PC genres.
Blame the shitty console oriented devs trying to match PCs magic, not PC itself. This is like blaming professional exotic dancers for a causing a fat girl to dance.
PC gaming is the reason alpha/beta/crowd sourcing gaming is so big. Now we have a whole bunch of incomplete piles of shit such as fallout 76, pubg and numerous others.
Huh? Fallout 76 on PC doesn't even have text chat and barely functioning FOV.
This is a console creation through and through.
Pc game, ported to consoles.
You're moving goal posts anyways.
Interesting we both immediately picked up on that, didn't even see this post.
Desperation leads to transparency.
PC gaming is the main reason that Resident Evil 2 remake exists.(Since Capcom saw the interest that people had for the unofficial version that they decided to do that themselves)
PC gaming is the reason alpha/beta/crowd sourcing gaming is so big. Now we have a whole bunch of incomplete piles of shit such as fallout 76, pubg and numerous others.
Huh? Fallout 76 on PC doesn't even have text chat and barely functioning FOV.
This is a console creation through and through.
Just a week ago you were arguing there was no difference between PC/Console as lead platform and that PC getting a life-line from "consoles" was irrelevant. Now it does.
Pc gamers once again changing goal posts to hide reality.
Fallout was a PC franchise btw. The word "was", being key.
I never mentioned Fallout 76 last week. There are some games were this isn't the case, in particular shitty pre-alpha launches like FO76.
PC gaming is the reason alpha/beta/crowd sourcing gaming is so big. Now we have a whole bunch of incomplete piles of shit such as fallout 76, pubg and numerous others.
Huh? Fallout 76 on PC doesn't even have text chat and barely functioning FOV.
This is a console creation through and through.
Pc game, ported to consoles.
You're moving goal posts anyways.
Interesting we both immediately picked up on that, didn't even see this post.
Desperation leads to transparency.
That's literally not the definition of goal post moving, he mentioned FO76 in the OP.
@zaryia: You mentioned it in your own quote chain.
You alright?
In the other thread he was talking about........
"Just a week ago you were arguing there was no difference between PC/Console as lead platform and that PC getting a life-line from "consoles" was irrelevant. Now it does."
I wasn't talking about a pre-alpha 50% scoring broken game.
Had there never been a PC platform, publishers would still push the boundaries of what consumers will put up with.
I'd flip it back on you and postulate that PC gamers are more willing to call out publishers and devs when they pull stuff like this. If not for passionate gamers the industry would be even worse off than it is.
If anything it has been the ability for console games to be patched that has lead to lower quality launch products. Before that, if a game didn't work on consoles, it was bad forever. Now even console games can be fixed post release.
If anything it has been the ability for console games to be patched that has lead to lower quality launch products. Before that, if a game didn't work on consoles, it was bad forever. Now even console games can be fixed post release.
You do realize that patching was a PC created phenomenon?
I've always feared that the laziness that's associated with the so-called advantages of PC gaming would downgrade the quality of highly polished console games once console devs adopted those practices and I was spot on.
I do understand that patching is a option and *can* be advantageous to make critical changes post-launch however, most times it's just a way for devs to clean up a shitty developed and half finished game to start with.
All the blame is not on PC however, I also blame console fans for accepting these practices so freely when the quality of day 1 releases become worse and worse.
@tgob89: It wasn't "laziness". PC games needed much more QA testing due to different kind of hardwares that run the game and so as a result they used patches as the way to fix some bugs that they couldn't find in their QA tests.
And I will tell you this. If consoles supported patching in the PS2/GC era then NA Metroid Prime fans wouldn't get their save files corrupted.(Since they could patch and fix it. But they couldn't and as a result the NA version of the game had this huge problem)
PC gaming is the reason alpha/beta/crowd sourcing gaming is so big. Now we have a whole bunch of incomplete piles of shit such as fallout 76, pubg and numerous others.
Let me ask you a question, did you buy any of the games you just listed?
This thread is probably a better argument to use on Consoles.
-Normalized the selling of incomplete games so people buy later DLC.
-Normalized payed onlyonline, but for shitty online. Nothing like paying more for less.
-Movie Game copy pasta killing games/studios.
-Military Shooter copy pasta killing games/studios.
-Fallout 76, trying to be awesome like PC, but ends up shitty console wannabe.
Much worse culprit.
crowd sourcing is a good thing overall. its been great for the AA sector of the industry. there have been some duds sure but then plenty of duds also come from the traditional funding model. the risk has always been clear when crowd sourcing.
alphas/betas: this has always been a necessity for online games. any MMO or online focused game would have had a beta on the PC back in the day to load test servers as well as find bugs amongst the vast variety in PC hardware. but back then it was always clear what the alpha/beta was; it was untested buggy software: please report bugs.
betas today are not marketed correctly. console players have wholly embraced online gaming so alphas/betas/server load testing is also needed now. its a price that has to be paid for online gaming. patches are also needed for this.
however the patching ability on consoles is clearly being abused. at least the PC side has a reason for it due to the variety of hardware (though some games really do take the piss. looking at you X rebirth. clearly not finished).
to release a game with awful performance and bad bugs on a console just shouldn't be accepted. it's a fixed spec. but no platform holder is going to tell bethesda or EA or R* that they cant release their buggy mess of a game on a console until it's fixed. 3rd parties just have too much power for that to happen. console manufacturers used to have a lot more clout in that department (not that everything released on older consoles was perfect either mind).
If we go by that logic, then we can also certainly say that console gaming has made the industry stagnant for a decade with the success of the same yearly sports games, and casual gamers buying the same annual shooters year after year, and set online gaming back by paying for online.
It's much easier to blame it all on massive profits from shady corporate buisness tactics, because thats what it all boils down too.
Gamers are the problem not PCs.
There are dumb gamers in PC gaming as well console gaming that support trash and as a result devs/publishers think it's okay to release trash.
Consoles have no room to talk when it comes to 'setting gaming back'.
Because consoles gamers are into action games mainly, loads of the games that were on the PC that involved freedom, planning and tactics are now aimed at console gamers. Example old vs new Rainbow Six games.
Even the Crysis sequels were made in a sort of CoD/Halo hybrid. They were good as console games, but I'd still have liked some open world Crysis games.
As for games being 'alpha/beta', that's what games are like on consoles too. Thanks to the internet, publishers are more than happy to release console games and finish them off later. Have they completely fixed MCC yet? I remember when I had an Xbox One and it's own exclusives got many huge updates. Now in different forms, unfinished games is even a business model. KI and SFV 'seasons' gtfo, dumbest idea I've heard.
To be honest consoles have benefited way more from the PC since they started sharing most games last gen. I'd rather have kept them separate and bought a console for console gaming. Then a ton of PC games would never have gone through the dude bro filter.
Also, consoles have turned into a conduit from the manufacturer to your wallet. Every other £40/£50 game has a £25 season pass and a ton of DLC. One of the reasons I gave up on consoles, I spent WAY too much on gaming with the Xbox 360. Got a PC and various sites are just throwing legal games at you dirt cheap. Hardware is cheaper with consoles, but that's where it ends, over time it certainly gets expensive. The milking is just unreal. Capcom would charge you for textures if they could.
Seriously, the idea of pulling up the PC for this and saying the PC has 'set gaming back' is ridiculous. Here's the funny thing. Console gamers talk about the PC and piracy, yet PC developers never took advantage just because they had the internet (online play/dlc). Console developers/publishers nickle and dime the living shit out of everything and piracy isn't even a big deal on consoles. Buying one FULL Forza title FM or FH can easily cost you over £100 if you want full content. And the PC is 'setting gaming back'? The way console developers/publishers take advantage of their gamers is disgusting. You pay full price for a game, yet half of it is held to ransom if you don't pay M$, Sony or Nintendo for the privilege of playing each other online. The amount of money these three must make off their fans.
PC started the whole microtransaction early access craze THERE TO BLAME the kick starters the gofundme
@n64dd: If it were up to consoles, we'd also be paying 60 dollars a year to access our internet on PC, so if anything, consoles are the ones holding everyone back.
Oh, and the graphics suck on consoles.
PC started the whole microtransaction early access craze THERE TO BLAME the kick starters the gofundme
Mobile games started it. That doesn't excuse pc or console devs from using it.
Although something consoles certainly started was all this season pass and game cut up into DLC nonsense, which IMO is worse than loot boxes.
PC started the whole microtransaction early access craze THERE TO BLAME the kick starters the gofundme
Mobile games started it. That doesn't excuse pc or console devs from using it.
Although something consoles certainly started was all this season pass and game cut up into DLC nonsense, which IMO is worse than loot boxes.
Maybe it did start on the PC, but console developers/publishers went 'pfft you call that milking... hold my beer'. It's like, they didn't so much as take the ball and run with it, they took the ball and discovered the Speed Force.
My thoughts?
Your life situation is so shit you can't afford one so beg for it not to exist in this niche forum with the delusion it will change anything
Console is where good PC first franchises go to die
My thoughts?
Your life situation is so shit you can't afford one so beg for it not to exist in this niche forum with the delusion it will change anything
Console is where good PC first franchises go to die
Gaming pc's aren't that much. I have a i7 4820k closed loop, 980 ti evga classified, 32 gigs of ram in quad channel(photo editing)
Your post just got proved worthless.
Just about every shitty trend started on PC. Microtransactions, free to play, monthly subscriptions etc.
I realize games can be expensive to create but at least give us some content.
Just about every shitty trend started on PC. Microtransactions, free to play, monthly subscriptions etc.
I realize games can be expensive to create but at least give us some content.
Is that why you guys pay a monthly subscription to access your own internet, but we don't on PC?
Just about every shitty trend started on PC. Microtransactions, free to play, monthly subscriptions etc.
I realize games can be expensive to create but at least give us some content.
Is that why you guys pay a monthly subscription to access your own internet, but we don't on PC?
Get free games with the subscription, usually way past the value of the subscription.
Hey did you see that? Another survival ALPHA game that you have to BUY.
Steam is going to shit.
Just about every shitty trend started on PC. Microtransactions, free to play, monthly subscriptions etc.
I realize games can be expensive to create but at least give us some content.
Is that why you guys pay a monthly subscription to access your own internet, but we don't on PC?
Get free games with the subscription, usually way past the value of the subscription.
Hey did you see that? Another survival ALPHA game that you have to BUY.
Steam is going to shit.
You mean "free" games that you lose access to if you stop paying? You mean those games?
Just about every shitty trend started on PC. Microtransactions, free to play, monthly subscriptions etc.
I realize games can be expensive to create but at least give us some content.
Is that why you guys pay a monthly subscription to access your own internet, but we don't on PC?
Get free games with the subscription, usually way past the value of the subscription.
Hey did you see that? Another survival ALPHA game that you have to BUY.
Steam is going to shit.
You mean "free" games that you lose access to if you stop paying? You mean those games?
Sure and what happens if you lose access to steam or steam goes under? EA origins access? etc?
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