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umm...the recharger cord for the controllers are way too short.
I agree, it wouldn't cost all that more to have a 6ft cord. I ended up buying another usb extension when I first got the system.... now I have 4 controllers and cycle through them.
That being said.. built in long lasting recharge batteries makes up for it imo.
not in my book. They delivered the games that I liked this whole gen and I am pleased with the results.
In the beginning, yes they did. An overpriced console released a year after 360 hurt them bad at the start. Marketing was terrible. Launch titles were very underwhelming in the face of stiff competition. Ironically, Blu Ray may have been expensive, but its also the reason PS3 stayed close in those early years. People bought it cause it was the cheapest Blu Ray player on the market at the time. Of course its not how you fall, but how you get back up. Sony has done an incredible job and has turned things around in every area. They lowered the price to the competitions level. They secured a ton of awesome 1st party titles. They have outsold 360 head to head and continue to do so. The sales growth has prompted many 3rd party exclusives on 360 to switch to multiplatform. While Microsoft has sold out to the casual trend, Sony has stuck to its guns and continues to deliver amazing exclusives one after another. So what looked like a trainwreck has now turned into the console with all the momentum going forward.-ArchAngeL-777-
I have to agree with what this poster said. Horrible, horrible start, to the point of being the laughing stock of the industry, but a huge turnaround. They HAVE to improve their online security, though, because the PSN outage is pretty inexcusable, especially since there was a possiblility of credit card info being stolen.
[QUOTE="-ArchAngeL-777-"]In the beginning, yes they did. An overpriced console released a year after 360 hurt them bad at the start. Marketing was terrible. Launch titles were very underwhelming in the face of stiff competition. Ironically, Blu Ray may have been expensive, but its also the reason PS3 stayed close in those early years. People bought it cause it was the cheapest Blu Ray player on the market at the time. Of course its not how you fall, but how you get back up. Sony has done an incredible job and has turned things around in every area. They lowered the price to the competitions level. They secured a ton of awesome 1st party titles. They have outsold 360 head to head and continue to do so. The sales growth has prompted many 3rd party exclusives on 360 to switch to multiplatform. While Microsoft has sold out to the casual trend, Sony has stuck to its guns and continues to deliver amazing exclusives one after another. So what looked like a trainwreck has now turned into the console with all the momentum going forward.svetzenlether
I have to agree with what this poster said. Horrible, horrible start, to the point of being the laughing stock of the industry, but a huge turnaround. They HAVE to improve their online security, though, because the PSN outage is pretty inexcusable, especially since there was a possiblility of credit card info being stolen.
By that logic we should go ahead and blame a bank when ever it gets robbed because they didn't have good enough security Sony was sought after by no life degenerate hackers and maliciously ATTACKED If those same hackers had been after M$ they would have hacked it no problem. Hackers aren't going to say omg xbox users pay 60$ toward xbox live, we can't hack them! 360 owners have a false sense of security because they "pay for online" and what there told "premium" services lol It's another way for them to justify paying for online i guess? P.s Credit card info and other data were encrypted And there were no reports or evidence of any personal info ever being stolenSure on many levels, but I would say the biggest would be the number of high quality RPGs it has produced this gen or lack there of. Second to that I would say the over-all marketing of their exclusive games has been a failure or lack there of.
those are the 2 biggest failures of the ps3 IMO. 1 being on a fanbase level and the other being on the company base level.
sony failed to iimpress this to no profit made for sony, 3 sales periods of losses, no profit at all from psn, less content on psn in arcade games dlc and full ps3 downloads compared to the direct competition, lower sales world wide total, lower software sales monthly and total world wide, less games released, less high scoring games.....the direct cause of going from the unquestioned dominate force in the game industry to 3rd place...
....*screams*IM FROM ZANARKAND!!!!!!!
PS3 has rpgs! I'm sure you can find some that you'll like. But really that would make it a failure to you and RPG fans only By the way were are the 360's rpgs? And yeah i agree, but Sony has been getting much better at marketing the past couple years.Sure on many levels, but I would say the biggest would be the number of high quality RPGs it has produced this gen or lack there of. Second to that I would say the over-all marketing of their exclusive games has been a failure or lack there of.
those are the 2 biggest failures of the ps3 IMO. 1 being on a fanbase level and the other being on the company base level.
[QUOTE="casharmy"]PS3 has rpgs! I'm sure you can find some that you'll like. But really that would make it a failure to you and RPG fans only By the way were are the 360's rpgs? And yeah i agree, but Sony has been getting much better at marketing the past couple years. What exclusive RPGS does it have though that are really that great besides DS? I haven't heard many good things about any of them outside of DS, which I have played and it was amazing. 360 does have a lot of RPGS though. Lost Odyssey is one of the best JRPGS I've played in a while. Granted pretty much the rest of them besides Blue Dragon are all multiplat, although I think 360 has a couple exclusive SRPGS.Sure on many levels, but I would say the biggest would be the number of high quality RPGs it has produced this gen or lack there of. Second to that I would say the over-all marketing of their exclusive games has been a failure or lack there of.
those are the 2 biggest failures of the ps3 IMO. 1 being on a fanbase level and the other being on the company base level.
Market dominance lost, but they are stronger than ever.... good lord.Sony never failed, they did a few mistakes but look at them now, stronger than ever and tons of exclusives, PS3 best cosole this gen for me.
next to no profit made for sony, 3 sales periods of losses, no profit at all from psn, less content on psn in arcade games dlc and full ps3 downloads compared to the direct competition, lower sales world wide total, lower software sales monthly and total world wide, less games released, less high scoring games.....the direct cause of going from the unquestioned dominate force in the game industry to 3rd place...
....*screams*IM FROM ZANARKAND!!!!!!!
Let's see here, less high scoring games? Really? No profit from PSN? Really? Looks like someone doesn't have knowledge or just trolling.Whoever thinks ps3 is a failure(i'm loooking at you williamRlBaker) is kidding themselves and just need to find a reason to hate. The ps3 brought alot of things to the table this generation more so than the xbox 360. Sony made some mistakes and had to play catch up but i'm sure by the the time the ps3 lifespan ends it will easily be #2.The PS3 has staying power,it can still be relevant 10 years from now. The technology it hoists were clearly ahead of its time. Blu-ray has staying power and ps3 will continue to be sold as long as blu-ray remains the main format. Microsoft had its fair share of introductions as well this generation although probably not better for the consumer. and whoever thinks xbox has better games is living in the past. You wanna play good games go get a ps3. xbox should be left for those who cannot appreciate the gaming industry.
Look at the Dreamcast. THAT was failure. The PS3 is nowhere near that.
if it wasnt for the 2009 price cut we dont know where the ps3 could be....but hindsight is 20/20
[QUOTE="finalstar2007"]Market dominance lost, but they are stronger than ever.... good lord.Sony never failed, they did a few mistakes but look at them now, stronger than ever and tons of exclusives, PS3 best cosole this gen for me.
only in sonyland :lol:
The funny thing is Sony had the chance at the start to finish Nintendo off completely. Nin was near death.
MS wasn't even in the game. Their stock holders were complaining that MS was just throwing their money away on the Xbox because it was hopeless to break into the market with Sony already dominating it.
But... then Sony decides to release their $600 console that no developer knew how to program for...
Suddently Nintendo is back on top and Microsoft is in the game. Microsoft's 360 was easy to develop for and is equal in power so boat load of devs go multiplat. Sony put themselves in this postion. Had they simply released a machine at around $300-$400 with a regular processor instead of the cell this would be just like the PS2 gen.
Hell, the Cell has scared off most of the small Japense devs and so they now are only on handhelds. Only the big companies can afford the time and man power needed to develop for the cell. So in a way they even killed off the Japanese dev companies.
MS is now a major player in the gaming industry. I can't think of one company that has come close to over taking any of Microsoft's products once they have a firm foot hold in that market. Nintendo is also as strong as ever. The odds are next to nil that Sony will ever be as dominating as in the PS2 era.
Yes I think they did fail on a certain level. If you compare the x360 to playstation 3, their games, their hardware, their services, their pricing, it is not logical that they sold on par with the x360. They do pretty much offer the same games. I have my personal preferences but in the big picture I don't think the games would be convincing people to buy one over the other en masse.
The pricing was more than half the time in the PS3's advantage. The x360 was always more expensive if you paid for Live.
In terms of hardware the PS3 had a harddrive in all SKU's if I'm not mistaking, and the x360 had massive hardware issues. Destroying games and costing people a lot of money before M$ got sued into oblivion.
The services were pretty much equal with one difference and this is where I think Sony failed this generation, and what I think is the reason that the x360 sold well, despite its hardware issues and customer service issues, and its very steep price.
The thing that made the x360 so popular and worked so well in tandem with the early release, is that M$ created a community of x360 users. Avatar, gamerscore, achievements, crosschat and friendlist. I would guesstimate about half the x360 users were already certain that they would buy an x360 over a ps3 because their friend(s) was using an x360. It's easy to underestimate the power of the Live community features + that headstart and I think Sony did a very bad job the first few years of creating the same kind of community amongst PS3 users. And I think that made a difference of many millions of users.
Stronger than ever? Wut? Sony has never done this bad with their previous consoles. They failed miserably this gen because they are over-confident, arrogant and just not as good as they think they are.Sony never failed, they did a few mistakes but look at them now, stronger than ever and tons of exclusives, PS3 best cosole this gen for me.
Fail is such a harsh term. For me, as a consumer, they've failed by removing backwards compatibility. They've failed 3rd party developers as well (in a way). Sony decided to go with an architecture that wasn't normal, productive to how the majority of the gaming industry works. Devs are now becoming familair with the Cell, but the fact that it had to take a few years to get a hold of it is bad to begin with. Devs lost time and money. It hurt Sony initially as well. They also hurt themselves with the price point.
But they've been making a **** ton of games at the same time. It evens out for me.
[QUOTE="finalstar2007"]Stronger than ever? Wut? Sony has never done this bad with their previous consoles. They failed miserably this gen because they are over-confident, arrogant and just not as good as they think they are.For them as a company, it hurt them, yes. Yet... PS3 owners are still getting a record number of exclusive games. It's honorable they've took such a hit and are still going hard. It's commendable in my view.Sony never failed, they did a few mistakes but look at them now, stronger than ever and tons of exclusives, PS3 best cosole this gen for me.
Dear Sony,
Please make a controller as nice as the Xbox one and I will happily sell my Xbox and get a PS3! I dont care how many amazing features you have, if the controller feels horrible then I dont want to use your system.
Best regards,
XBox 360 unsymetrical analong...?? meh...Dear Sony,
Please make a controller as nice as the Xbox one and I will happily sell my Xbox and get a PS3! I dont care how many amazing features you have, if the controller feels horrible then I dont want to use your system.
Best regards,
I don't think Sony recouped their development costs of the PS3. To the shareholder/s would most likely look at it as a failure. They came from a huge high from the PS1 era and the PS2 era. In my eyes it was probably their arrogance that got the better of them. They should have learnt their lesson for the PSV and the PS4. IF not, then they haven't really learnt anything.
Dear Sony,
Please make a controller as nice as the Xbox one and I will happily sell my Xbox and get a PS3! I dont care how many amazing features you have, if the controller feels horrible then I dont want to use your system.
Best regards,
welp what's your posion? The controller is not really an argument you can use against the PS3 because sony doesn't restict 3rd party hardwarelike MS but that's one of the pluses on PS3 with sony but I'm just addressing your post.
http://gThe Cross Battle Adapter is a small, simplistic device that allows you to plug your 360 wired controller into the included USB port, and then plug the adapter itself into your PS3...carring an MSRP of 39.99
PS3wireless pro elite with sixaxis capablity for $50 and PS3 wired with no sisaxis ablity for $20
[QUOTE="Daytona_178"]XBox 360 unsymetrical analong...?? meh... The X360 controller is awesome. The PS3's controller is 15 years old.Dear Sony,
Please make a controller as nice as the Xbox one and I will happily sell my Xbox and get a PS3! I dont care how many amazing features you have, if the controller feels horrible then I dont want to use your system.
Best regards,
[QUOTE="hippiesanta"][QUOTE="Daytona_178"]XBox 360 unsymetrical analong...?? meh... The X360 controller is awesome. The PS3's controller is 15 years old. 360 controller = stallone's lips or adrian brody's noseDear Sony,
Please make a controller as nice as the Xbox one and I will happily sell my Xbox and get a PS3! I dont care how many amazing features you have, if the controller feels horrible then I dont want to use your system.
Best regards,
next to no profit made for sony, 3 sales periods of losses, no profit at all from psn, less content on psn in arcade games dlc and full ps3 downloads compared to the direct competition, lower sales world wide total, lower software sales monthly and total world wide, less games released, less high scoring games.....the direct cause of going from the unquestioned dominate force in the game industry to 3rd place...
....*screams*IM FROM ZANARKAND!!!!!!!
There is so much epic fail in your post that I'm not going to even bother correcting this fanboyish mess....
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