It's selling well. People obviously like the idea of a console-handheld hybrid. But, much like the PS4, I don't think even Nintendo knows exactly why they are doing so well and I fear they may get lazy because of that. For example, at this point, we should know exactly how the Virtual Console-ish thing is going to work and getting ready for its launch. Right now, the Wii U can play its modestly robust library of exclusives, every Wii game through BC, as well as several hard to find gems, like the Metroid Prime Trilogy and Xenoblade 1 through the eshop, and many 8, 16, and 64 bit gen games. As of right now, nothing even half as ambitious as that has been talked about for the Switch.
There won't be VC. I'm pretty sure of it. They never hinted at it and the media and gamers were very adamant that VC was a bad deal. 'We have to buy the same games again?' I mean, people made their case.
They can't just promise you that if you buy VC games this time, you'll have them forever on all future platforms. That's not how the future works, or how BC works. MS and Sony would never promise that, either. And I don't think they have all the data necessary to know who bought what on what platforms. So it would become a very complex system where some people can get some of their games to be downloaded for free. I just don't see that happening.
They could say that from now on the games will be attached to your account and everything in the past is considered non existent. And even that would get a lot of negative responses. I'm not sure it would be worth it. On top of that the library would always be very incomplete. We can forget about most Wii and Wii U games for instance. They just wouldn't work without a sensor bar and second screen.
I think what they're doing with the online service is the smartest way to go about it.
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