At the start of this generation Sony decided to invest heavily in first party development. I doubt this is because they foresaw the failure of their 600 dollar monstrosity but it is providing a huge benefit for them in the long term regardles.
It didn't really work out too well for them in the beginning, up until 2008 the only good exclusive on the console was Warhawk. But now we're starting to see the fruits of their labour. The PS3 had higher rated exclusives than the 360 this year by a fair margin.
When I look at PS3 exclusives I see far more ambition than I see with 360 exclusives. Whether it's 256 players in MAG, jaw dropping graphics/animation/destructability in Killzone 2, user generated content in Little Big Planet or the unique cinematic touches in Heavy Rain.
Upcoming exclusives for the PS3 include GT5, God of War 3, Infamous, MAG and Heavy Rain. Contrast that with the underwhelming exclusives coming to the 360 like Ninja Blade and the 5 hour long halo xpansion pack.
Could 2009 be a repeat of 2008 exclusives wise? right now it looks like it
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