[QUOTE="Marth6781"] [QUOTE="Ragashahs"]so if you'd have had the choice you would prefer SD PS2/xbox graphics over better maybe not completely HD PS3/360 graphics?John_Keyes
Well connsidering I dont have those, and if the game plays better on SD ps2 graphics ill take it over "prettier" graphics any day.
Oh and most of the ps3/360 look like enhanced versions of last gen games, nothing on either system has made me go WOW. Uncharted looks like plastic and vasaline was slapped on everything, COD4 looks like and enhanced re:4
Isn't that what next gen console iterations are?What has GC sucessed about the N64 enough to make it considered as worthy enough to make it the main squeeze?
That's all consoles are, improvements on rehashes.Talk about how those games are enchanced versions, the wii can't even be called that:lol:
The entire wii is a gimmick.Basically, Nintendo didn't go with the usual approach of improving the technology of the system because look where it got them last 2 gens, GC was in third place, inferior PS1 was beating out N64, then the Dreamcast came and smashed all it's graphical and technological praise it ever garnished.Imagine if the Wii was on par with PS3/360, it wouldn't be selling like it is today, the console war would be drastically changed, it would basically be a next-next gen Gamecube:lol:
Nintendo never confronted their main problems with any of their systems, which is what always caused them to hit dead last;Image, and Hardcore factor.Nintendo was forced to come up with an idea so drastically different to actually compete with MS and Sony because they themselves off pure power could not keep up in the race, they need gimmicks.
My friends brought their wii over, and played, I have about 5 hardcore Nintendo fans who only own wii's, the only games they play are MP3, SSBB, and Mario Kart.Even with that, their bored with lackluster graphics, sub-par online, and more and more gimmicks like WiiWare and Wii channels and Mii I bet, even though they don't admit it.
The 'Motion Sensing', sounds good on paper but is horrible in person.First off, the sensor bar was so horrible at detecting movements my friends had to stand up the entire time to play games.Like PS3 motion sensing, it offers nothing revolutionary, but just the drastic change makes it the talk of casualites and soccer moms alike.Only coming from an open minded perspective of playing/non casual will make you realize how worthless it is.It isn't even real motion sensing, as it's basically a controller that moves when you swing it, with face buttons on it.One can call that motion sensing by definition but it's nothing revoltionary on its own merits.Don't forget the Wii's price point as another factor, and it's kiddy image with classic games that appeal to all ages alike, and you got yourself a well sold gimmick.I applaud Nintendo on their technique to take millions of peoples dollars away...
"gimmicks like WiiWare"?
you pretty much validated that no one is gonna take you seriously
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