i feel (as someone who loves 2D game programming) that this HD era with PS3 and 360 is a generation too soon and that its hurting the gaming industry.
we get good games from the big companies like ubi, EA, etc. but what about all the independant games? katamari (published by namco i know), strong bad, lost winds, N+, de blob? very rarely do the smaller indie game developers get chances to push their product on a unified gaming platform like a 360, ps3 or wii.
i love my PS3, i do. but i'm tired of being fed shooters and sports games. same for 360.
i want unique games. and when it costs say, $1 million to make a game for the xbox 360 a smaller company may want to take risks with their project, maybe make a long running idea into a more concrete product but coz of high development costs they can't take that risk. so they make a sports, shooter, or something else popular.
they don't have as much freedom, i think thats why even with bigger companies like atari, square enix, capcom, we're seeing a huge crunch of companies merging or buying other companies. it costs too much to make games.
theres no advantage to making artistically driven games on HD consoles unless you make a game into a popular genre or you're company name is Electronic Arts.
why wouldnt capcom expand to the west? their still cranking out ps2 games in japan, so they want to help american make them money too. they will spend millions of dollars on street fighter 4, resident evil 5, just to profit very little.
when if they development costs were as low as say, the ps2, they could profit more, then have more money to give to smaller internal projects like viewtiful joe, okami, killer 7. see what i'm saying?
i feel that wiiware, psn, xbl are helping this situation. esspecially XNA game studio, as i use it.
but it isn't enough.
lets see how many square enix games have come out for wii and ds this year? dozens. world ends with you, final fantasy fables, arkanoid, final fantasy tactics.
on 360/ps3? last remnant, undiscovery and what else??????
coz the costs are too high. i'm not saying quantity is better than quality, i'm saying though that with that quantity there's a better chance for new ideas , where as with IU, and LR we have standard RPGs. nothing original like TWEWY.
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