I'm a hermit. I admit it.
But are we going too far with the Crysis hype? So far that even console fanboys can't argue with the fact that Crysis looks - dare i say it - frickin' amazing? Despite the fact that Crysis is only a few waits away, the hype is growing at an undeniably alarming rate. Are we digging our own graves here?
Not to say that Crysis won't be a good game. Heck, I bought a new rig just to prepare for it (Just so you know,my last rig lasted me five years. So screw that upgrade every six months bull). But with all the buzz around it (and mostly about visuals), I can't help but worry about the fact that the game might NEVER meet expectations.
Granted, Crytek has proven their worth. But so has ID Software. I fear for another DOOM 3 in our hands. And quite frankly, that game was hyped in much the same way (graphics, screen shots, tech demos and videos). But then again, Half-Life 2 was hyped like a monster. And I'd like to think that Valve delivered.
Don't get me wrong. I fell off my seat when I saw the first footage of Crysis. But then again, I might just fall off my seat when I realize that footage might be all we have.
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