Crysis allows the player to use their own intelligence to tackle each situation and each time its played over and over the SP will offer new gameplay.
I guess some FPS fans are either overwhelmed or fear the CRYSIS style of absolute freedom to play the game however you want. They want to run through small hallways blast enemies that CANT TRACE YOUR FOOT STEPS IN THE SAND or THINK for themselves. They want the enemies to run straight at you.
Yes it has to be because everyone that is hyping the game has read all the interviews knows how awesome this game is gonna be and are hyping the NEW gameplay elements from which we read about.
So either the people bashing the game didn't read anything about the game or just hates the new freedom extreme open ended gameplay that Crysis is gonna offer.
I highly doubt gamers bash a game on the developers' promises. Gamers bash a game based on the promises they feel they can't deliver on. A lot of games have advertised open-endedness: Stalker, Might and Magic: Dark Messiah, and even Halo (originally intended to be free-roaming).
A.I is also another promise that is easy to throw around. As Frozen Liquid stated, even HL2's A.I wasn't up to par to Valve's original intentions. FEAR, I felt, was on to something, but still felt lacking (so they flank and communicate, but still walk into live fire).
But since Crysis' graphics / physics is what we see, then that's what we believe. We can't make judgements on free roaming, A.I just yet. This isn't to say that Crytek won't deliver. It'd be phenomenal if they did. But there's something called public relations & marketing.
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