[QUOTE="Meu2k7"]Halo wasnt a revolution neither is Crysis, Crysis is just doing what Halo did back in 2001 , Merging thigns together into a complete Package. Why does Halo 3 deserve all its hype? theyre going as far now as to say it looks better than Gears and UT3 based on one silly little picture ... yet when we complain about that its blasphemous.
The gameplay? While alot fo people liek Halo's gameplaya alot of people dont aswell, but theyre yelled at for their opinion.
I've never said Halo was a revolution, never will hear me say it.
Why does Halo 3 deserve the hype? That was just arguing for the sake of arguing. It has two critically acclaimed games before it, and the notion that it will buck up the single player that was poorly executed in Halo 2.
I'm missing out on these "Halo 3 looks better" threads, but if they are....... Well, at the very least, I think it looks better than Gears. UT3? Maybe not.
People are bashing Crysis because they don't want their cookie cutter fps gameplay to vanish! Crysis will allow the player to persue their own path, tackle situations in a variety of manners by utilizing the realistic physics and interacte environments. They don't want to play a FPS that allows you to have a different style of play then other people (method of suit and combined tactics.) People want to be able to hide in a small hut and know that the tank can't run over the bambo!
People bash Crysis because Crysis destroys almost every notion of the old school FPS even my beloved HALF LIFE 2 gone will be the same old play style same old scripted paths and events.
Crysis allows the player to use their own intelligence to tackle each situation and each time its played over and over the SP will offer new gameplay.
I guess some FPS fans are either overwhelmed or fear the CRYSIS style of absolute freedom to play the game however you want. They want to run through small hallways blast enemies that CANT TRACE YOUR FOOT STEPS IN THE SAND or THINK for themselves. They want the enemies to run straight at you.
Yes it has to be because everyone that is hyping the game has read all the interviews knows how awesome this game is gonna be and are hyping the NEW gameplay elements from which we read about.
So either the people bashing the game didn't read anything about the game or just hates the new freedom extreme open ended gameplay that Crysis is gonna offer.
See what I mean, trix?
I've heard the freeform game play in previous FPSs before. Forgot what it was called, it was lost into the element of time....
But anyway, this is a small strand of Half Life -- type hype. Careful what you say Prodigy, the A.I may not deliver like you expect it too. Lucky Half Life fans got engaging single player overall, but they were still disappointed.
You are very true, the A.I. may not deliver I mean there is even a possiblity that the a lot of the gameplay mechanics that make Crysis so exciting might not deliver, but for me and many others its those things not the graphics that create the hype and anticipation.
But yes like all games ... i.e. HL2 A.I. :( things can turn out not as they were hyped to be. (I still Love HL2 though)
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