The first game to ever blow me away graphically was Donkey Kong Country on SNES. I mean, who would've guessed that the SNES could do sprite-based 3D effects (that weren't Mode7). If Nintendo had figured out that they could do that at the beginning of the SNES's life-span, there would've been almost no competition from the Genesis.
Anyway, that was when I first started actually caring about graphics. Also graphically amazing was the Toy Story game on the SNES.
I was also impressed for a short while by the live action junk that was put out on the SEGA-CD, you know, Night Trap and all that. Oh well, I was young still.
I was blown away by a preview screenshot of a game for the DC. I can't remember the name of the game (never played it) but it involved hover-skateboard racing or something. Anyway, I couldn't believe that the character model had individual, detailed fingers and that the road had texture and didn't look completely flat.
I remember being in love with the cartoon graphics on LoZ:WW. I don't care what anyone says, that game is beautiful!
The last game I have been visually impressed with was RE4. I love how game designers learn how to really push a console toward the end of its life-span. I'm not all that impressed with all this next-gen stuff. I don't know, I think I'm jaded.
EDIT: Didn't mean for this to be so long - just got to reminiscing...
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