Hey guys, just sharing info as usual, so sorry if old. I came across this, and it makes alot of sense, people flock to halo like they did to star wars back in the day. This is an interview with the writer and producer of the "Pirates of the Carribbean" movies, who thinks Halo is like our generations "Star Wars" Now i know you might not like the game, but this article, and thread is not about that. Do you think Halo is as popular in our generation, as Star Wars was in the 70s and 80s?? If not, what would you consider the "star wars of our gen"?? (PLEASE READ THE ARTICLE FIRST, THAT WAY YOU DONT EMBARASS YOURSELF :P )
"To anyone who hasn't logged onto Xbox Live to fight multiplayer battles as Master Chief, Beattie explained his obsession with the source material. "It's massive," he said. "It's like our generation's Star Wars. The whole Halo nation that's out there, and a 100,000-year history of the Halo universe, it's just breathtaking and so much fun to play in that sandbox. I've read every book, played every game, every graphic novel. It's just a fun world to be in."
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