Ok, for the last time, a review is nothing more than a person's opinion on how good a product is. As with all opinions, they differ from person to person.
Famitsu has not suddenly lost creditably just because their reviewers gave FF XIII a 39/40. In their eyes, they felt Final Fantasy XIII deserved the score that it got by the standards that they judged it by. They did not fall victim to a hype machine, they were not bribed by Square Enix, and they did not hand out scores to appease their readers or fans of the series.
People seem to forget that a review is a person's opinion, not a stated fact that should be followed blindly or attacked at every turn. For every person who thinks XIII is the worst game in the series, there are pleanty more who think highly of the game and maybe even consider the best title in the series. Both groups have formed opinions about the game, but neither has the right to call out the other just because they don't agree.
A major issue is that some people treat reviews as the gospel and the second a review fails to tie into their perception of a title, they start attacking the reviewer. If a game is too highly rated in their opinion, they start accusing the reviewer of being bought off, falling into a hype train, or simply handing out high scores to appease fans or their readers.
Final Fantasy XIII is not going to please everyone, that much should be expected. Hell,you could take the greatest movies or video games of all time and there will be the detractors who claim OOT was nothing more than a POS game that has aged poorly over the years.
Reviews are nothing more than a person's opinion. At the end of the day, not everyone will agree with the scores that are given, but just because someone disagrees does not mean their points are suddenly less valid.
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