Poll How do you feel about the 8th generation so far? Did it live up to it's promise? (121 votes)
Did the consoles live up to what they promised to be? Did the 8th console generation live up to your expectations?
For me...No. It F-ing sucks.
I know. I know. This generation isn't over yet. But let's be real here. The Nintendo NX, whatever it is, will be out by 2017 most likely. (Hopefully not sooner) If it's a console, the it's officially the 9th generation. What else can come out this gen? SoulCalibur? Fallout? Bioshock? Then what?
There is no way that we are going to get as many amazing games as we got in the 7th gen. Not even close.
I'll give my thoughts on the consoles so far..
Xbox One. "All in One" entertianment system...What a load of crap. I hate how the Xbone has to be online JUST for me to watch videos or play music. No loading from the hard drive like the PS3/360. that sucks...Furthermore, the whole slitscreen thing doesn't do anything for me. The screens are too small. The Xbox One just shouldn't be an "all in one" entertainment system. As a game system, it's great...But not much better than the 360.
PlayStation 4. Hmm. Didn't buy one at launch. Didn't care for the games. Said from the begening that the games didn't look like much and everything was over hyped. i've enjoyed it, for the most part. I think that the main menu is junky when you have a lot of stuff. Just like the Xbox One, the PS4 can't play music/videos/pictures from the hard drive like the PS3/360. To make matters worse, both of them have to install games....i had to delete space on the hard drive JUST to play Bloodborne...WTF? You didn't see that kind of crap back in the 5th and 6th gen. You just put the game in and it played. it's dumb. As a game console, it's great...Just not what people hyped it up to be.
Wii U. Where do I start? Welp...It COULD of been one of Nintendo's best consoles, had they done everything right. I defended it in the begening. I said "Just wait until Mario Kart, Bayonetta 2, Mario 3D World, Zelda U and Smash come out. how can a system sell when it has no system sellers?" it COULD of sold pretty good...But it didn't. Why? Because Nintendo didn't do anything with it. They didn't hype up the games enough. (or at all in Bayonetta 2's case.) They didn't come out with new colors. No big bundles. No limited editions. No marketing. No nothing. They just put it out there and said, "here! buy it." No effort what soever and frankly, I'm disappointed in them. Had 3rd parties actually used the Wii U's features, it could of been an amazing system for multiplats. Watch_Dogs on Wii U, done right, could of been a great example.
The system is a great video game console. Without it's exclusives, this generation would of been a comeplete disaster. But from a bussiness standpoint, the Wii U IS a disaster.
Ok. I got that out of the way. What's your opnion on this generation so far? Love it, or hate it?
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