[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"] In the long run of Mario? There is you know the original mario games and mario world, and yoshi's island. You are correct in that Microsoft and Sony milk things when they get hot. It's just 4 mario side scrollers is incorrect. There is a lot more than 4. Regardless the thing is Sony at least funds new relatively good ips more often and frankly so does Microsoft between them: It's Gears of War(new ip this gen), Viva Pinata, Alan Wake, Shadow Complex and Sony publishing Journey, Resistance, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Heavy Rain, The Last of Us, Infamous, yada yada.
Nintendo's new ips this gen were Wii-stuff which were casual in their appeal(albeit yeah Wii Sports is tons of fun), and then shit like endless ocean. Plus Microsoft gets the Halo/Gears/Forza flack. Nintendo really needs to do more Xenoblade/Last STory caliber stuff where they take their best teams and put them on newer things. Like Pikmin for the Gamecube. Because otherwise they have a bad habit of putting their best teams on another Mario, another Zelda, another Metroid, another Donkey Kong....
The same way Microsoft needs to do some new things beyond Halo/Gears/Forza, and to a degree they've started showing that with funding for Quantom Break, Black Tusk's game(whatever the f*ck that will be), and Project Spark. Don't know if they'll be good, but it's easier to forgive them right now, because at least they have shown something like they are trying. Nintendo doesn't really do that, you almost randomly discover that they do something new.
I specified on the OP that I was ONLY counting Next gen, last gen, and this current gen for compairson becuase M$ wasnt on the game till last gen and Sony has no comparable franchice (THAT I KNOW OF, I COULD BE WRONG) that has been going from the PS1 till now. This waythe results are much more comparable. Else yes, its a shit ton of Mario, not that Im complainng, SMB 1-3, SMW1-2, and Mario 64 are all great games (persoanlly SMB 1 and 2 dont do much for me though).And I will actually agree with you, yes Sony rehashes but does new stuff as well. Last of Us looks amazing, and I want to play it. THey support a bunch of nee games and ideas. I agree.
and yes Ninty needs to step there game up. Pikmin is amazing, they need to do so much more and make more ips! The fact they have so much great talent and potential and not utilized baffles me. This is not the point I want to make with the thread though, Ninty can be the greatest and recalim th throne easily, with Hradware, games, and more. But that is a different discussion I would like to have another time.
Ill hold my judgment on MS though, maybe they are turning things around, but im skpetical to say the least. I like Halo, but to me, thats all they have and its not as amazing as it used to seem.
But the point of the thread is to point out that Ninty isnt the only one doing this. Im not painting a picture of 'Nintendo is so much better at not reusing an Ip over and over'. Im laying it out and saying the other two are just as guilty, if not more (specically Halo). Im not saying its bad either, as long as they are great games that innovate, why complain? the only reason I see is it takes effort from something new (which is a diffeent can worms I would love to open later).
Again look at the numbers over three gens, I'm not Ninty look pretty either. Im just evening the playing field when the shit hits the fan.
Im gonna assume Microsoft does what they did this past gen.
Look like they invest heavy in new ips, figure out which ones do very well, and then once they feel comfortable(if Sony lets them get comfortable) pump out Halo/Forza/Blacktuskgame/whatever like the ydid Halo/Gears/Forza That sounds likely. Personally MS osnt for me anymore. I love me some Halo, but none of their othe exclusives do it for me.
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