Sorry, had to sleep and enjoy the day. Anyway back to topic at hand.
- Mario Tennis, Party, Kart isnt the same has the main 2D/3D franchises. What do you not understand? Is it becasue he is on the box, or has Mario in the title? You do realize I can play Mario Kart and never touch Mario? The name of those games should be more like Mushroom Kingdom Kart.....featuring DK. The reason it has Mario in the title is to grab the attention of the masses, because avaerage joe doesnt know what Mushroom Kingdom is! It is a SPINOFF, i removed Halo Wars from the count due to gameplay differences, which leads me to my next two points.
- Seperating the Mario platformers is becasue they are very different games in term of desgin. Sure you still jummo and platform and each, but the way you go about it is different, it would be saying Halo and CoD are the same becasue you shoot guns.
- My question for you all, should I lump every game together becasue it is simply is the same Ip? This would lum radically different branches of the same fracnchise together. (all the MArio racers,parties, and rppgs would be lumped together, even though they all play complelty differently and are only comaprable int he sense they use the same Ip, this would also lump Halo Wars back with the other Halo games.
- Moving on from that, yes I missed a few, (not intentional mind you) it ruffles the jimmies that much I'll fix the numbers
- Do we really need to count Link's Crossbow Training as a full game? Thats a glorfied demo of the zapper, or whatver its called.
- THE POINT OF ALL THIS: To show you that everyone rehases, I have said it before in the thread. THIS IS NOT A YAY NINTENDO ROCKS THREAD. Im painting them just as bad if not worse. While we can argue about how many new Ips Nintendo does bring to the table compared to the other two, that is a topic for another discussion Id would like to start another time. I'd argue while not as good as say..Sony, they do a helluva better job then M$ and have the potential to do more.
- But again that isnt the point, point is everyone rehashes there stuff. Its a matter of opion whehther thats good or bad, persoanlly, I love Halo and Zelda, so the fact they have made so many of them doesnt bug long as they are good games of coruse, most often they are. Im just pointing it all out
Well why don't you apply the rules to the others.
Is Forza Horizon part of the main series, no, I don't even like it, it's completely different, even down to the physics. It's Forza by name only, just to give it instant recognition like Mario Kart. That's 3 main series Forza games this gen. The track racing game plays completely different to the open world game, which feels more like a codemasters arcade game. It's not even made by Turn 10.
Also, what are all these Fable games? There is 3 only in the main series as far as I can tell. 2 released this gen. But i'm guessing you included the kinect game and the arcade live game.
"it would be saying Halo and CoD are the same because you shoot guns." But you're counting ODST which plays completely different. And if we're only doing main series games, does ODST count? Not really, I think it's highly debatable. So that's 3 main series Halo games released this gen (3, Reach, 4).
Isn't there only 2 main series Killzone games this gen? PSP gen has ended and it isn't main series.
3 main series Resistance games this gen, PSP gen ended and one spin off on the Vita.
If we're apply re-release rules, Pikmin and Metroid were re-released on the Wii. So that's Metroid Prime 3 games, other M that's 4 and 2 pikmin games last gen, one this gen. All under Nintendos 'New Play Control' series.
This re-release thing goes on and on with Nintendo if we start including handhelds which I can't really be bothered to do.
See, you are categorising Nintendo games and justifying them, but you aren't allowing these rules to apply to games on other consoles.
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