Microsoft was quite chummy with PC gamers and would do their best to promote the platform and provide games for PC gamers. Soon as Xbox showed up things started going downhill with their relationship with PC Gamers. They started giving PC Gamers the cold shoulder more and more. Then when this gen started they pretty much gave PC Gamers the middle finger and stole PC developers such as Remedy, Epic Games, and Lionhead. Microsoft showed how much they cared more about Xbox 360 then Windows PC when they made Ensemble make Halo Wars a REAL TIME STRATEGY GAME Xbox 360 Exclusive when its already known by anyone with a Brain that RTS excell best on PC.
Then later they felt that they should try and get PC Gamers with Windows Vista by claiming its for gamers when really it was a system hogging POS it was only good at having pretty visuals. They tried to get PC gamers to buy it by implimenting DX10 and making Halo 2 Vista only. Things didn't go out well. Windows Vista probably damaged the growthof PC Gamingsame for that god awful games for Windows Live.
Games For Windows Live was an attempt for it to be their cash in next to XBL. They tried to charge PC Gamers for a service they could get for free so later on they did that, but doing that made them give PC Gamers an even bigger middle fingerfinger.
They ignored all the complaintsPC Gamers were giving them. PC Gamers would make complaints such as,
PC Gamers:"Microsoft!!! Put in a Anti Cheat into GFWL!!! Everyone in these games is hacking and their is no shield too kick those bastards out!!"
Microsoft: "Hmmm heres some new achievements instead enjoy!!!"
PC Gamers: "How are we suppose to enjoy it if their are so many damn hackers!"
Microsoft: "Your right!!! Heres an extra achievement!"
PC Gamer: "Fawk this I'm switching Steam and refuse to buy any game that uses GFWL"
GFWL pretty much hindered the sales of PC Games that used it.
Years now andMicrosoft still hasn't implemented Anti Cheat into GFWL.
Now Microsoft pretty much screwed their core customers who bought the system before Kinect.
They pretty much abandoned the core gamers and leave them about 3 core games.They invest all their money now on pretty much Kinect.
Its sad how a company such as Valve has done a better job of supporting MICROSOFT WINDOWS PC gaming then Microsoft themselves and they have no excuse since they have a game console that they throw billions into.
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