First, let's talk about Nintendo's huge install base drop going from the 7th to 8th generation of video games.
DS + Wii total sales = 255 million units sold
3DS + Wii U total sales = 73 million units sold
That is a install base loss of 71% from generation to generation. Devastating would be an understatement. We can only assume the trend will likely continue with the Switch. I'm not saying a 71% drop off, but lower than 8th gen sales by a good amount.
Nintendo has now moved to a singular device with the Nintendo Switch and it will have to do both duties in getting both console and handheld gamers on board. When we look at the concept we obviously aren't looking at another original Wii level concept that is going to pull in massive amounts of casuals, so pretty much Nintendo is going to have to rely more on hardcore Nintendo fans to make this device somewhat successful.
Questions we have to ask is, what demand is there for dedicated Nintendo hardware overall in 2017 regardless if people plan to use this just in their home, just on the go, or a combination of the both?
How will the Switch manage to sell as well as the 3DS in a post $99 Tablet world?
Realistically, who does this device appeal to outside Nintendo fans? Why will people who weren't interested in the Wii U or 3DS last gen possibly be interested in this device?
Most importantly can this device create enough new Nintendo fans to justify Nintendo to keep making hardware in the foreseeable future?
What are your honest thoughts about its potential success?
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