I think hardware wise MS is in the best position right now but it needs games the most. I would...
- Make TRUE exclusives, not shared with PC
- Patch up with Platinum and release Scalebound
- Make a brand new AAA IP as big as big as Halo, Gears and Forza used to be
- Get Japan 3rd party support like Neir, Yakuza, Dragon Quest etc.
- Japan 1st party studio or 2nd party like Mistwalker last gen
- Reboot Fable
- Bring back old IPs like Conker, Banjo, Kameo or Perfect Dark
- Team up with a 3rd party like Gears last gen or Sony and From this gen
- Stop paying for "console launch exclusives" and concentrate on not loosing 3rd party indie games like Hellblade or Pyre
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