[QUOTE="RotaryRX7"][QUOTE="HappyAppe"][QUOTE="Killfox"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="HappyAppe"]Hahah, I love how cows get all excited over how it includes both SINGLE and MULTIPLAYER. Wow folks, they are being really innovative with this one. Never heard of THAT before.HappyAppe
No one with Halo 3 in their sig should talk about innovation.
They even used almost the exact same level from haloCE in the end of halo3. I was like hmm this feels and looks very familiar. Yeah very original ending. Oh and shield granades are not original(RFOM).
What a moronic statement. First of all, the "Shield Grenade" is not a grenade, sorry. Second, the last level was done as such on purpose. It's a very common technique, to conclude a long series the way it started. Assault on the Control Room was probably the best level in Halo 1, and I appreciated [spoiler] inclusion of the control room area and the re-appearance of the Halo 1 ring that you destroy in the first game. Just like how the series started with Master Chief waking up, and ended with him going to sleep. [/spoiler] .
I don't get why I should even bother, though. A hardcore 'hermit' like yourself could never comprehend why a game like Halo is more than a crappy title that takes the thunder away from games like Crysis.
I don't understand. They were going to milk the consumer and release the single-player and multiplayer games separate, and now they're not. Great news, but it's hardly worth celebrating mediocrity (the inclusion of multiplayer, not the overall quality of the game).
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