Hello all, I'm Suze Douglas. I bought a Wii a few weeks ago and have been having a boatload of fun with my kids playing games. Wii Sports, Monkeys in a Ball, "Wario Ware", Boogie have all been a riot. I decided to see what the real world of gaming is like and stumbled across this site.
Boy, does it make me feel sick.
All you people do is complain and whine about your precious "consoles". And what is worse, you sit there and demean the Wii, which is taking this industry to new heights. It seems there are a lot of people angry about what the Wii has done to gaming. Why? The games are more fun now, I am evidence of that. I would never have played any of your old "kill X amount of people in X amount of time" games. Nintendo is bringing games that everyone can enjoy, and play together. It's not about being by yourself and killing anymore, it's a much more healthy industry.
I hope you all can look in the mirror and see what you're saying. Games were in a terrible state before, but the Wii is allowing it to be for everyone. I know there are many new players like me voting with their wallets, and I hope we never get another slaughtering game again.
I hate to break it to you all, but you're going to have to adjust to the new, better, healthiervideogame industry. Playing tennis with your family is better than killing for fun.
I don't care whether you're a mother, father, how old you are, or whatever. This post is garbage because
A) You're on a hardcore/Decent gaming site, with happy claims that you can now play games with your family
B) Your post implies that Nintendo's Wii is the jesus of gaming
C) It makes all other systems sound like GTA Peddlers
And D) This is system wars *kicks into well*
Your post is pretty much dissing a place where people come to argue. If you wish to remain here, I reccomend that you get used to it. If you're making a one time post, know this. Family gaming isn't for everyone, and your post sounds like something a video game hitler would say. Family healthy nutcake fruittard isn't for everyone, and no it isn't better than everything else. Would I prefer running around as a ghetto thug in enemy territory to an interactive tennis? Yes I would. That is my opinion, you have no right to claim that your system is better without even bringing in decent comparisons, which most fanboys even do. At least do some research before you come in with poorly constructed, opinionated posts about how the Wii saved the gaming society from a huge cesspool that it was falling in before. Manhunt 2. GTA IV. MGS4. Halo 3. These are not games to play with your six year old, and Wii will not stop it. Wii hasn't saved anything, and it hasn't introduced anything that's remarkably better than anything else in terms of gameplay, it just appeals to your kind (n00b moms with kids who are looking for a family friendly way to play games and monitor their gameplay) and is bought in mass quantities. Unless you've been in this industry for a long amount of time to actually *make* a decent comparison (and if you have, I apologize) feel free to GTFO or bring in concrete evidence.
Welcome to System Wars.
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