[QUOTE="proud722"][QUOTE="JLF1"][QUOTE="GundamGuy0"]The best games for the Wii are the ones that aren't hyped because they are totally new and diffrent... I can see why people might not like that, because it would require you to actually read about games that might at first glance seem unintresting.
For example the line up for this fall is great, (compared to last years) yet it's being hailed as lack luster... perhaps because it's all Third Party, and all new franchises?
I can understand selling the Wii, but why the DS... It's the best gameing device right now.
Stop with that nonsense. Us gamers are NEVER to blame if game don't sell because we don't now about it. It is the developers responsibility that a game is well known with the gamers. I should not have to look at Japanese gaming sites to know anything about Fragile or Arc Rise Fantasia. If they expect me to buy their games they have to bring those games to me.
It has nothing to do with me being lazy, it is actually the developer that is lazy.
And NO the Wii line up is not great. De blob, Mushroom men and Wario Land: Shake it is not what I call a great line up.
Why hate on wario land: shake? As a whole the wario land franchise has gotten some fantastic scores from gs and have at least imo been deserving of them. Who's to say there isn't a chance of that happening again? Well with the original development team anyway.
Were did I say that I hated Wario Land? I will buy that game for my Wii when it comes out. The problem is that it is only one game. If Wario Land: shake it ends up being the only good game worth owning on the Wii this fall I can't really call a great line up.Ah man you misuderstand I said hate on, by which I ment putting it down which by the way you were talking about the wii's line up sounded like you were doing. It just sounded like you were throwing it in with the rest of it if you know what I mean, but I agree with you about the wii's line up its looking pretty weak now all the main recycled "hardcore" nintendo franchises have had their installment for this gen. Also I actually agreed with most of your original post I just wanted to query you on that :P because seriously I couldn't agree more on the point of game developers responsibility to advertise and it not being are responsibility to hunt down there games. The normal rules of promotion still apply in this industry.
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