just saying... quality>quantity
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Yeah, it was a short game. Took me around 7, though. But yeah, didn't like it as much as other shooters.
Quote for truth. No point in rushing through something.i can down a pint of beer in 7 seconds. but if i want to enjoy it, i take my time
i just think its weird that everyone is so up in arms about odst's length when its the same as just about any other major fps of the past two years... and in my opinion its more of a new game then codwaw... which also used the exact same engine... I think the sweet spot for shooters is around 7-8 hours unless they're sole single player oriented like HL2. Otherwise all that shooting gets monotonous.
You supposedly beat KZ2 in 5 hours, well, congrats, my recommendation to you is that you don't buy Halo ODST as you'll beat it in 2 hours most likely.
The Youtube guy was terrible, and he beat it in 4 hours first time, and he was no good.
You are a GOD at FPS, with a KZ2 time like that...Halo ODST you will destroy it.
At least consider that you may save money waiting for ODST to drop to $40, since you are so amazing at FPS.
and why arn't more people angry about batman's (which i loved) length? god that game ended in a flash.
Why shouldn't he buy ODST? He just said quality > quantity.You supposedly beat KZ2 in 5 hours, well, congrats, don't buy Halo ODST, you'll beat it in 2 hours most likely. The Youtube guy was terrible, and he beat it in 4 hours first time, and he was no good.
You are a GOD at FPS, with a KZ2 time like that...Halo ODST you will destroy it.SolidTy
Why shouldn't he buy ODST? He just said quality > quantity.[QUOTE="SolidTy"]
You supposedly beat KZ2 in 5 hours, well, congrats, don't buy Halo ODST, you'll beat it in 2 hours most likely. The Youtube guy was terrible, and he beat it in 4 hours first time, and he was no good.
You are a GOD at FPS, with a KZ2 time like that...Halo ODST you will destroy it.Next-Gen-Tec
I'm buying ODST...what the...I'm telling him since his metaphor was paper thin. It's obvious he's just trying to make a point, but then has a completely different point.
He should never have compared ODST to KZ2, that was flawed.
He can easily say Quantity < Quality, but until he plays it, he's just guessing.
In the case of KZ2, perhaps Quality is greater than Quantity, but KZ2, Like Halo 3, have both, as we have them to play and prove.
We don't have ODST yet.
Why shouldn't he buy ODST? He just said quality > quantity.[QUOTE="Next-Gen-Tec"]
You supposedly beat KZ2 in 5 hours, well, congrats, don't buy Halo ODST, you'll beat it in 2 hours most likely. The Youtube guy was terrible, and he beat it in 4 hours first time, and he was no good.
You are a GOD at FPS, with a KZ2 time like that...Halo ODST you will destroy it.SolidTy
I'm buying ODST...what the...where did I tell him not to buy it?
You should re read.
I think you need to read what you just typed... *sigh*
[QUOTE="Next-Gen-Tec"] Why shouldn't he buy ODST? He just said quality > quantity.
I'm buying ODST...what the...I'm telling him since his metaphor was paper thin. It's obvious he's just trying to make a point, but then has a completely different point.
He should never have compared ODST to KZ2, that was flawed.
He can easily say Quantity < Quality, but until he plays it, he's just guessing.
In the case of KZ2, perhaps Quality is greater than Quantity, but KZ2, Like Halo 3, have both, as we have them to play and prove.
We don't have ODST yet.
I think you need to read what you just typed... *sigh*
Yeah, I goofed (I haven't slept in 30 hours), and fixed it.
That beins said, My intentions were just as transparent to the TC, as his intentions were to me. Everyone else trying to quote me needs to look at the TC, and just speak to his point. He's comparing a game that is out, to one we can only guess at.
He may as well compared Halo 3 to ODST, and I would be saying the same thing.
If he beat Halo 3 in 5 hours, he should think about his ODST purchase. Because this is SW, he gets a side to sit on and be protected, but in reality, his premise is kind of bunk.
huh, definitely can't be 5 hours it was longer than CoD4, but I guess it could be beat in 5 hours.
Definitely around 10 hours for me.
[QUOTE="Next-Gen-Tec"] Why shouldn't he buy ODST? He just said quality > quantity.
I'm buying ODST...what the...where did I tell him not to buy it?
You should re read.
I think you need to read what you just typed... *sigh*
if you havent noticed that solidty is a cow, you will never notice ityep i've beat it in 4 hours on easy, and just under 5 on one notch up on the difficulty. well all most i stopped at the last fight cause i had to take it back to blockbuster.
I'm buying ODST...what the...where did I tell him not to buy it?
You should re read.
I think you need to read what you just typed... *sigh*
if you havent noticed that solidty is a cow, you will never notice itHe definitely prefers PS3, but I wouldn't say he's a cow.
I think you need to read what you just typed... *sigh*
if you havent noticed that solidty is a cow, you will never notice itHe definitely prefers PS3, but I wouldn't say he's a cow.
in the years i have been coming here i have seen him defend the 360 about a handfull of times, and him defend the ps3 and its underperforming games 1000's of times- that is a cow to me[QUOTE="Halo__Reach"] if you havent noticed that solidty is a cow, you will never notice it
He definitely prefers PS3, but I wouldn't say he's a cow.
in the years i have been coming here i have seen him defend the 360 about a handfull of times, and him defend the ps3 and its underperforming games 1000's of times- that is a cow to me " Member since: Jul 2, 2009 " Years, eh?Nah, he's not. I dunno man, he has a lot of Cow behaviour. Grazing on System Wars, and downplaying most of what 360 has to offer. Oh yeah, but it's okay because he supposedly owns or will own said game. :roll:[QUOTE="Halo__Reach"]
if you havent noticed that solidty is a cow, you will never notice it
[QUOTE="Halo__Reach"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]in the years i have been coming here i have seen him defend the 360 about a handfull of times, and him defend the ps3 and its underperforming games 1000's of times- that is a cow to me " Member since: Jul 2, 2009 " Years, eh? I was on this site for years before I registered. Maybe what he means.He definitely prefers PS3, but I wouldn't say he's a cow.
" Member since: Jul 2, 2009 " Years, eh? I was on this site for years before I registered. Maybe what he means.[QUOTE="aaronmullan"][QUOTE="Halo__Reach"] in the years i have been coming here i have seen him defend the 360 about a handfull of times, and him defend the ps3 and its underperforming games 1000's of times- that is a cow to meNext-Gen-Tec
No, I've known for quite sometime that you and Halo Reach have a lot more than that in common. Also, you are going completely offtopic, I responded to your post.
My post was to the TC anyways.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Halo__Reach"] if you havent noticed that solidty is a cow, you will never notice it
He definitely prefers PS3, but I wouldn't say he's a cow.
in the years i have been coming here i have seen him defend the 360 about a handfull of times, and him defend the ps3 and its underperforming games 1000's of times- that is a cow to me*Looks at solid's gamerscore* *scratches head* are you calling him a fanboy?[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Halo__Reach"] if you havent noticed that solidty is a cow, you will never notice it
He definitely prefers PS3, but I wouldn't say he's a cow.
in the years i have been coming here i have seen him defend the 360 about a handfull of times, and him defend the ps3 and its underperforming games 1000's of times- that is a cow to meI've seen him defend the 360 a few times. SolidTY is a good poster. Even if you prefer one console over another, it doesn't mean you are a Cow, Lem etc.
[QUOTE="aaronmullan"]Nah, he's not. I dunno man, he has a lot of Cow behaviour. Grazing on System Wars, and downplaying most of what 360 has to offer. Oh yeah, but it's okay because he supposedly owns or will own said game. :roll: Yeah, that nearly 100k gamerscore tells me different. He's far from a cow.[QUOTE="Halo__Reach"]
if you havent noticed that solidty is a cow, you will never notice it
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Halo__Reach"] if you havent noticed that solidty is a cow, you will never notice it
He definitely prefers PS3, but I wouldn't say he's a cow.
in the years i have been coming here i have seen him defend the 360 about a handfull of times, and him defend the ps3 and its underperforming games 1000's of times- that is a cow to meNice try, but no.
in the years i have been coming here i have seen him defend the 360 about a handfull of times, and him defend the ps3 and its underperforming games 1000's of times- that is a cow to me[QUOTE="Halo__Reach"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]
He definitely prefers PS3, but I wouldn't say he's a cow.
Nice try, but no.
I wish I knew his gamerscore, but he may not even have an Xbox.With new accounts, you don't know who's on the other side of that screen.
[QUOTE="bokiloki"]explain how their genericboth games are cheap generic fps garbage.
I shouldn't have to, both are just dumb shooters made to milk the 16 year old who play them. the fps genre is generic and these are 2 that do nothing different than every other lame fps does.
Yeah, that nearly 100k gamerscore tells me different. He's far from a cow. if you notice something about his gamercard it never changes, always the same game played and you can adjust your score and stuff through the thing he has it under- he is a fakeboy prolly, i remember a time when his gamerscore didnt move for 1 month then all of a sudden when confronted about it his gamerscore jumps 3k...and dont even give me that crap of him not being a fanboy and being a good poster cause he is a fanboy of sony, look at his posting history as far back as it goes and you will see he is a pure breed cow[QUOTE="aaronmullan"][QUOTE="Next-Gen-Tec"] I dunno man, he has a lot of Cow behaviour. Grazing on System Wars, and downplaying most of what 360 has to offer. Oh yeah, but it's okay because he supposedly owns or will own said game. :roll:Halo__Reach
Sometimes my Gamerscore doesn't change because...I'm playing a different system (Wii, DS, PSP, PS2, PS3, PC...), lol.
Don't worry about it, you don't even have a Gamerscore to show anyways. You just worry about you buying a 360 and getting your first 10,000.
Yeah, that nearly 100k gamerscore tells me different. He's far from a cow. if you notice something about his gamercard it never changes, always the same game played and you can adjust your score and stuff through the thing he has it under- he is a fakeboy prolly, i remember a time when his gamerscore didnt move for 1 month then all of a sudden when confronted about it his gamerscore jumps 3k...and dont even give me that crap of him not being a fanboy and being a good poster cause he is a fanboy of sony, look at his posting history as far back as it goes and you will see he is a pure breed cow Yep, SolidTY is a fakeboy. Confirmed... :?[QUOTE="aaronmullan"][QUOTE="Next-Gen-Tec"] I dunno man, he has a lot of Cow behaviour. Grazing on System Wars, and downplaying most of what 360 has to offer. Oh yeah, but it's okay because he supposedly owns or will own said game. :roll:Halo__Reach
if you notice something about his gamercard it never changes, always the same game played and you can adjust your score and stuff through the thing he has it under- he is a fakeboy prolly, i remember a time when his gamerscore didnt move for 1 month then all of a sudden when confronted about it his gamerscore jumps 3k...and dont even give me that crap of him not being a fanboy and being a good poster cause he is a fanboy of sony, look at his posting history as far back as it goes and you will see he is a pure breed cow[QUOTE="Halo__Reach"]
[QUOTE="aaronmullan"] Yeah, that nearly 100k gamerscore tells me different. He's far from a cow.SolidTy
send me a friend request real quick, my gamertag is Killakb34kab my gamerscore is about 33000 i have been on xbox live since 2003 when i got pgr2, i will chat with you on there to prove who i am if you would like
Sometimes my Gamerscore doesn't change because...I'm playing a different system (Wii, DS, PSP, PS2, PS3, PC...), lol.
Don't worry about it, you don't even have a Gamerscore to show anyways. You just worry about you buying a 360 and getting your first 10,000.
if you notice something about his gamercard it never changes, always the same game played and you can adjust your score and stuff through the thing he has it under- he is a fakeboy prolly, i remember a time when his gamerscore didnt move for 1 month then all of a sudden when confronted about it his gamerscore jumps 3k...and dont even give me that crap of him not being a fanboy and being a good poster cause he is a fanboy of sony, look at his posting history as far back as it goes and you will see he is a pure breed cow[QUOTE="Halo__Reach"]
[QUOTE="aaronmullan"] Yeah, that nearly 100k gamerscore tells me different. He's far from a cow.SolidTy
Sometimes my Gamerscore doesn't change because...I'm playing a different system (Wii, DS, PSP, PS2, PS3, PC...), lol.
Don't worry about it, you don't even have a Gamerscore to show anyways. You just worry about you buying a 360 and getting your first 10,000.
oh i was just saying that a five hour campaign didn't bother me in kz2 or cod4 which were both thrilling enough throughout to keep me going... im just saying that we shouldn't judge odst on its length but rather its quality... which looks on par with the two aforementioned titles... imo of course. And yeah i played kz2 on normal and didn't really take my time... amazing graphics and great gunplay but i didn't feel like the story was worth much notice so i didn't take my time with it.
if you havent noticed that solidty is a cow, you will never notice itWhy that's incorrect good sir!Halo__Reach
[QUOTE="Halo__Reach"]if you havent noticed that solidty is a cow, you will never notice it
Why that's incorrect good sir! how come its only cows saying he isnt a cow? lolPlease Log In to post.
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