[QUOTE="nintendo-4life"][QUOTE="-TheSecondSign-"][QUOTE="nintendo-4life"][QUOTE="PhoebusFlows"] [QUOTE="nintendo-4life"]oh really? are you saying yoga doesn't do anything to fitness? :|-TheSecondSign-
how deep is the Yoga system in Wii Fit? Xbox1 had a Yoga game already (it was a 100% Yoga dedicated game) Should I praise that game for making women all over the country fit? If a game that's dedicated to Yoga couldn't induce a country-wide weight loss phenomenon, no way will Wii Fit. I bet the Yoga portion is some tiny minigame or two.
Yoga does make a person more limber, and increase the person's awareness of their own body, but Wii Fit is almost no different from a cheap late-night informercial product. It promises results using the lowest intensity (ie waste of time) possible, and this does not really lead to results. The reason why most of the country is unfit is because most of the country fall for these quick schemes. Only a small percentage of the people you see on the street who you'd classify as realy "fit" knew that those results did not come from a piece of plastic or junky equipment you buy in four easy payments of $12.99. It came through years of dedicated hard work and knowledge. Wii Sport or Wii Fit and even that Xbox 1 game, and even DDR, are not really the way to go. I know someone will say "DDR makes you hella tired!" One thing wrong with DDR used as exercise is you need to keep the heartrate at a continuous 15-20 minute stretch to see real fat-burning benefits (which are still small at this point) DDR has so many pauses and time to switch songs and settings that the heartrate never reaches the necessary pitch. That, and the person would need to play DDR quite often that he'll just say to himself, "Why not just go to the GYM and get 100% maximum fat-burning instead of this video game that gives only 60%?"
Use this hardcore rule: to burn off a decadent cookie you'd have to run like a madman (hair flopping around, drenched in sweat) around a track for 15-20 minutes. All of that painful work to burn off a cookie. Now, tell me, where in Wii Sports or Wii Fit will you even approach that level of intensity -- and this is just for a cookie! Imagine an obese person needing to lose 20-30 pounds. If a cookie is 150 calories and a pound of fat is 3,500 calories, you can do the match and pretty much see that it will take forever to meet that goal if you use Wii Fit or Wii Sports.
The answer, I'm afriad, is ditch the Wii Fit and do it the right way, the natural way, the way even our ancestors knew. They did not need dumb modern-day contraptions and plastic toys to outrun and outperform us, they didnt even have shoes for chrissakes.
as i still haven't played the game yet, i surely cannot answer any of your questions right now, but there's one thing ssj_ken pointed out, Wii fit can be fun, real excercising cannot. The point of Wii fit is that it's still a game and can still be effective, i'm not saying it will make you look your gender stereotype, but at least it will get my muscles moving more than most games around.WTH? :|
Are you kidding? Exercise can be fun. Have you ever actually tried an actual workout? Ever? And if you have, have you ever tried any SERIOUS alternatives?
:| The human body needs exercise. Our bodies are naturally inclined to begin enjoying excercise once you stay on a regiment for a long enough period of time, not to mention the benefits of increased blood flow and brain activity that come with working out. Have you EVER tried pushing yourself?
then why all the negativity around Wii fit if that's really the case?i have tried actual workouts, also what are you trying to say about pushing myself, if you're talking about push ups or pushing myself in a wall then of course i have, i've also pulled myself from ledges (don't ask) but otherwise i really don't know what you're asking.
excercise can be refreshing once you get in to it, but fun? i don't think so, just look at the alternatives, dancing for instance is fun, but it's not a direct excercise, walking can be a bore sometimes without some distraction. what you said about enjoying excercise once you say on regiment can be true, i myself couldn't handle a long period of time excercise, and i believe that's the problem with all the fat people out there, it DOES take time to "get it" Wii Fit doesn't. and no if anyone is wondering i don't think Wii fit is the solution to my weight problem, but it's litrally a GAME about excercise, of course it's going to be fun.
Wow. :|
You know what, nevermind.
It's pretty clear you never tried in the first place, and I mean seriously tried. Whatever, I don't care. I never said there was a problem with WiiFit, I said I don't care about WiiFit, because I don't.
I......I don't even know where to start, so I won't. Go on with whatever strange, wackjob idea you have. I don't care.
:| .... ok....you know what? you are right i have never seriously tried because my heart was never in it, yes i am a bit overweight and i should care but i don't, so maybe you're right, that it is fun to excercise, but hell, i never reached that level.
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