[QUOTE="nmaharg"]I find it funny people say they hate DD, yet they most likely have itunes installed with a bunch of MP3s on there PC/Iphone/Ipod/zune/psp do I need to go on. Steam is slowly becoming the itunes of gaming. Itunes sells more music through DD than all retail stores combined. "But, but DD is the fail...." Bluray001Downloading music is convienent. It takes seconds. Unlike games which takes hours.... and TrueHD movies, which take a day or two. There was a time when downloading music was highly inconvenient. People had 56k modems, individual tracks took 25 minutes to download and there was no real usable music store. That changed. In time, movies and games will also be convenient to download. For many of us, it already is. I never buy DVDs anymore; I download all of my TV and movies from Amazon.com, Zune marketplace or Xbox Video Marketplace.
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