Halo 3 who !? Killzone 2 What ?? THIS IS NEXT GEN :o!!!!!
WOW That's Like Sex For The Eye's!!! mmmmmmmmmm awwwwwwhh!!:P
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Halo 3 who !? Killzone 2 What ?? THIS IS NEXT GEN :o!!!!!
WOW! Look at the draw distance! Amazing!
Halo 3 who !? Killzone 2 What ?? THIS IS NEXT GEN :o!!!!!
[QUOTE="cyprus646"]WOW! Look at the draw distance! Amazing!
Halo 3 who !? Killzone 2 What ?? THIS IS NEXT GEN :o!!!!!
lol it does have a good draw distance
look at what silver river posted there
"I was Scared Once My Mom Went Out when There Where Racoons Bears Flying Squirles Wow What Kind Food Where They After???? The Honey I Put Out? Darn I Should Brought It Back InHeh Lucly My Mom Came Back In With Not A Scratch
But There Was alot Of animals after my hunny " LMAO i never laughed this much in my entire life!XxSTILL_BORNxX
lmao best story of the year!
the TOPIC on this post was "wat would u do in wolfquest"
heres the TC's post
"i would run around and chase my tail just for fun what will you do"
WAT THE....hahahahahahahhahaha`!!!!!!!
heres the reply to his post..
"I'd run around and explore... ...a lot! But chasing my tail does sound fun, my dog at least thinks so. "
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA~!!!1 LOL!!! THESE GUYS should b a stand up comedian!!!!!!
heres MORE!!!
In single player, the whole shabam, through mainly exploring (especially mountains) and hunting. When I feel like it, I'll search for a mate. Then repeat.
Multi-Player, hrmm. Well, me and my goofy friends are making a pack. So I'll just say we survive and thrive. Our own way....IS THIS GUY SERIOUS???? hahahahahahahah~!!! he's actually serious abt making a pack of wolves...BUT OWH WAIT~!!!
U DIDNT READ THE reply some kid gave him~
the kid posted this as a reply to his post...
Lol yeah my friends are al like:Omg we need to all be inone pack! Will they let a pack of 124908230598 wolves in multiplayer????
Lol..."I LOL'D WHEN HE SAID "Omg we need to all be inone pack"
any one else wants to post more funny posts??
heres more of =the funny posts from their forum
guys check out theyre saying on the forums!!!!!
this topic was on how the wolves would breed in the game....ilaughed out loud so hard when i read these...
this is wat the TC posted..
"How would the wolves breed? Would you click on a wolf and choose "breed with.." etc? And would it show the actual breeding? If so, I'll have to convince my parents to let me play. -over protective parents-
I can't wait until December! =D"hahahahaha~!!!!
and these r the replies he gets...
I think there will be breeding but I really doubt they will just show it.
Although I have no problem with it I'm 16 I can handle is xD
As for my parents being over protective
They have no say in what I do XD
So yay with breeding I dont care wether it shows it or not.?OMG!!! THIS GUY SAID HE WAS 16!!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!!!
~Yup, that protective.
For example, if i even type in "myspace" somewhere, I get grounded. It's more of my dad then my mom. Hopefully they'll let me."hahahahaha~~
somebody please hand these kids some grown up stuff please!!!
i love the forums for that game. I read one where they explained their wolf names and the meanings behind it. one person said that he goit in a fight with his wolf father and left the pack, so his name is Loner lmao!
So you can buy armor and stuff like that.
Lol, for a second I was about to sign-in,until I saw the vid:?
LOL, I am so spamming their forum tonight. Anyone else noticed this horror is paid by theMinnesota Zoo? I am ready to bet that they received money from the gouvernement to make that thing.Franko_3
Forget the kids in the video. Some of the people around here are the ones that need to grow up.
Personally, I think it could be fun and educational. But I enjoyed the Wolf and Lion bio simulation games too.
How's that supposed to go? Gameplay over graphics or something like that?
For all those who don't know, here's a race list in this game:
Wild Dogs with pointy teeth.
Uh, wolfs.
Brown wolf?
Uh... Chihauhua.
Also, watch out for those damn twinks in PvP, folks! You always know that those pesky level 19 Arctic Hounds are packing fierce weapons like the deadly Black Fang of the Rabies and Sharpened Claw of Fleas.
But in all seriousness, this game is gay Yeah, that's all I have to say.
For all those who don't know, here's a race list in this game:
Wild Dogs with pointy teeth.
Uh, wolfs.
Brown wolf?
Uh... Chihauhua.
Also, watch out for those damn twinks in PvP, folks! You always know that those pesky level 19 Arctic Hounds are packing fierce weapons like the deadly Black Fang of the Rabies and Sharpened Claw of Fleas.
But in all seriousness, this game is gay Yeah, that's all I have to say.
dont forget the mysterious elkromancer
Star Wars Galaxies was king before Sony decided to utterly destroy it.
Lord of the Rings Online is better than WoW also.
[QUOTE="FrozenLiquid"]Star Wars Galaxies was king before Sony decided to utterly destroy it.
Lord of the Rings Online is better than WoW also.
Joke thread, dude. Check the link, and watch the video.
Yeah I know.
I was almost intrigued by the whole WolfQuest thing until I saw that you could piss in the game. That's hilarious :lol:
Star Wars Galaxies was king before Sony decided to utterly destroy it.
Lord of the Rings Online is better than WoW also.
You are aware that LOTRO is basically WoW with a LOTR skin, do you?
The only differences are the lackluster PvP and the stuck up community who get pissy if you call a hobbit a halfling.
"OMGZ teh hobits r nt halflingz! LOLZ"
Besides, Wolfquest rules both WoW and LOTRO. Marking territories > Getting phat lewt.
I was almost intrigued by the whole WolfQuest thing until I saw that you could piss in the game. That's hilarious :lol:
If the game's free, I'm gonna sign up just to do just that on as many things as possible. Stuff teabagging, they should include peeing in future multiplayer games... :twisted:
[QUOTE="FrozenLiquid"]Star Wars Galaxies was king before Sony decided to utterly destroy it.
Lord of the Rings Online is better than WoW also.
You are aware that LOTRO is basically WoW with a LOTR skin, do you?
The only differences are the lackluster PvP and the stuck up community who get pissy if you call a hobbit a halfling.
"OMGZ teh hobits r nt halflingz! LOLZ"
Besides, Wolfquest rules both WoW and LOTRO. Marking territories > Getting phat lewt.
And you are aware that WoW is merely a bit of Everquest, a bit of SWG etc right? I love it how WoWers think WoW is original and inventive. It's like the only MMO they've ever played.
And does the community get pissy when you call a hobbit a halfling? :lol: Wow, know your LOTR lore. Some species do call them halflings.
Oh, and I don't know about you, but the community are very welcoming to those who don't know about LOTRO lore. They correct them in the nicest way possible.
LOTRO's community consists of MMO vets. The dentists, the taxi drivers, your bus driver is stuck on WoW. That's why you'll hear on every MMO apart from WoW the catch phrase "WoW sucks". Because it does.
Only in Second Life and WoW do you get:
"Lulz ill pay u to take ur clothes off and dance elf ;)"
Cybering is also predominantly found in WoW. When the Prancing Pony became sl**sville, everyone pointed to one thing: "Must be WoWers".
This is basically what happened: SWG was doing great. Then Sony f***d it up big time with NGE (don't know what that means, do you? Look it up on Wikipedia). 90% of users asked for their money back, and quit SWG. Before Sony could do something, WoW came out. Those MMO vets moved to WoW. WoW was their mainstay if they did not like the alternative EQ2 (and some Evercrackers moved to WoW too since they didn't like EQ2). WoW had really no new competition for ages. That's until LOTRO came out. The thing that WoW lacked is depth. It was fun to play, but it lacked depth. You just played the game. You didn't RP in any sense. It was merely a MMOG, not MMORPG. You will hear MMO vets saying it's the AOL of MMOs.
Measly example: You will never see anyone busking in WoW for money. It happens a bit in LOTRO, but it was nowhere near SWG. You had people RPing as dancers yet smuggling weapons "under the table", you had pure musicians making a living out of entertaining people. If you were a Jedi (they were extremely rare), you had Darth Vader breathing down your back. No one wanted to be the coolest person ever. They just wanted to be part of the universe.
So now everyone's moving over to LOTRO, since it has the best of both worlds: the heart and soul SWG had and the ease of use WoW has. Still, some say to this day SWG had the best crafting system ever.
Also, remember back in the day a Blizzard dev said Everquest 2 was better than WoW at launch. WoW only started pulling ahead when more content was included.
Oh, and the funniest thing you said was implying LOTRO ripped off WoW. Take a look at fantasy nowdays mate, and just realize how many damn universes have shamelessly ripped of Tolkien's universe.
In any case, whatever Raph Koster is cooking up in the future, you'll be sure to find that the next biggest MMO out. Don't know who Raph Koster is? Look him up ;).
EDIT: I'm loving my main, who tries to be a chivalrous soldier but has the most unorthodox method. And his wife (my alt to stop those pesty 6th graders from hitting on me) is a farmer and cook, but thieves behind his back. It's little things like this that make the worlds that much more believable.
With that said, I never said that LOTRO was a bad game. I just stated it's insanely too familiar to the model WoW set forth.
Which is, in turn, insanely too familiar to the model EQ set forth. I mean, really. All WoW is is a Blizzard skin over Everquest, dumbed down for people who never played an MMO before.
There's hardly anything actually 'new' about either WoW or LotRO. If you wanted, you can go back even further than that, to the old pre-graphical TinyMUD days.
Very long and pointless rant much? I'll make this short...
And you are aware that WoW is merely a bit of Everquest, a bit of SWG etc right? I love it how WoWers think WoW is original and inventive. It's like the only MMO they've ever played.Redmoonxl2
I don't recall WoW relying on pointless spawn times, convoluted crafting systems and endless timesinks as well as having SOE managing the game. SOE is a huge factor considering how many MMOs they screwed up.
And does the community get pissy when you call a hobbit a halfling? :lol: Wow, know your LOTR lore. Some species do call them halflings.FrozenLiquid
You're missing the point. The community's dedication to Tolkien lore borderlines on insanely pathetic. Then again, reading what you wrote, I'm not too surprised.
Oh, and I don't know about you, but the community are very welcoming to those who don't know about LOTRO lore. They correct them in the nicest way possible.FrozenLiquid
You must have been playing a completely different game I've played. Besides, who cares about lore in the long run? It's not like Tolkien would seriously give a crap, especially considering he's dead.
LOTRO's community consists of MMO vets. The dentists, the taxi drivers, your bus driver is stuck on WoW. That's why you'll hear on every MMO apart from WoW the catch phrase "WoW sucks". Because it does.FrozenLiquid
So WoW sucks because the everyman is playing WoW? Not following. I'm sure that the "MMO Vets" so overly concerned over fictional fantasy worlds that they spend hours thinking how cool it would be to meet Legolas are any better, eh?
As I stated, the game plays like WoW with a LOTRO skin.
Only in Second Life and WoW do you get:"Lulz ill pay u to take ur clothes off and dance elf ;)"
Cybering is also predominantly found in WoW. When the Prancing Pony became sl**sville, everyone pointed to one thing: "Must be WoWers".FrozenLiquid
That makes no sense. So cybering in LOTRO is connected to another MMO...how?
By the way, cybering in MMOs existed since Ultima Online. So I guess cybering is all UO's fault, eh? Damn UOers...
This is basically what happened: SWG was doing great. Then Sony f***d it up big time with NGE (don't know what that means, do you? Look it up on Wikipedia). 90% of users asked for their money back, and quit SWG. Before Sony could do something, WoW came out. Those MMO vets moved to WoW. WoW was their mainstay if they did not like the alternative EQ2 (and some Evercrackers moved to WoW too since they didn't like EQ2). WoW had really no new competition for ages. That's until LOTRO came out. The thing that WoW lacked is depth. It was fun to play, but it lacked depth. You just played the game. You didn't RP in any sense. It was merely a MMOG, not MMORPG. You will hear MMO vets saying it's the AOL of MMOs.FrozenLiquid
SWG was doing well? Hardly. That game had so many issues that most people were turned off initially. The hardcore stayed until the entire "Oh, Um Gee, lets make SWG a MMO FPS!" phase.
The game had it's popularity but was it seriously a major success? Not even close.
Anyways, I don't see how the failure of SWG somehow makes WoW any worse. Seems like you are heavily bias towards a game that you obviously don't like because another game is currently your "thing". Don't worry, I'm sure the boogyman (Blizzard) won't kill your buzz.
WoW lacking depth... :roll:
I'll be sure to go to you for any unbias opinions in the near future. :lol:
Measly example: You will never see anyone busking in WoW for money. It happens a bit in LOTRO, but it was nowhere near SWG. You had people RPing as dancers yet smuggling weapons "under the table", you had pure musicians making a living out of entertaining people. If you were a Jedi (they were extremely rare), you had Darth Vader breathing down your back. No one wanted to be the coolest person ever. They just wanted to be part of the universe.FrozenLiquid
Different strokes for different folks? Some people aren't satisfied with being "part of the universe"/
So now everyone's moving over to LOTRO, since it has the best of both worlds: the heart and soul SWG had and the ease of use WoW has. Still, some say to this day SWG had the best crafting system ever.FrozenLiquid
Heart and soul of SWG? Seriously? I personally don't find it exciting to be random hobbit number 236.
As for crafting, I was never a fan of the entire crafting scene. As said, different strokes for different folks.
Also, remember back in the day a Blizzard dev said Everquest 2 was better than WoW at launch. WoW only started pulling ahead when more content was included.FrozenLiquid
Eh? WoW was ahead of EQ2 since the first day of release. In fact, I believe that WoW holds the record of largest subscription base of any MMO in opening day (over 500,000 on the first day)
Oh, and the funniest thing you said was implying LOTRO ripped off WoW. Take a look at fantasy nowdays mate, and just realize how many damn universes have shamelessly ripped of Tolkien's universe.FrozenLiquid
Has nothing to do with my point. LOTRO plays nearly the same as WoW, just about the same gameplay interface and everything. The only difference is the art style (Which is bland imo) and community, who are anal about LOTR lore, which I seriously don't care for.
In any case, whatever Raph Koster is cooking up in the future, you'll be sure to find that the next biggest MMO out. Don't know who Raph Koster is? Look him up ;).FrozenLiquid
"Hey, look at me! I feel superior by naming a name most people don't recognize!11!"
Personally, I never liked SWG or UO so no, I'm not excited about any future game from him.
EDIT: I'm loving my main, who tries to be a chivalrous soldier but has the most unorthodox method. And his wife (my alt to stop those pesty 6th graders from hitting on me) is a farmer and cook, but thieves behind his back. It's little things like this that make the worlds that much more believable.FrozenLiquid
I'm excited for you.
Actually, not really.
With that said, I never said that LOTRO was a bad game. I just stated it's insanely too familiar to the model WoW set forth.
Oh and if you really want to feel important about the MMOs you've played, I have played everything from UO to *gasp* LOTRO. Trust me, you're less important than you think you are in regards to this subject.
Because i have time restraints on myself, I can't post every single one of your arguments, but all of them lead to this:
You haven't played every MMO since UO. If you were that much of a MMO vet you wouldn't be talking like this.
Secondly, any person who's played all MMOs knows about Raph Koster. Only WoW casuals don't know anything about one of the most successful single developers in the industry.
Third, you called LOTRO art direction bland. Sorry it doesn't cater to 6th graders. Bulky armour and metal bikinis FTL. And it's generally agreed upon that the art direction is much better than WoW -- this is according to MMO vets. that is, of course, everyone but yourself.
Face it, you're not fooling anyone, and you know it.
[QUOTE="Redmoonxl2"]With that said, I never said that LOTRO was a bad game. I just stated it's insanely too familiar to the model WoW set forth.
Which is, in turn, insanely too familiar to the model EQ set forth. I mean, really. All WoW is is a Blizzard skin over Everquest, dumbed down for people who never played an MMO before.
There's hardly anything actually 'new' about either WoW or LotRO. If you wanted, you can go back even further than that, to the old pre-graphical TinyMUD days.
Yes, everyone knows this, but WoWers have been brainwashed beyond belief.
They think the game is the greatest damn game ever, nothing has been like it before; nothing will ever be like it and they'll spam the EQ forums, LOTRO forums, CoH and Vanguard forums just because of it.
The most ironic thing I've heard coming from WoWers is this: "WoW is better than real life".
Because i have time restraints on myself, I can't post every single one of your arguments, but all of them lead to this:
You haven't played every MMO since UO. If you were that much of a MMO vet you wouldn't be talking like this.
Secondly, any person who's played all MMOs knows about Raph Koster. Only WoW casuals don't know anything about one of the most successful single developers in the industry.
Third, you called LOTRO art direction bland. Sorry it doesn't cater to 6th graders. Bulky armour and metal bikinis FTL. And it's generally agreed upon that the art direction is much better than WoW -- this is according to MMO vets. that is, of course, everyone but yourself.
Face it, you're not fooling anyone, and you know it.
So you and your fabled "MMO vets" believe that:
1) SWG was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
2) Raph Koster is the greatest developer ever.
3) LOTRO's art is better than WoW.
4) I haven't played MMOs since what I stand by you simply don't believe in.
Hmm. I'm sure that these "MMO vets" must be so happy that you are speaking for them because clearly I speak for myself. My thoughts and opinions are not here to satisfy you and your make believe group of imaginary vets that you seem to be in communication with 24/7.
If you don't like my opinions, go cry to someone else. Obviously you seem to take the genre so seriously that everybody must think like you. My advice, less thinking like you are the son of Frodo and more realizing that maybe everybody have different stances on your preferred games. The reason why I decided to quote you is the hypocrisy that comes with bashing WoW while praising LOTRO. Makes no sense at all.
Which is, in turn, insanely too familiar to the model EQ set forth. I mean, really. All WoW is is a Blizzard skin over Everquest, dumbed down for people who never played an MMO before.GrlGmr
WoW follows the EQ model, I won't deny that, but to say that it's an exact copy of EQ is foolish. The problem with EQ is the stupid timesinks thrown in to keep the player playing, from timed mobs to 5 minute resting to restore your hp/mp after a fight. For you to call WoW "dumbed down" either means you seem to enjoy being kept from playing the game like developers envisioned it to get your money or you are a gaming masochist.
There's hardly anything actually 'new' about either WoW or LotRO. If you wanted, you can go back even further than that, to the old pre-graphical TinyMUD days. GrlGmr
Incorrect. The major thing that is new about WoW and LOTRO (Yes, even LOTRO) is that the developers actually put time into making the game entertaining. Just about every MMO game before that was just AIM with graphics and a monthly fee, offering a stale gameplay model with little innovation, improvements, refinements, etc. We've come a long way since MUD.
Yes, everyone knows this, but WoWers have been brainwashed beyond belief.
They think the game is the greatest damn game ever, nothing has been like it before; nothing will ever be like it and they'll spam the EQ forums, LOTRO forums, CoH and Vanguard forums just because of it.
The most ironic thing I've heard coming from WoWers is this: "WoW is better than real life".
Funny thing, I never said that WoW is the greatest game ever and I find it hypocritical that you would say that yet try to shove your opinion down my throat. Kinda hard to take you seriously and seem more like the blind fanboy than I do. Sorry you have a bad impression of a community 9 million strong thanks to the foolish remarks from a few dozen fanboys spamming your favorite boards however to stereotype an entire community is just silly. Maybe I should point out the elitist jerks that exist in other MMOs and generalize that community, eh?
Regardless of what MMO community you come from, you will always find the players who think that their game is a gift from heaven and will bash the competition. Face that fact and it'll be less of an issue. I'm pretty sure you're losing sleep if someone harms your LOTRO in any way.
We've come a long way since MUD.Redmoonxl2I miss my MUD. I played this one for over a year hard-freaking-core. :(
[QUOTE="FrozenLiquid"]I was almost intrigued by the whole WolfQuest thing until I saw that you could piss in the game. That's hilarious :lol:
If the game's free, I'm gonna sign up just to do just that on as many things as possible. Stuff teabagging, they should include peeing in future multiplayer games... :twisted:
the game is free, comes out this december.
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