@HalcyonScarlet said:
Oh noes, he says he's destroying my arguments, quick it must be true.
Find where I said 'options are bad'? No... Okay.
Console becomes redundant = 'a bit superseded'. Not quite.
Blaming the early adopter is your own sick opinion. How dare anyone excited about what MS, Nintendo and PS, buy into their console... Even though I've been doing it since the SNES and only got burned with the Xbox One.
You brought up you can play games on your PC and that is bad because it devalues your xbox.
You are argueing against M$ making the games multiplat took away from your xbox somehow? It factually didn't. But allowing you the choice to essentially abandon the platform your on one hand admitting you bought the system without any particular justification to and when M$ gave you the choice, you chose to buy those games on PC. Your argument DEPENDS on the choices being bad to work. And then blaming M$ for your choices instead of taking responsibility for your spending habbits like M$ changed something. They didn't. They took nothing away from the xbox, but they gave to the PC.
Again your perceived changes by M$ haven't affected you negatively. You bought a plastic box before you had a use for it, 4 years in and you found no use for it? How is it M$'s fault you bought their box when you didn't need to? You could have waited. You can be excited for a product with out throwing your money at it prematurely. That is YOUR FAULT.
'MS made a bad choice with RARE'
The good games stopped coming in by 2008, 9 years ago. That's a long time.
The bad:
2003 'Grabbed by the Goulies'
2005 'Perfect Dark Zero' Universally criticised among gamers. SO bad, I, like many other gamers will still play shooters dating back to and even before the N64 including PD on XBLA, but PDZ was just bad. Never even hear people mention that anymore.
The good:
2005 'Kameo'
2005 'Viva Pinata'
2008 'Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise'
2008 'Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts N Bolts'
None of these games are objectively bad. 6 is fair 7 is good. 8 is great. 9 is amazing.
Again you are incorrect in your grouping of bad games.
So your opinion is based on skewed logic.
It is normal to wait until the final product comes out. Perfectly willing to accept what people say about it then. If it's great, fine.
What has this got to do with M$'s decision making, Rare is objectively a competant developer and their games are as widely appealing. Again this has nothing to do with Rare directly as its how Microsoft is behaving post ballmer.
And again sony has taken competent developers.
You're right, Sony IS a great example, thanks. Firstly as I was once told, Team Ico is a development team, not a developer, so they weren't sitting on their ass. Second, Sony games usually deliver in quality or/and sales.
A developer is a team. This distinction makes no fucking sense. And rare isn't sitting on their ass either, they are making sea of thieves. Prior to that they were making kinect games.
Team Ico's games prior to the last guardian sold about as much as rares games (500k for ico, 1m for shadow).
Blaming Kinect: Child of Eden, 4 Dance Central games, Nike +, Fru, Fantasia Music Evolved. These are some of the good Kinect games. Showing some creative ideas. And if you want to say the Kinect games are bad, you have to say all of RAREs good games are bad, because there are a ton of Kinect games with scores ranging from 75 - 85.
I never said the games were bad, but LIMITED. Again the way M$ implemented kinect forced people to make much simpler experience. Nothing you mentioned even came close to something like Mario Galaxy or even half of what the wii produced so the comparison and expectation on a developer is stupid.
Nothing complex or deep came out of that. If anything that list of games just proves the point further. The fact that you can list the majority of the games in a single sentance and it seems normal. Again the tech was limited and it drove people away because traditional experiences didn't work with it, there was never going to be a mario galaxy, only a fru.
If the review scale wasn't abused, more games considered good to great by gamers would get 6s and 7s. Only very best would be getting 8s. And 9s would be unsual, with 10s being highly unlikely.
Take Yooka Laylee, how does a game with Uncooperative camera, Convoluted level design and Outdated gameplay get a 6. Surely games should start to get competent and really quite good by a level of 6.
That's why magazines have gone from 77 to 7.5 to 7.0 and to the bigger jumpers 3/5. To try and rain that in a bit and bring clarity while still conveying the message. But mostly, competent games starts at 7, good to very good between 8 and 9, and 9 to 10 pretty much great.
Again just look at the review scores on gamespot, your objectively wrong. Rime 6/10... still not considered bad, but not 'great'. The reason why we sit on the upper half is because most games are at least good games, and we get a lot of great games. We can use aggregated scores to get a general sense of quality and fun. And most people don't play bad games, usually because they are bad. They die on impressions.
6 is fair. Not good. It means it just passes mundane a little and is at least a little fun. 6 Is a reasonable score for a game with outdated gameplay and generally high quality put together otherwise. The fact is it IS a competent engineering effort, generally well made and isn't broken. Its just has a lot of flaws and is considered OK not GOOD.
Good games start at 7. I linked you multiple websites rules and that is the general idea. I didn't check all of them but likely they are close. Stop trying to spin this because you are factually incorrect and have no evidence of reviews with improper scores. Also I'll agree there may lack diversety in review scores, OPINIONS generally seem to follow together. So like Banjo N&B, most people think its good, some think its great.
So let me repeat this again, the facts are on my side, critics have generally considered rare's quality good to great RELIABLY. You interpreting good other than good is pathetic.
While I will concede some of RAREs games may be at least good, considering the length of time MS have had RARE 14 years, considering Banjo was 9 years ago, and the amount of projects they had, and considering these have mostly been big budgets, they haven't really delivered enough on quality or sales for me to say they're consistent.
All but grabbed by the ghoulies was considered good, and it wasn't even considered a 'bad' game. Even their kinect games were generally well received.
Have they been big bugdets? Where's your facts here? Even Sea of Thieves is a high quality indie sized MP game basically. You think Viva Pinata or Banjo Had as big of a budget as Uncharted? I can't find anything on the budget so thanks for presenting more baseless nonsense. Again your making the assumption of their budget based on the quality/size of the games.
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