Don't worry, this isn't about StarCraft 2, this is about WoW.
Is not a secret, i strongly dislike WoW, i've never been into MMORPGs and i've tried WoW a couple of times and both times bored me to death, i'm sorry but i just feel it too repetitive and without any purpose, i mean just click and click and click, sure, i'm aware that all games under that concept are repetitive and boring, but, i just don't like the game at all, let's just put it that way.
The thing is that a couple of weeks ago, i was talking to my cousin, i huge, huge WoW fan (because of him, i try the game) and he told me, i haven't tell you right? [spoiler] officially Arthas, the Lych King, the most powerful being in the earth is....dead [/spoiler] I was like :| WTH, i mean, how it is possible? how could Blizzard betray their old Warcraft fans like this, the players that support Warcraft as an RTS game, the ending in Frozen Throne was beyond Epic and thanks to such a cliffhanger, we've been claiming a new Warcraft only to see the human's army trying to fight the undead, Jaina struggling to save his old love, but now, this happen? I'm sorry, but i feel Blizzard has just shattered the great mythology they created, by doing this.
And yes, i'm complaining to much, but this only made my dislike for WoW to grow even more, and i'm fraid that WarCraft IV may never exist.
So, Am i alone here, what do you think of WoW, Would you like a new RTS WarCraft?
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