I've been a fan of Warcraft Lore for awhile now with Arthas being my favorite lore figure. I'm very pleased to have experienced the assault on Icecrown Citadel and partaking in the death of the Lich King. Wrath of the Lich King has been out for nearly two years now, and the journey of questing through Northrend, raiding Naxxramas and Ulduar, have all been great in continuing the story left off from Warcraft 3, as well as now concluding it.
I don't understand your gripe with "random travelers" defeating the Lich King. Throughout your questing and raiding experience in Northrend, the game makes it obvious to you that you are a hero for the Alliance/Horde. You are practically are major figure to your faction, the same you view Illidan, KJ, and Arthas.
Can't speak for madsnake, but for me, it's an innate problem with non-persistent MMO's: The feeling that you're not the one or one of the few and only, but just one of the many who've killed someone or something on multiple occassions. In reality, the same applies to just about every single game ever made, but the way MMO's are structured constantly reinforces that fact with the emphasis on gear grinding in order to remain capable of playing to the best of your ability when the next enemy comes around.
Said emphasis also makes it incredibly difficult for newer players who want to join in on the fun. "Want to go to Icecrown Citadel? Sorry, first you have to slave away in some old raid that we ground beyond the plane of existence. Oh, and you can only do it once a week. Have fun!"
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