After the controversy surrounding it, you are really playing to their hands if you STILL got the game. For those who don't know:
After the controversy surrounding it, you are really playing to their hands if you STILL got the game. For those who don't know:
I bought it.
The good:
Visually looks amazing
One of the best training modes of any fighting game.
Fluid and fun combat
The bad:
Definitely got a dose of progressive cancer. From try hard Cassie Cage to all the women dressing like unattractive middle aged femenist.
Pain in the ass to unlock the gear you want.
Waiting for sale myself, but only because I kinda knew the microtransactions and the built-in arm-twisting to use them would be horri-bad. This is a WB game, after all. Turns out it's apparently even worse than I thought. I wait and see if the backlash is strong enough to force them to change course.
The internet obsessives going berserk over a little art evolution is hilarious, however.
I bought it.
The good:
Visually looks amazing
One of the best training modes of any fighting game.
Fluid and fun combat
The bad:
Definitely got a dose of progressive cancer. From try hard Cassie Cage to all the women dressing like unattractive middle aged femenist.
Pain in the ass to unlock the gear you want.
Yep, definitely not a fan of some pink haired authoritative left fucko trying to lecture me in a game. It's more the concept than the actual message. There's a certain sliminess to it.
It's like Brie Larson really, positive message, absolute **** delivering it.
Waiting for sale myself, but only because I kinda knew the microtransactions and the built-in arm-twisting to use them would be horri-bad. This is a WB game, after all. Turns out it's apparently even worse than I thought. I wait and see if the backlash is strong enough to force them to change course.
The internet obsessives going berserk over a little art evolution is hilarious, however.
It's interesting people are getting uppity about the microtransactions (which of course, are bullshit in a £50 game), but absolutely no one, including the reviewers bat an eye-lid at Shao Kahn being immediately segmented as £4.99 DLC at launch, because we've just been spammed with this shitty practice so long it's become normalized.
@misrespect: So you think people shouldn’t buy MK11 because the women have clothes on? You know the game plays and looks better than ever, right? But the lack of cleavage and skin showing is more important, right? And your boys female UFC fighter comparison is ridiculous. That entire video is beyond dumb and you should feel bad for spreading that b.s.
“Your fans are the ones that pay your bills.” This dude is gonna feel beyond stupid when the game is a huge financial success. And so should you TC.
Call Of Duty had the right idea separating the SP/MP installation on Steam.
At 60gb this shit is taking an age to install.
I dunno about other people, but for myself, the pre-order DLC is a WB tradition going back to the Arkham games. It's a given at this point. Sun rises, birds fly, and a WB game will have pre-order DLC. Too jaded by it to work up the effort to get fired up about it.
Another reason I'm waiting for sale, but one that was already "priced in" years ago.
@madrocketeer: Oh, got it preordered as well. Still an absolutely shitty ass practice that we just accept. Time, should really have no bearing. It's still, a shitty practice.
The fact gamers more more upset about woman wearing clothes and slavery, uh.... being bad? Than Warn Bros REMOVING CONTENT FROM YOUR GAME is almost like a meta-self parody
*Shrugs* Internet obsessives will obsess. Nothing new.
As I said a few times before, the Internet: "Real-Life 40k Warp."
Definitely got a dose of progressive cancer. From try hard Cassie Cage to all the women dressing like unattractive middle aged femenist.
There is no middle-aged woman except Sonya Blade. Technically, Kitana and Jade are over at least 5,000 years old including Shao Kahn who has been ruling since 10,000 years ago.
Bought it and enjoying it so far. /shurg I never even noticed the female fighters being covered and don't really care. It only bothers me if the developers would of chosen to have undressed fighters and then Sony or Microsoft telling them to change it. It was the developers choice and so be it in this case.
@watercrack445: I'm talking about the costumes they put the women in. It looks like what a 50 year old would wear at the gym.
@madrocketeer: I don't understand this reference. googled it and it took me to a warframe forum, which I presume is you.
Really shouldn't shrug, a passive nature can easily be as bad as an obsessive one.
Indeed, if gamers actually stopped being massive numptys and concentrated on the stuff that does matter, and made the phrase "vote with your wallet" actually hold some substance, all these practices would be gone, as it's all they give a shit about in the end.
But.. gamers. Bark bark, woof woof.
Nope. Warhammer 40,000. Look up "the Warp," and "Chaos."
Not passive either, just jaded and cynical. Maybe things will change, but I'm not going to count on it. AAA publishers will keeping prodding and probing to see what they can get away with, while gamers sit comfy in the pot obsessed about other crap while the publishers slowly crank up the heat. Either the publishers turn up the heat too fast and it explode in their faces, or things become the new norm and they look for new places to prod and probe. It's just human nature.
And I'm not going to get involved in any of that. Again, too jaded and cynical. I'll make the decision that's right for me, and no one else. In this world, you have to look after yourself first.
I didn't buy it, I'm not a fan of crazy micro-transactions and women looking like dudes in my games.
This is parody. This is not reality. No one is this predictable.
Jax’s ending in Mortal Kombat 11 is the best and boldest in the game
MK has always been about controversy. I remember when the SNES version of the original didn't have blood. It is sad that a game that is so violent and ridiculous is worried about the women showing too much skin.
As a lad, we had to use "Game Genie" to change the color grey sweat to red thus we got the Blood in MK SNES. But even so, SNES version still misses the actual Fatalities which was a freaking mess!
This is parody. This is not reality. No one is this predictable.
Jax’s ending in Mortal Kombat 11 is the best and boldest in the game
NRS wanted to reference MCU Wakanda and used slavery as their moralistic vehicle. The insincerity is so obvious when the best they came up with in the end is a cop-out by saying "things are better for everyone" and leaving things the same for Jax despite centuries worth of meddling with time, completely ignoring the theme of their own story mode.
It's a dumb ending by the writers. Nothing to get outraged over though, only problem I had with it was the use of the word "woke" because I can't stand it.
The guy is an idiot for comparing real life women fighting in UFC with tank tops & bicycle shorts to women fully clothed in a videogame. Seriously how stupid can one person get?
Oh and OP you are just as bad as the guy in the video for posting it here.
@uninspiredcup: nah not much of a difference
Not enough to make me get it
Thats not the big thing anyway, mk10 has the better roster, thats the big reason im not hopping into 11, same with mvc4, big roster downgrade from mvc3, mk 10 has leatherface
Roster for 11 dont look all that great yet.... But the dlc characters are comming for sure so we will see..
I'll skip a fighting game completely if the roster isnt better than the previous version
@uninspiredcup: nah not much of a difference
Not enough to make me get it
Thats not the big thing anyway, mk10 has the better roster, thats the big reason im not hopping into 11, same with mvc4, big roster downgrade from mvc3, mk 10 has leatherface
Roster for 11 dont look all that great yet.... But the dlc characters are comming for sure so we will see..
I'll skip a fighting game completely if the roster isnt better than the previous version
Care more about how diverse the roster plays than the actual count itself.
SFV started with a tiny roster but the characters played very differently in a more meaningful manner compared to previous games with larger rosters.
Not really against stripping back a roster count if it results in this.
@uninspiredcup: SFV was trash at launch, complete barebones rip off, worse roster this gen of any fighting game. The updated version later would have been appropriate at launch.
The launch was a joke and it really hurt the SF fan base, it was worse than 4 in almost everyway at launch
@uninspiredcup: SFV was trash at launch, complete barebones rip off, worse roster this gen of any fighting game
You're actually wrong. It was trash because of a lack of content and grind walls, the actual characters were the most diverse in the series gameplay wise.
With Arcade Edition is the most diverse roster on the market currently.
@uninspiredcup: SFV at launch should have been 30 bucks, no content. No arcade mode, couldnt play again CP unless training mode, online limited to 1 other person in a party at a time, no spectator mode, no story mode, no bonus anything, its a commonly known thing that SFV was one of the biggest dissapointments at launch.
The roster had 16 fighters and many fan favorites were cut for new characters, 10 levels and 16 characters. It wasnt finnished, capcom forced the release to come out before EVO, the game is much better now but that launch crippled it
@uninspiredcup: SFV at launch should have been 30 bucks, no content. No arcade mode, couldnt play again CP unless training mode, online limited to 1 other person in a party at a time, no spectator mode, no story mode, no bonus anything, its a commonly known thing that SFV was one of the biggest dissapointments at launch.
The roster had 16 fighters and many fan favorites were cut for new characters, 10 levels and 16 characters. It wasnt finnished, capcom forced the release to come out before EVO, the game is much better now but that launch crippled it
I'm not actually disagreeing the thing lacked content at launch or that it wasn't overpriced. Even with meaningfully diverse characters £50 is a piss take. It was basically an early access title.
Gonna say something here, they actually shouldn't pay all that much attention to fans demands when it comes to characters. .
A prime example is Abigail. When he arrived with his bizarre design taking up most of the screen, fans raged, shat all over him and bombed the like bar on youtube with overwhelmingly negative declaring him a joke.
Turned out he was actually an absolute blast to play, one of the strongest tiered characters in the game, and one of the most mechanically unique. Ended up in the finals of Evo 2019.
What did they want? Sakura. Got her.Nowhere near as interesting.
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