The console launching in less countries is going to sell more. Think about that for a second. Even with a better launch lineup, less markets and being more expensive is going to prevent that.
Also worse hardware.
XBOX ONE will dominate North America and hold its own everywhere else. Sorry to break it to you!! Also, If you can spend $400 on a console, then you can spend $500. The price argument is out the window no matter what you may think. The reason nobody bought a PS3 at $600 was because of both price and lack of games. the X1 has games-a-plenty and a lot more to offer technologically speaking than the PS4!! Like I said earlier, once the consoles are out in the publics hands, the outcome will not be as one sided as you Cows think it will be. The general public only knows what console has Kinect and what console has Halo!!! Those two things alone will sell the XBOX ONE to potential buyers. Let alone the whole TV thing, the NFL thing, the digital games sharing thing, the BluRay thing, the 4K HDMI thing, the XBL thing,.....should I go on? XBOX is as big of a brand name with consmers as Playstation is whether you like it or not!!Xbox One isnt going to dominate anything....get used to it.
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