I own a PS3.
90% of the school owns a 360.
I am made fun of for owning a PS3. Why? I don't know. I understand that the consoles are practically the same, exluding exclusives. They do not. They say that 360's graphics are better, its games are better, and its online is better. I've tried bringing up that PS3 has Uncharted 2, but they said that offline games are for, well, an inappropiate term.
I'm tired of this ****. I own a PS3 and I'm damn proud.
So what should I say that will help me put up a fight in this real life system war?
In real life, I don't argue video games too much, but I'm very snappy and quick witted. I'm that funny guy at parties
I do like to have friendly debates with guys at the pub, school, or work, but only for fun.:P
As far as Uncharted 2, it has Multiplayer, so go own them with that.:P
Bring up Bioshock 1's greatness to let them know MP isn't needed for greatness.
Also, winning a videogame argument won't win over the chicks, so I wouldn't push to hard for a victory.:P
Go the music route or sports route man, lot's of ladies those directions.:)
Arguing about Sports or Music is a great way to save face but still get your debating out of the way for the day.:P
And don't forget to ask them how excited they are for Alan Wake. When they say very - or whatever they say - remind them that it's a single-player only game exclusive to the 360.
Yeah, Alan Wake is a great example of a sought after, about 5 years in development, well crafted Single Player game that is coming soon. Good point.
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