1. Kotaku are a bunch of clickbaiting morons.
2. It's an FPS, so of course it's boring.
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An opinion article from Kotaku, and as if it were not bad enough by itself, by one of their worst writers? She is one of the worst/best (depends on how you look at it) cases of "writting it solely for clicks and views".
One of the (many) gems of the article:
"It doesn't match the adrenaline rush high of Call of Duty.
lol just lol
... ok yeah that phrase immediately disqualifies this person from ever being taken seriously again.
@uninspiredcup: That doesn't change anything I said does it?
Sadly my friend, the context has nullified your comment.
1. Kotaku are a bunch of clickbaiting morons.
2. It's an FPS, so of course it's boring.
FPS .? That genre have gone a long time ago , thanks to casuals . There are very few real FPS games that get the job done . New games are just MMS (Modern Military Shooters) mainly designed for controllers . Just play FEAR 1 on PC and you'll see how FPS should be done . It was a benchmark game , AI always tries to flank you whenever you are not looking at them . You expect them to show up behind same cover you saw them last time but AI always finds a way to attack you from other direction . You just can't go in gun blazing .
Then look at Fear 2 (overall good game but) , it was designed for lowest common denominator and it had dumb AI compared to first game . It had corridor shooting and worse visuals than first game . Most so called FPS are generic these days because those are targeted for casual market that mostly play games like COD on consoles . You can't turn your camera at 180 degree quickly with controller like Mouse . So what they do is make enviroments smaller , make AI Dumb (that stands there to be killed and you enter a small place and kill everyone like terminator) , implement Auto aim , and the game doesn't allow you to have bigger inventory , you can only carry 2 generic weapons and ZERO gadgets . Then there is generic storyline with a boring way to move it forward (We are good vs They are bad kind of storyline over and over and over and over again) .
First off: Who cares about Kotaku. That is like getting slammed by Molyneux or Pacter.
That said, when I hear talk about Destiny alls I think is: "So you are going to revolutionize Borderlands 2 by copy and pasting everything but that which made it unique? Yep, sounds like a Halo Dev to me." So freaking thank you for showing me I think like Kotaku. I am going to go find booze until I forgot.
Borderlands 2 is not all that unique when it comes to core mechanics, so please do not use that bullshit.
I read half of it. This bastard can't write always gets sidetracked the stupidest things.... Stop telling me about stupid Osbourne and focus on the game !
The reason it was kind of boring is because the gameplay was mediocre... Simple as that. The reason why other people are gona have tons of fun with it is because they're gona have an experience he didn't.
When the game releases you'l be able to create your own character and play it for much longer.... With your own creation you're going to be more invested in the game giving you the impression that its actually good, and before you know it 2 years will have passed, because MMO's !
Wise words
What did you expect the devs did say that they designed it in such a way that any one can pick up a controller and play it during one of the demo sessions with GS. It's designed for noobs and I can bet it will require no skill to play.
Ofcourse it was boring... its slow halo combat with barely any aiming skill... and moonwalking speed... combined in a grind-mmo-shooter format..... in others words just a much more sizable repteititve halo campaign with rpg elements... I couldn't think of a more boring concept. at least Borderlands had proper gun-play and a good pace to it.
There is a reason Halo's relevence diminished over the years....
A shooter is only as good as its sniper rifle. In Halo, the UNSC Sniper Rifle System 99 thunders with each pull of the trigger, as if Zeus himself has hurled a bolt of lightning down from the heavens and into the skull of your enemy. Zoom. Thundercrack. Headshot. Reload.
In Destiny, the sniper rifle - whatever its level, whatever its rarity, whatever its name - also thunders. Zoom. Thundercrack. Headshot. Reload. Except in Destiny, you see the word "Critical" pop up when you score that headshot. And you see a life bar evaporate. And you earn experience points. And maybe you see a message letting you know you've unlocked an upgrade for your sniper rifle, so you go into your character page, have a gander at the upgrade and buy it with the in-game currency, Glimmer.
But the feeling is the same. The common sense that governs Destiny's sniper rifle is the same that stood the SRS99 in such good stead for so long. It is the sense that the bullet really does travel across the map, hitting where and when it's supposed to, the sound of live fire echoing around a chasm, a virtual thud with real world impact. It's a familiar, reassuring feeling, and it's quintessentially Bungie.
Quintessentially Bungie: that's Destiny right there.
Eurogamer: Getting to play Destiny: better than Halo?
My favorite analogy of the small time that reporters spent with Destiny
tbh I would be much more hyped if it was a singleplayer experience. Trying to blend SP and MP has never really worked out for any game.
Imho Destiny looks pretty underwhelming from the day it was announced. I guess this game is hyped only because it's made by Bungie.
All the quality that Bungie could produce will get sucked out by Activision.
Going to pre order today for BETA access but thus far it looks as generic as can be. I know the multiplayer has yet to be announced but TBH that doesn't really interest me anyway. What I'm looking, and hoping for with Destiny is more RPG elements and being able to freely explore the vast planets, discovering new missions and secrets.
If it turns out to be just another online shooter with a few shallow missions tagged on (e.g. kill x amount of enemies, capture the base, destroy x amount of generators etc...) then I'll probably cancel it.
My question is do I shell out £50 on this or just get Planetside 2 for free and play that instead? After all if they both turn out to be just online shooters then I might as well just go FTP.
An opinion article from Kotaku, and as if it were not bad enough by itself, by one of their worst writers? She is one of the worst/best (depends on how you look at it) cases of "writting it solely for clicks and views".
One of the (many) gems of the article:
"It doesn't match the adrenaline rush high of Call of Duty.
lol just lol
I agree, but take this aspects of the game into an account:
- it's a shooter that wants to be an MMO, or vice-versa.
- what exactly can you redefine at FPS genre? The game looks like just about any other shooter from the last five years.
- it doesn't have "that something" Halo had.
I'm sure Destiny will do great sales-wise, and it'll most definitely be supported by totally legit perfect 10 reviews from every site/magazine on the planet, because Activision needs another killer MMO to have a nice, steady income World of Warcraft generated all these years. But I feel the game will be crap nonetheless.
"That Something" Halo had was MS marketing. The first one made shooters a better experience on consoles, the rest had hype.
Turns out you really do need your Xbot hat on to enjoy this stuff.
It looks way too much like a PC game. Kill, loot, level up, kill, loot, level up. An endless stream of generic and repetetive missions. I don't want that filth on my beloved consoles! A console game should have a limited set of unique and handcrafted scenarios. I really hate the PC-lisation of console gaming :(.
I am starting to hear a lot of stories like this about Destiny. It is very possible that Bungie could fall on its ass.
Yeap destiny looks like it will stink, as i thought it always would.
Bungie were incredibly stupid and arrogant to give up a gold mine like halo to 343i just to prove they could do it again.
Halo is the best fps ever created, there will be alot of pretenders but the crown will always be halo's.
It looks way too much like a PC game. Kill, loot, level up, kill, loot, level up. An endless stream of generic and repetetive missions. I don't want that filth on my beloved consoles! A console game should have a limited set of unique and handcrafted scenarios. I really hate the PC-lisation of console gaming :(.
You are basing all that off of one strike mission without even taking in to account the story that you can explore by yourself, the shops, customization, rpg elements, powers and etc. It is quite ignorant actually.
"That Something" Halo had was MS marketing. The first one made shooters a better experience on consoles, the rest had hype.
Turns out you really do need your Xbot hat on to enjoy this stuff.
I was never a Halo fan, but I liked how it handled plot, the main character and the soundtrack. The player had someone to identify with, and that was Masterchief. Sure, a gigantic marketing campaign helped too.
I don't see Bungie failing to make a compelling, enjoyable, seamless sghooter game, I just don't see it. That having been said, I myself have lost a little bit of enthusiasum for the game but that's probably because it's sorta been off my radar for a while.
It's a wait & see for me nut WTH, it's Bungie and it's gonna be good for sure, great, stellar, must have? I'm pulling for'em. :)
343 has a bunch to prove and I'm betting Halo 5 will be the best of the best of the best... Sir. :P
Cant agree with you on the other ones though!
try stalker. Halo is not even 1/4 of that game. too much freedom, RPG elements, big inventory, etc.
Okay ill give it a go!
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. does'nt have much in the way of RPG elements, just FYI ;)
It's a shooter with some dialogue and an inventory.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. does'nt have much in the way of RPG elements, just FYI ;)
It's a shooter with some dialogue and an inventory.
It has enough RPG elements . Actual inventory management,side questing,c&c elements,looting and scavenging and character progression is achieved without a skill tree.All those elements are better than in some "pure" RPG titles.
Ofcourse it was boring... its slow halo combat with barely any aiming skill... and moonwalking speed... combined in a grind-mmo-shooter format..... in others words just a much more sizable repteititve halo campaign with rpg elements... I couldn't think of a more boring concept. at least Borderlands had proper gun-play and a good pace to it.
There is a reason Halo's relevence diminished over the years....
Yeah, I'd say that Halo lost its popularity because Bungie focused too much on the multiplayer and the single player campaigns started to suffer. This game doesn't even have a single player campaign, so color me not interested.
Ofcourse it was boring... its slow halo combat with barely any aiming skill... and moonwalking speed... combined in a grind-mmo-shooter format..... in others words just a much more sizable repteititve halo campaign with rpg elements... I couldn't think of a more boring concept. at least Borderlands had proper gun-play and a good pace to it.
There is a reason Halo's relevence diminished over the years....
Yeah, I'd say that Halo lost its popularity because Bungie focused too much on the multiplayer and the single player campaigns started to suffer. This game doesn't even have a single player campaign, so color me not interested.
Get your facts straight before you post. People assume that you will not have your own story because of the MMO elements, but that is not true. Did you not notice the pale humanoid character talking in a cutscene in the earlier trailers? Next time, do your research.
I can't imagine being hyped by anything after the LA Noire/GTA Online debacles.
Will still probably cop day one if it keeps looking good though.
Ofcourse it was boring... its slow halo combat with barely any aiming skill... and moonwalking speed... combined in a grind-mmo-shooter format..... in others words just a much more sizable repteititve halo campaign with rpg elements... I couldn't think of a more boring concept. at least Borderlands had proper gun-play and a good pace to it.
There is a reason Halo's relevence diminished over the years....
Yeah, I'd say that Halo lost its popularity because Bungie focused too much on the multiplayer and the single player campaigns started to suffer. This game doesn't even have a single player campaign, so color me not interested.
Get your facts straight before you post. People assume that you will not have your own story because of the MMO elements, but that is not true. Did you not notice the pale humanoid character talking in a cutscene in the earlier trailers? Next time, do your research.
I never said the game doesn't have any type of a story. It just doesn't have a single player campaign. Why would it require an online connection if it has one?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. does'nt have much in the way of RPG elements, just FYI ;)
It's a shooter with some dialogue and an inventory.
It has enough RPG elements . Actual inventory management,side questing,c&c elements,looting and scavenging and character progression is achieved without a skill tree.All those elements are better than in some "pure" RPG titles.
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