Ofcourse it was boring... its slow halo combat with barely any aiming skill... and moonwalking speed... combined in a grind-mmo-shooter format..... in others words just a much more sizable repteititve halo campaign with rpg elements... I couldn't think of a more boring concept. at least Borderlands had proper gun-play and a good pace to it.
There is a reason Halo's relevence diminished over the years....
Yeah, I'd say that Halo lost its popularity because Bungie focused too much on the multiplayer and the single player campaigns started to suffer. This game doesn't even have a single player campaign, so color me not interested.
Get your facts straight before you post. People assume that you will not have your own story because of the MMO elements, but that is not true. Did you not notice the pale humanoid character talking in a cutscene in the earlier trailers? Next time, do your research.
I never said the game doesn't have any type of a story. It just doesn't have a single player campaign. Why would it require an online connection if it has one?
The point is that you can play solo and there is actually a story to complete. I guess that you are talking strictly single player, but you are still not require to participate in the multiplayer aspect of the game.
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