[QUOTE="TheMysticHorse"] As soon as this happens, they have to simplify the gameplay for the average 360 owner to actually want to buy the game, just like in Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, Bioshock etc. That means the PC game also gets dumbed down and thus these games become almost completely inferior to their PC exclusive predecessors.
Too many PC games are getting Xbox'd, and now it is happening to Fallout. It NEEDS to STOP.
It is also on the PS3. Also PC always get the best version so why do you even care.No he is right in some ways. Look at Crysis, in my opinion, this game is better than all of the multiplats I have played. Why? Because the game is different from them? that's not the only reason. The devs aimed to please us Hardcore PC gamers, the game is harder than any console port game I have played, and I love it, I'm playing on hard and it's actually a challenge. The graphics are just amazing, Call of Duty 4's kind of sucked and that's some of the best that consoles have put out. The controls and gameplay were designed solely for the keyboard and mouse. It just plays amazingly. All of this excludes Gears of War, because that port is awesome on the PC. Great controls, better graphics than it's console counterpart, Although Epic really knows how to cater to it's PC players. Except for multiplayer but that's because Microsoft are greedy $^@&*#es. I can see why Microsoft picked one of their main colors as green, it's because they feed on money.
Oblivion was pretty damn fun on PC don't get me wrong, but it also was really easy, had some problems like the inventory/level up menus and such. But mods fixed this so I guess it's not all bad, but Vanilla Oblivion wasn't the best.
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