I wish developers would stop sharing PC's best franchises with 360

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#101 AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts

Yet in this day of age where it costs a near minimum of 10 million to create a game do you think those 200,000 copies would fly? And just think these are the so called "Legendary" PC titles,Gunraidan

It's not fully true. You're thinking too much in console terms. PCgames don't cost that much to make. A typical high-calibre console game has about 15mln $s budget and at least another 10million for advertising. But PCgames don't cost even half of that. There are some rare exceptions (Crysis), but they're just that: rare, very rate. Before Crysis the most expensive PCgame ever made in Europe was Anno 1701, which costed 7mln$s. When making a big budget game developer has to cater to masses, it's true. But unlike consoles you can make a small to medium budget game on PC and be sucessful financialy. PCgamers shouldn't expect huge devs to cater to their needs, but instead look to smaller devs. Bioware won't give us RPG-fix we need, but CDProjekt or Pyranha Bytes definitly might.
Niche games will always be niche, but thanks to "big boys" moving to consoles there's enough space in PCgaming now for smaller devs to be successful. It already is happening with other genres. And it looks like RPGs are next.

PC games you want the RPG back in your RPG's? You want your Tactics back in your Tactical shooter? Well all you need to do is give up those AA shaders and cutting edge physics and the devs would be happy to create them. Sadly most people don't agree with that.

Tactical shooters? Don't be silly. Those always sold well on PC. SWAT3, SWAT4, GhostRecon, OperationFlashpoint, first three RainbowSix games...they all sold over million copies each. They always were big sellers. It's just Ubi's dumbed down shooters sell even more on 360 than their original RedStorm PC titles did.
Still, those kind of games are still being made, not often, but it never was a genre full of new releases. And it's funny how PC versions of those dumbed down Ubi shooters are all selling like crap on PC.
Oh well.. the original RainbowSix and GR leads all left Ubi anyway and are making a PC-only tactical shooter at the moment, so there's no reason to complain :)

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#102 lettuceman44
Member since 2005 • 7971 Posts

[QUOTE="t3hTwinky"]It would stop, but apparently developers really like money.Lonelynight

bingo look at the sales of the 360 version of Bioshock relative to the PCversion.

Exactly.....Also have a look at how well OB sold on X360 compared to that on PC

Last time I heard OB sold more on the PC than on the 360

yep, at the TES official forums I saw that the PC version killed 360 version
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#103 Noldorin2646
Member since 2007 • 641 Posts

Yeah, we've been screwed again, and again, and again by these devs who want to abandon the PC and go to the console. First BioWare, now Bethesda. If I didn't like BG2, Morrowind, and KotOR so much (btw, KotOR was the ONLY port from Console to PC that seemed natural and effective), I would be royally pissed at both of them. The sad--and perhaps comical in a painful way--thing is, all of my friends think that the X360 is so "hardcore," and has all these great titles like Elder Scrolls or Call of Duty.


CoD 1 >CoD 4, just saying

Yeah, I loved the first Call of Duty, no this progressive health crap that doesn't make sense (i know neither does health packs, but still). United Offensive was fun too, just like CoD4 with the intense battles the whole way through but longer and cheaper.

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#104 AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts

Yeah, we've been screwed again, and again, and again by these devs who want to abandon the PC and go to the console. First BioWare, now Bethesda. If I didn't like BG2, Morrowind, and KotOR so much (btw, KotOR was the ONLY port from Console to PC that seemed natural and effective), I would be royally pissed at both of them. The sad--and perhaps comical in a painful way--thing is, all of my friends think that the X360 is so "hardcore," and has all these great titles like Elder Scrolls or Call of Duty.


CoD 1 >CoD 4, just saying

Yeah, I loved the first Call of Duty, no this progressive health crap that doesn't make sense (i know neither does health packs, but still). United Offensive was fun too, just like CoD4 with the intense battles the whole way through but longer and cheaper.

CoD4 is better than CoD1 in MP though, at least if you play in hardcore mode :) It plays almost like a tactical shooter

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#105 Lonelynight
Member since 2006 • 30051 Posts

Yeah, we've been screwed again, and again, and again by these devs who want to abandon the PC and go to the console. First BioWare, now Bethesda. If I didn't like BG2, Morrowind, and KotOR so much (btw, KotOR was the ONLY port from Console to PC that seemed natural and effective), I would be royally pissed at both of them. The sad--and perhaps comical in a painful way--thing is, all of my friends think that the X360 is so "hardcore," and has all these great titles like Elder Scrolls or Call of Duty.


CoD 1 >CoD 4, just saying

Yeah, I loved the first Call of Duty, no this progressive health crap that doesn't make sense (i know neither does health packs, but still). United Offensive was fun too, just like CoD4 with the intense battles the whole way through but longer and cheaper.

CoD4 is better than CoD1 in MP though, at least if you play in hardcore mode :) It plays almost like a tactical shooter

I was talking about SP :) CoD 1 had a more epic feel to it, even the tutorial was better

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#106 jbisco25
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It all to do with money, and getting it out on as many system as they can. so more people can buy it.
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#107 froidnite
Member since 2006 • 2294 Posts

[QUOTE="t3hTwinky"]It would stop, but apparently developers really like money.Lonelynight

bingo look at the sales of the 360 version of Bioshock relative to the PCversion.

Exactly.....Also have a look at how well OB sold on X360 compared to that on PC

Last time I heard OB sold more on the PC than on the 360

I know that....I was being sarcastic
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#108 lawlessx
Member since 2004 • 48753 Posts

As soon as this happens, they have to simplify the gameplay for the average 360 owner to actually want to buy the game, just like in Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, Bioshock etc. That means the PC game also gets dumbed down and thus these games become almost completely inferior to their PC exclusive predecessors.

Too many PC games are getting Xbox'd, and now it is happening to Fallout. It NEEDS to STOP.


you do know that developers need money to continue their work...right?

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#109 LockeAteid
Member since 2005 • 1210 Posts

As soon as this happens, they have to simplify the gameplay for the average 360 owner to actually want to buy the game, just like in Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, Bioshock etc. That means the PC game also gets dumbed down and thus these games become almost completely inferior to their PC exclusive predecessors.

Too many PC games are getting Xbox'd, and now it is happening to Fallout. It NEEDS to STOP.


you do know that developers need money to continue their work...right?

Must resist urge to slap upside the head.

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#110 TyrantDragon55
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What's with the singleing out of the XBox crowd?

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#111 TheMysticHorse
Member since 2006 • 580 Posts

What's with the singleing out of the XBox crowd?

They are by far the most casual and on average youngest gaming crowd who want simple games, hence why PC games suffer so much when they share their games with 360, because devs try and appeal to the Xbox crowd.
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#112 Olidsc
Member since 2007 • 137 Posts

What's with the singleing out of the XBox crowd?


They are by far the most casual and on average youngest gaming crowd who want simple games, hence why PC games suffer so much when they share their games with 360, because devs try and appeal to the Xbox crowd.

Before someone else says it. No, the wii is. The difference though is that the Xbox is actually stealing attention from third party devs originally on the PC, whereas Nintendo's (first party) game studios have always been phenomenal all on their own. I mean really, the Xbox is just a stripped down, dumbed down PC it's not surprising that it doesn't have anything more than stripped down, dumbed down PC games.

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#113 FrozenLiquid
Member since 2007 • 13555 Posts

What's with the singleing out of the XBox crowd?

They are by far the most casual and on average youngest gaming crowd who want simple games, hence why PC games suffer so much when they share their games with 360, because devs try and appeal to the Xbox crowd.

Talk about ignorance (and arrogance). Console gamers aren't on average younger than PC gamers. It's the other way around. Apart from the MMO crowd, a lot of the PC gaming audience is just as young if not younger than the PC gaming crowd. And it's not young people that want the whole pick-up-and-play experience. Older people want it too. Think about it.
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#114 Olidsc
Member since 2007 • 137 Posts

What's with the singleing out of the XBox crowd?


They are by far the most casual and on average youngest gaming crowd who want simple games, hence why PC games suffer so much when they share their games with 360, because devs try and appeal to the Xbox crowd.

Talk about ignorance (and arrogance). Console gamers aren't on average younger than PC gamers. It's the other way around. Apart from the MMO crowd, a lot of the PC gaming audience is just as young if not younger than the PC gaming crowd. And it's not young people that want the whole pick-up-and-play experience. Older people want it too. Think about it.

Depends what segment of the gamer market you are talking about. Please, try and convince me that little 14 year old billy is going to get his parents to shell out an extra 300-400 dollars for a gaming PC (this is because his parents would no doubt be buying it pre-built, which obviously overcharges for...everything) rather than 250 or 300 or so for a wii or 360.

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#115 CreepyBacon
Member since 2005 • 3183 Posts

This topics about as stupid as me claiming PC gaming sucks cause it makes console gaming to complex. To many stupid kids around here that seem to think pc gaming requires some form of greater thought and skill. It doesn't. No, stop, don't reply to this it REALLY doesn't.

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#116 -Ninja_Dog-
Member since 2005 • 4197 Posts

As soon as this happens, they have to simplify the gameplay for the average 360 owner to actually want to buy the game, just like in Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, Bioshock etc. That means the PC game also gets dumbed down and thus these games become almost completely inferior to their PC exclusive predecessors.

Too many PC games are getting Xbox'd, and now it is happening to Fallout. It NEEDS to STOP.

It is also on the PS3. Also SOME PC's get the best version so why do you even care.

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#117 Pro_wrestler
Member since 2002 • 7880 Posts

[QUOTE="Jelle87"]All games are being simplified, I agree though, Bioshock had no challenge or depth (LOL) whatsoever. I don't see why it has to have baby simple controls when it isn't that hard to make decent menu's that can be handled well with a controller. Not to mention the non existing difficulty level.froidnite

I agree that Bioshock is a bit too simple but isn't the point of interactive entertainment to make what you will of it. The game has no death penalty, why not challenge yourself to avoid dying. It's sort of an oxymoron, the penalty for dying is that you don't come back, except you come back in this game. Seems like an oppertunity to create your own challenge rather than relying on the game to do so.

Players are fixing it....they fixed all problems Oblivion had because of it's console roots. Bioshock had a difficulty adjustment mod after a week of it's release.That's not the point...the point is that if developers are going to do multiplats, they should do it in such a way that it caters to each platform's strength

What does it technically being on consoles have to do with anything. You and TC speak as though theres this criteria that a game must meet on consoles that makes a game become dumbed down. Your acting as though the developers and publishers do not have a hand it how their game is built.

Stop blaming consoles, the hardware and blame the market that publishers are trying to capture to maximize dollars. Games are being gimped and becoming less sophisticated because newer and younger people are buying consoles and theres no way they will spend $60 on a game like Morrowind or RTS' like Command and Conquer and WiC.

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#118 Subcritical
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Consoles were always meant to excel in action adventures, platformers etc, while PCs were always about the WRPGs, Shooters and others. Due to Xbox coming along and being a PC wannabe, it has tried to take PCs genres and dumb them down to appeal to the general public. That's all well and fine, UNTIL you take PCs established franchises and then start to hinder the quality of those PC games because you are catering to such a simpleton audience. Xbox leading is a bad thing because it just excels in a genres PC does much better, yet damages games shared by those two platforms. TheMysticHorse

This is absolutely a correct observation on how the Xbox and Microsoft are hindering and dismantling what PC gaming was and should be.

(oops. I said something truthfully negative about Microsoft. I hope a fanboy moderator doesn't ban me again for pointing out how bad Microsoft is for gaming. I don't know which moderator does this, but theyseem to callany negativeobservations and facts about Microsofts business practices as trolling and inciting. This is indeedSystem Wars, isn't it?)

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#119 FrozenLiquid
Member since 2007 • 13555 Posts

What's with the singleing out of the XBox crowd?


They are by far the most casual and on average youngest gaming crowd who want simple games, hence why PC games suffer so much when they share their games with 360, because devs try and appeal to the Xbox crowd.

Talk about ignorance (and arrogance). Console gamers aren't on average younger than PC gamers. It's the other way around. Apart from the MMO crowd, a lot of the PC gaming audience is just as young if not younger than the PC gaming crowd. And it's not young people that want the whole pick-up-and-play experience. Older people want it too. Think about it.

Depends what segment of the gamer market you are talking about. Please, try and convince me that little 14 year old billy is going to get his parents to shell out an extra 300-400 dollars for a gaming PC (this is because his parents would no doubt be buying it pre-built, which obviously overcharges for...everything) rather than 250 or 300 or so for a wii or 360.

I can tell you Billy's father is not going to go and buy himself his own rig, which he must maintain and service regularly to keep it up to date. He would probably rather play FIFA or Tekken with 14 year old Billy than go and play on EA Battlefield servers with a bunch of nameless late teens. Oh, and 17 year old FrozenLiquid convinced his parents to buy him a $5000 MacBook pro. Booyakasha.
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#120 astiop
Member since 2005 • 3582 Posts

I can tell you Billy's father is not going to go and buy himself his own rig, which he must maintain and service regularly to keep it up to date. He would probably rather play FIFA or Tekken with 14 year old Billy than go and play on EA Battlefield servers with a bunch of nameless late teens. Oh, and 17 year old FrozenLiquid convinced his parents to buy him a $5000 MacBook pro. Booyakasha.FrozenLiquid


Whats more effective, the pistol or the chainsaw?

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#122 AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts

It's a game that sold poorly, that's one exa

You can find a very notable correlation between "hardcore, non-dumbed-down games" and relatively poor sales performance.


Maybe you can, but you also can find direct correlation between "dumbed down game" and "worse sales" in PCgaming.

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#123 Olidsc
Member since 2007 • 137 Posts

I can tell you Billy's father is not going to go and buy himself his own rig, which he must maintain and service regularly to keep it up to date. He would probably rather play FIFA or Tekken with 14 year old Billy than go and play on EA Battlefield servers with a bunch of nameless late teens. Oh, and 17 year old FrozenLiquid convinced his parents to buy him a $5000 MacBook pro. Booyakasha.FrozenLiquid

But the question remains, who's the one primarily gaming on it? The kid or the father? I myself know very few 14 year olds with fathers that even bother to care about gaming. They just yell at their kids for wasting their time on it and not doing anything productive. Your assertion that the average PC gamer is younger than the average console gamer is probably true when you include things like kiddie games, the Sims and what not, but amongst the games that a site such as gamespot would even bother reviewing, I have a really, really hard time believing you that the average age of a consolite is higher.

(also, $5000 for a macbook pro? My god, I don't think I received that much money's worth of non-essential things in my entire childhood from my parents)

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#124 mismajor99
Member since 2003 • 5676 Posts

It's a game that sold poorly, that's one example. Also to take note is that SS2 came out the same time as HL and Starcraft(HL goes to consoles, but that's a different story, right?), two of the highest selling games in History. The game couldn't have picked a worse time to market, and like I said before which you conveniently ignored, Ken Levine has talked about this in the past a few times in regards to SS2. There are countless console titles that have sold poorly as well. Great PC games for the most part sell very well. Multiplatform development exists to maximize profit, and not necessarily because a PC game happened to sell poor. Halo sells great on Xbox, but MS still releases it on PC because they know it will make further revenues. The third point to make about Bioshock is that 2k Games, under Irrational Games at the time, was under contract to develop for both PC and 360, that was the agreement from 2k (predominantly a console publisher) as Ken had a terrible time selling the game to any publisher. Most companies he spoke with prior to 2k told him that it wasn't an appealing sounding game, which we all know is BS now.

Consoles aren't dumbing down the games, the Mass Market Console Owner(or Parents) is who runs out and buys everything, despite quality, is. To be more specific, I think it's fairly safe to assume most console owners are kids with parents and money to burn, not the average poster on gaming forums. Games have been on a downward spiral for years, and I blame this on the fact that Publishers know they can get away with sub standard games, and also the absolute false notion that PC Gamers are the same type of gamer a console gamer is, that's where problems arise as well.


I didn't "conveniently ignore" anything. "Great" PC games do not always sell well, just like Great console games don't always sell well. You can find a very notable correlation between "hardcore, non-dumbed-down games" and relatively poor sales performance. System Shock 2 did poorly, and there's no excuse whatsoever. It never picked up, and it didn't even have a good release. Blame Half-Life. Blame Starcraft. Blame whomever you wish, even though system shock 2 was released almost a full year after both of those games: under your argument, a year is not enough time separation between great games on the PC, which would fully prove my point.

The games that usually do the best are the ones that appease the hardcore base while still being accessible and simple enough (at least on the surface) to appeal to a more casual audience, like, well, Half-Life and Starcraft.

What I suggest you do, is get off your high horse, stop pointing your nose up, and start seeing reality. Gaming is not going down. Your nostalgia is going up. Don't worry, it's a very common problem, and I know it's not intentional, even if your nonsensical elitism is. You're just remembering the diamonds among the piles of garbage you forgot about that gets shoveled to the PC year after year, and comparing those diamonds (ah, the great 1998, which had Half-Life and starcarft) against the ugly 2007 (ugh, only Crysis and World in Conflict amongs the mass of casualized garbage!).

Starcraft is a much more hardcore game, especially online, than just about any console game and most PC games for that matter, that's pretty much a given. In fact, just about the whole RTS genre is considered hardcore to most, being that most are casual in nature. To your SS2 point, who's to say SS2 was a failure? You're premise that SS2 was a failure is flawed. Are you aware of how much it cost to dev the game? Of course not, and with the amount of copies it sold, I have little doubt it didn't post a profit for Looking Glass, just not as much as it could have. Selling a couple hundred thousand copies wasn't all that bad, and in order to be called a success, you didn't need to sell a million copies, not on PC at least. Games like HL and SC were just out of this world in terms of sales vs. most other games in comparison. As Levine has said many times, it was a marketing failure. To be more specific, he stated many times that people were confused about what kind of game it was. That's why he constantly referred to Bioshock as an FPS. I wish I could find the article online, it was in an issue of GFW a few months backs, and usually they do put many of their articles on 1up. It discusses exactly what we are talking about.

To your point about being elitist, that's just a BS statement. For one, the console market has definitely screwed up many PC franchises, even though the user base on PC is good enough, Publishers have more pressure to pad the bottom line, and in return, many series are completely butchered or forgotten on PC. This is a valid complaint, not an elitist complaint, I'm not sure where you get off saying that. I guess people can't complain about my platform of choice getting dumped on, that's elitist. God forbid someone prefers to game on PC over console even though they game on both quite regularly, and because it might initially cost more, that's being a snob. What nonsense.

The funny thing is, when it comes to console vs. console arguments, it's okay for PS3/360 owners to bash on the Wii for it's casual influence on the industry, and that's perfectly ok, but when PC gamers complain about PS3/360 having a casual influence on their games and industry, that's a different story, right? Those damn PC Gamers are snobs and elitists, right?

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#125 Grive
Member since 2006 • 2971 Posts

It's a game that sold poorly, that's one exa

You can find a very notable correlation between "hardcore, non-dumbed-down games" and relatively poor sales performance.


Maybe you can, but you also can find direct correlation between "dumbed down game" and "worse sales" in PCgaming.

Really? Care to give examples? Oblivion was the 4th best selling game of the PC platform, behind the Sims and World of Warcraft. From where do you get that "dumbed-down" games sell worse?

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#126 Heil68
Member since 2004 • 60833 Posts
What makes games on PC hardcore and console games casual? Auto Aim? That would just be for the console version...
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#127 Verge_6
Member since 2007 • 20282 Posts
Funny, how you seemingly ignore how the PS3 gets the SAME games that the 360 is, according to you, 'dumbing down' Just another Cow pretending to be a PC user. :roll:
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#129 death1505921
Member since 2004 • 5260 Posts

I totally agree. I mean, devs should definatly cut down their user bases, half their profits and ofc annoy fans.

I mean, why would they want more people to play their games?


Seriously though, they're not dumbed down. Why would they dumb down a game on two different platforms? Unless they're develeoping it on the 360 and then porting it to the PC which everyone knows is crap since PC dev tools are supreme.

Even hermits are disapproving of this lol.

You're full of PHAIL.

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#130 Heil68
Member since 2004 • 60833 Posts

[QUOTE="Heil68"]What makes games on PC hardcore and console games casual? Auto Aim? That would just be for the console version...Verge_6

No, it's how bloated your ego is that matters.

Oh..I was wondering ;)
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#131 FrozenLiquid
Member since 2007 • 13555 Posts

I can tell you Billy's father is not going to go and buy himself his own rig, which he must maintain and service regularly to keep it up to date. He would probably rather play FIFA or Tekken with 14 year old Billy than go and play on EA Battlefield servers with a bunch of nameless late teens. Oh, and 17 year old FrozenLiquid convinced his parents to buy him a $5000 MacBook pro. Booyakasha.Olidsc

But the question remains, who's the one primarily gaming on it? The kid or the father? I myself know very few 14 year olds with fathers that even bother to care about gaming. They just yell at their kids for wasting their time on it and not doing anything productive. Your assertion that the average PC gamer is younger than the average console gamer is probably true when you include things like kiddie games, the Sims and what not, but amongst the games that a site such as gamespot would even bother reviewing, I have a really, really hard time believing you that the average age of a consolite is higher.

(also, $5000 for a macbook pro? My god, I don't think I received that much money's worth of non-essential things in my entire childhood from my parents)

The average age of a gamer is 33 years old. It's really not that difficult to imagine y'know. And yeah, 5 grand. On a Macbook Pro. For video editing. Lucky it can play games on it too.
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#132 LockeAteid
Member since 2005 • 1210 Posts

It's a game that sold poorly, that's one exa

You can find a very notable correlation between "hardcore, non-dumbed-down games" and relatively poor sales performance.


Maybe you can, but you also can find direct correlation between "dumbed down game" and "worse sales" in PCgaming.

Really? Care to give examples? Oblivion was the 4th best selling game of the PC platform, behind the Sims and World of Warcraft. From where do you get that "dumbed-down" games sell worse?

Fourth best selling PC game? You sure you don't have a fever or something.

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#133 naval
Member since 2003 • 11108 Posts

It's a game that sold poorly, that's one exa

You can find a very notable correlation between "hardcore, non-dumbed-down games" and relatively poor sales performance.


Maybe you can, but you also can find direct correlation between "dumbed down game" and "worse sales" in PCgaming.

Really? Care to give examples? Oblivion was the 4th best selling game of the PC platform, behind the Sims and World of Warcraft. From where do you get that "dumbed-down" games sell worse?

morrowind had ssale of 4 million majority of which were on pc. oblivion i guess would have sale of 1-1.5 million on pc, no more

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#134 AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts

It's a game that sold poorly, that's one exa

You can find a very notable correlation between "hardcore, non-dumbed-down games" and relatively poor sales performance.


Maybe you can, but you also can find direct correlation between "dumbed down game" and "worse sales" in PCgaming.

Really? Care to give examples? Oblivion was the 4th best selling game of the PC platform, behind the Sims and World of Warcraft. From where do you get that "dumbed-down" games sell worse?

Dreamfall sold worse than Longest Jounrey

DeusEX:IW sold worse than than Deus Ex

THief 3 sold worse than than THief 1 and 2

GRAW 1 and 2 sold worse than than Ghost Recon 1

Rainbow Six:Vegas and Lockdown sold worse than than three first R6 games

Pirates of Carribean sold worse than Sea Dogs

Call of Duty 2 sold worse than Call of Duty 1

or some PC-only example

Lords of the Realms 3 sold worse than Lords of the Realms 2

Tribes: Vengeance sold worse than Tribes and Tribes 2

Lands of Lore 2 and 3 sold worse than Lands of Lore 1

Ultima VIII sold worse than Ultima VII

I also don't think Oblivion has reached the 2+million copies that Morrowind PC sold yet. And you can bet SimCitySocieties won't come anywhere near the numbers SimCity3000 and 4 sold

Of course there are bound to be some exceptions to that, but generaly that's a rule: you consolize/dumb down the sequel, it sells worse

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#135 mismajor99
Member since 2003 • 5676 Posts

My fear now is UT3(With Fallout 3 I'm remaining cautiously optimistic, but that's 2008). Epic's made a few changes that have the community a bit ticked off at the moment, and I feel their pain. For one, the crosshairs do not represent a "mouse", they're the size of grapefruits, and we all know where that comes from. Jump dodging and high double jumping has been removed from the game as well, which has many people up in arms, but I'm sure they will add a mutator on most servers. Lastly, not sure if many have seen the menu system, although not part of the actual gameplay, is downright atrocious on PC. It's the PS3 menu in fact, and thankfully, Epic has said they will be releasing a patch after release that is going to rework the entire menu system on PC.

God forbid we complain about these isssues though, as we might just be snobs for doing so. These might sound subtle, but if let go, the PC version would suffer, and the next version of UT would have more changes for the worse. Thankfully, Epic cares enough about the PC Community that they are going to address many of the concerns, but after the fact.

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#136 froidnite
Member since 2006 • 2294 Posts

[QUOTE="Jelle87"]All games are being simplified, I agree though, Bioshock had no challenge or depth (LOL) whatsoever. I don't see why it has to have baby simple controls when it isn't that hard to make decent menu's that can be handled well with a controller. Not to mention the non existing difficulty level.Pro_wrestler

I agree that Bioshock is a bit too simple but isn't the point of interactive entertainment to make what you will of it. The game has no death penalty, why not challenge yourself to avoid dying. It's sort of an oxymoron, the penalty for dying is that you don't come back, except you come back in this game. Seems like an oppertunity to create your own challenge rather than relying on the game to do so.

Players are fixing it....they fixed all problems Oblivion had because of it's console roots. Bioshock had a difficulty adjustment mod after a week of it's release.That's not the point...the point is that if developers are going to do multiplats, they should do it in such a way that it caters to each platform's strength

What does it technically being on consoles have to do with anything. You and TC speak as though theres this criteria that a game must meet on consoles that makes a game become dumbed down. Your acting as though the developers and publishers do not have a hand it how their game is built.

Stop blaming consoles, the hardware and blame the market that publishers are trying to capture to maximize dollars. Games are being gimped and becoming less sophisticated because newer and younger people are buying consoles and theres no way they will spend $60 on a game like Morrowind or RTS' like Command and Conquer and WiC.

When did I say consoles are responsible for dumbing down.....I am not complaining about Oblivion's over-simplistic approach to RPG....howerver I am complaining about the consolish interface Oblivion had because the developer didn't take enough time to work on a proper interface. I am complaing about how easy it was to finish Bioshock with a KB/M because developers didn't take enough time to add an extra difficulty setting on PC version.

All I said was developers shouldn't release half a** ports to sell a few extra copies....All I said was that developers need to put more work into portslike Epic did with Gears of Wars.......Is that too much to ask for?:roll:.......Jeez

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#137 JunkanooPunch
Member since 2007 • 134 Posts

As soon as this happens, they have to simplify the gameplay for the average 360 owner to actually want to buy the game, just like in Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, Bioshock etc. That means the PC game also gets dumbed down and thus these games become almost completely inferior to their PC exclusive predecessors.

Too many PC games are getting Xbox'd, and now it is happening to Fallout. It NEEDS to STOP.


you better get used to it, cause PC dev's have found that they can make alot of money devloping games for consoles, and its not gonna stop anytime soon. PC's and Consoles are slowly becoming one. & :lol: LOL @ fanboyisim by only wanting one type of gamer to experience a game. :roll:

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#138 mismajor99
Member since 2003 • 5676 Posts

[QUOTE="Jelle87"]All games are being simplified, I agree though, Bioshock had no challenge or depth (LOL) whatsoever. I don't see why it has to have baby simple controls when it isn't that hard to make decent menu's that can be handled well with a controller. Not to mention the non existing difficulty level.froidnite

I agree that Bioshock is a bit too simple but isn't the point of interactive entertainment to make what you will of it. The game has no death penalty, why not challenge yourself to avoid dying. It's sort of an oxymoron, the penalty for dying is that you don't come back, except you come back in this game. Seems like an oppertunity to create your own challenge rather than relying on the game to do so.

Players are fixing it....they fixed all problems Oblivion had because of it's console roots. Bioshock had a difficulty adjustment mod after a week of it's release.That's not the point...the point is that if developers are going to do multiplats, they should do it in such a way that it caters to each platform's strength

What does it technically being on consoles have to do with anything. You and TC speak as though theres this criteria that a game must meet on consoles that makes a game become dumbed down. Your acting as though the developers and publishers do not have a hand it how their game is built.

Stop blaming consoles, the hardware and blame the market that publishers are trying to capture to maximize dollars. Games are being gimped and becoming less sophisticated because newer and younger people are buying consoles and theres no way they will spend $60 on a game like Morrowind or RTS' like Command and Conquer and WiC.

When did I say consoles are responsible for dumbing down.....I am not complaining about Oblivion's over-simplistic approach to RPG....howerver I am complaining about the consolish interface Oblivion had because the developer didn't take enough time to work on a proper interface. I am complaing about how easy it was to finish Bioshock with a KB/M because developers didn't take enough time to add an extra difficulty setting on PC version.

All I said was developers shouldn't release half a** ports to sell a few extra copies....All I said was that developers need to put more work into portslike Epic did with Gears of Wars.......Is that too much to ask for?:roll:.......Jeez

God forbid we complain though, that's being snobby and elitist. Why should we complain that attention isn't being giving to our version of the game? If fanboys didn't take their console of choice so seriously and to heart, they would understand our gripes.

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#139 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29845 Posts
i think that consoles have helped PC gaming more than hurt it.
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#140 AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts

i think that consoles have helped PC gaming more than hurt it.clone01

I agree. By making the big games drop in quality, they created more space for small devs to breathe :)

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#141 harriskhan_18
Member since 2004 • 139 Posts

I have an Idea.. How about i wish PC Gamers stop downloading games from Torrents so the developers can make a little bit of cash instead of porting games to the console..

Console games are booming because people buy them... (people download 360 games to but still nothing compared to PC)