...and had mouse and keyboard support, how many people, specifically pc gamers, would buy it? Let me stress, this hypothetical console would have hardware superior to the highest end pcs today which, along with optimistion, would make the graphics years ahead of what the pc could achieve!
I don't think people understand what you are proposing here. PC developers make games for the lowest commond denominator. In most cases that means they make games for current gen consoles. If you have a PC you can get better textures, res, aliasing and fps. But that's very different than having a game built from the ground up to take advantage of the latest hardware.
If a game console was released for $1,000 it would have seriously wicked specs. CPU would be an i7 based Quad core CPU at 3.8 - 4.2 Ghz, a next gen Radeon that replaces the HD 6990, let' scall it the Radeon HD 7990, 16 GB of shared system RAM and a 2 terabyte hard drive.
With those specs it would be an absolute monster. It would be a considerable step beyond the PS4 and Xbox 720. The games would make moded Crysis and GTA 4 look ugly by comparison.
People just say oh PC is better but that's not true. Because no one will develop games for PC with such a high lowest common denominator. It's going to take the PC maybe another 6 - 10 years to achieve the graphics that this proposed uber console could do right now.
All this "PC wins plus it can do your homework" talk is just ignorance.
Would take no where near 6-10 years to out perform the consoles I don't think you realize how fast technology advances of course its going to cost alot at first but it will only get cheaper as more time passesYou misunderstood me. If the $1,000 uber console is released today, the games would be amazing but high end PCs would be able to run them. The problem is if that uber console is not released then no one will make those high end games.
My point is it would take the PC 6 - 10 years for the games to reach what an uber console would give us today. The hardware is here now it's just the developers are not taking advantage of it.
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