It's not hard to keep your hands out of the cookie jar when it's empty. That's the point, if they're not successful there are no cookies to grab.
luckily they are actually massively successful as i have pointed out before.
In a lot of ways they are, but your gas station analogy doesn't really work. What are supposed to be the gas stations here, 360s sold? Because a 360 sold does not equal equity for MS, it equals a sale. Opening another gas station means the value of the land, building, equipment, and inventory are part of your assets, which can be sold for cash. Increasing the 360s userbase equals more potential for software sales and subscription fees, but proper management is needed to capitalize on that. In the case of the gas stations, it's a straight cash value scenario, and it's easily measurable.
thats the point. I was trying to give an easy to understand basic business example. In the case of 360 you have alot of that value tied up in more foreign and difficult to understand concepts. Which is why i said i didnt have time to offer a proper business lesson.
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