just look at the graphics on ff13 from the trailers and you will see exactly what im talkin about
the in game footage and the action shots in ff13 trailer look like cgi quality with no rigged faces and sloppy lip syncing
anyone can tell that that hundreds of more effort must be going into ff13 if they are able to make the facial movements look hundreds of times more realistic then mass effects
everytime i look at a mass effect character talking or moving its mouth i cringe in disgust the graphics look really almost terrible when compared to the ff13 footage now this is just graphically speaking aesthetically i feel the game is in a whole nother league as well
its something about japanese designers and graphic's that make there rpg's look real and flawless where as things like unreal/gears of war look fake an rigged an sloppy but with very complexgrfx mind you but it doesn't LOOK good like ff13 does
i dont even think metal gear solid 4 looks as good as ff13 either an its in a much earlier stage then that game so im not just harpin on the 360 games
also i have played bioware games they are huge big sandbox's and give you a lot of choices, but the storylines are very generic and not complex and don't bring in big world issues like square has done with nature vs science and lots of hugely deep plots that aren't even discussed in movies in this day an age ff is a trend setter in story department where as bioware has proved nothin in its previous games storywise
ok next we have characters go look at the guy in ff13 versus an measure him up to the main character in mass effect its not even close this guy looks like the next emoized super sephiroth compared to a baldin headed generic space dude who looks like a backup soldier in gears of war, hes not going to be winnin any character of the year awards like lightning the female lead in ff13 or that dude in ff13 versus an thats a fact, square put so much more effort into there characters just everythin about them looks better from faces to clothes to background to appearance everything.
gameplay bioware gameplay is usually pretty borin imo an i get seriously addicted to the combat in ff7/ffx and stuff i just love summoning my uber creatures like ifrit an bahamut and doing my massive limit breaks
bioware no ur gameplay isn't that fun sorry man it just isnt anmass effect looks like it contiunues that while ff13 looks like it goes deeper an next gen an more fun
and lastly music
i have massive amounts of ff mp3's and soundtracks in my mp3 player and my computer an listen to them all the time they are the best music in all video games period. and ff13 versus trailer music sounds brilliantly orchastreated starts off good then getsfast an awesome an pulls you in wow, i never felt this way with any of biowaremusic in the past an dont expect anythin new from what ive seen so far from mass effect's music compared the trailer in ff13 versus thats just next gen music againsquare enix has donean ff haspulled music further in there rpgs
mass effect is a good game but u cantcompare it to a next gen rpg like ff13 imo from whatweve seen so far
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