Yeah, I'd still play most multis on ps3, and definitely any that had local co-op/splitscreen (along with the ps3 exclusives and console only multis). I'd probably play one or two pc exclusives from time to time though.
Likewise, if someone bought me a 360 (and sent it in for me or bought a new one whenever it RRoDs :P ), I'd play a few exclusives on it, but still play the multis on the PS3. If someone bought me a Wii, I'd play some wii games. Maybe. Probably not many of them. I put down Galaxy and TP both within a few minutes because I thought the wiimote integration in those games was a major detractor.
Anyway. the point is, this thread is silly. If you buy someone ANY system and all the games I want for it, and any other expenses that are involved, of course they'll play it. Just like if you go up to one of these Ford guys that thinks Chevys are garbage and buy him a brand new Corvette... he's not going to turn it down.
Why would you play multiplats on ps3? The pc is free and would be top of the line. Unless you mean multi player games and all of your friends play on ps3, then I could understand that. But singleplayer games would be better on pc.1- If it has any option for local mp. or splitscreen is enabled in online mp, then it'll definitely be a console pick for me. Some of us have spouses who game with us.2- Unified online/trophies. Sure Steam has achievements, and GFWL, and I imagine most of the other different services you would use, depending on game, but splitting them into multiple different services negates the point of having them in the first place. May as well just throw out teh achievement/trophy concept.
3- I prefer a controller. Yes, I know you can plug a controller in to a PC. How well it works with any given game varies. And even for the games it works fine on, in most cases you have to mess around setting up button-mapping because most pc games don't automatically have dev supported controller layouts (since you can plug in any number of different controlelrs with different numbers of buttons, configurations, etc).
4- Playing on the couch. Yes, I know the pc can be hooked to a tv and used with wireless keyboard/mouse. Most people don't because keyboard/mouse in your lap (without a desk) sucks royally. Also, many of us don't have the luxury of having many pcs, so the pc for gaming will also have to be the pc for work, productivity, general computing. Meaning some of us may need to have that computer in a different room. An office or something. And, while I could shut it down, unplug everything, move it to the other room, hook it all up, and boot up, I prefer not to when I already have a perfectly good console already in the living room.
I know the assumption is that anyone who prefers consoles has obviously never played a pc game, because pc gaming is 1 million percent superior in every conceivable way, but it's really not the case. PC gaming has the potential to have better graphics, depending on the pc, but that's about it.
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