@knight-k: An alt with 3500 posts? Hardly....and yes, they were literally based on air. They said they have no idea how many shipped consoles were sold, and that it was pretty much an estimate.... but it obviously means a lot to cows, so I digress.
@knight-k: An alt with 3500 posts? Hardly....and yes, they were literally based on air. They said they have no idea how many shipped consoles were sold, and that it was pretty much an estimate.... but it obviously means a lot to cows, so I digress.
By the time the PS3 outsold the 360 the damage had been done...360 had gain a large following and established itself as the popular console that gen. No I’m not counting the fucking Wii.
That said I’m not quite sure if the rumor is true that the 360 sales were inflated by the rebuying of consoles on mass scale due to the huge RRoD problem. At the time 360’s were 52% failure rate.
That can lead to some huge rebuying numbers.
Umm ever hear of a warranty? Warranties don't count towards sales but I will tell you what does, the PS3 YOLD failures, PS3 laser failures(personal experience with that) as well as all the other PS console failures. So provide proof the RROD inflated any sales numbers to a point that it made a difference. Oh wait, you can't. Didn't think so
@sleepnsurf: https://www.kitguru.net/gaming/console-desktop-pc/matthew-wilson/the-xbox-360s-red-ring-of-death-issue-cost-microsoft-1-15-billion/
Does not matter in the slightest to me.
I actually liked the 360 more than Ps3 (opposite this generation).
@Livecommander: “Mature systems?” Lol! There’s a reason the most vulgar and vile people alive are on PlayStation and Xbox. Maturity sure as hell aint it...
I'm not sure why so many lemmings are butthurt by this. The PS3 was outselling the 360 WW for years this isn't a surprise. The fact it managed to outsell it despite launching at $600 and coming out a year later proves the strength of the PS brand. Overall though it was a painful generation. They lost alot of money and allowed MS to become a major player in the console market. Lucky for them MS destroyed alot of that momentum with the XB1 reveal.
@GoldenElementXL: Let me know when its normal for a kid to curse and be disrespectful online. Most 8 years old rather play a cartoon.
Weather its immature or not it's what comes after being a child.
When Nintendo gets its online chat more consumer friendly then Nintendo will ironically become to the most disrespectful and immature place being that it's where most innocent kids will be affected.
The bill and Ted movies would be rated R if they cursed alot etc. Regardless of how immature they act during the movie
@KBFloYd: still outsold 360, deal with it.
It seems you cows are the ones that can't deal with it anything related to the 360. It took Sony's stranglehold on NA away which is why you cows are still crying about it today. Just look at this thread. Does it matter what the sales are at this point for last gens consoles? What were the sales when it actually mattered?
To quote you "deal with it"
@kingtito: The reason why Cows are here is because Lems claimed for years that 360 sold more, despite knowing sales were inflated from rrod. Then they move the goalposts to "Well it took sales from Sony". Doesn't look like it had an affect this gen.
@kingtito: The reason why Cows are here is because Lems claimed for years that 360 sold more, despite knowing sales were inflated from rrod. Then they move the goalposts to "Well it took sales from Sony". Doesn't look like it had an affect this gen.
But it did sell more for the entire gen. If, and I emphasize if, and nothing shown today has proved it. Speculation in no way shape or form is proof.
Proof of those inflated sales? So would that make the PS3 sales inflated as well since we all know of the YOLD and laser problems it had with NO warranty to replace it. I know those problems weren't as wide spread of RROD but MS had a warranty and warrantied consoles weren't counted as sales. So show me proof of your inflated sales claim
Goalpost were never moved. For years prior and after all cows talked about were sales and how it was going to destroy the 360 from the get go. That didn't happen so they moved over to graphics and that didn't happen either. The goalpost movers were cows, not lems
So the Best Xbox console can't beat the worst PS.. Not going to look good with Xbox next gen against PS since this dude Mark Cerny knows what the hell he is doing!
Wow. It's hard to remember when an Xbox console [360] saw those kinds of numbers. Can they do it again without having to throw away billions just to try and get them in homes by constant price cuts?
They threw away Billions huh? You must do MS's books, I get it now. 360 was wayyyyyy better than PS3 in every way no matter the damn sales.
You do know how much MS lost on the very first Xbox alone, right? There isn't a sector they've burned cash on more than Xbox. They're weirdly obsessed with trying to take over this industry, even though it even less possible now than it's ever been.
@drummerdave9099: I don’t ignore it. We like to point out that even at Sony’s worst, it is still better than Microsoft’s best.
It’s Over for the Xbox brand. 3 Failed Gens in a row.
PS5 will go on to sell 100 Million+ while Xbox 2’s sit in garbage dumps crying.
Yikes the cows aren't taking this well, but the desperation to confirm that their plastic box was ahead of the Xbox (last gen lol) is now down to an assumption
Yeah the most toxic fanbase rears its ugly head once again.
I always been told they both sold 85 million and Wii 100 million, so never considered any of the 3 winners per say.
Anyone to brag about any of the 3 winning are crazy.
So the Best Xbox console can't beat the worst PS.. Not going to look good with Xbox next gen against PS since this dude Mark Cerny knows what the hell he is doing!
Exactly what I'm thinking. MS is f***ed going into next-gen against Sony especially a Sony that seems to know what they are doing with all the home runs they've been hitting lately.
While Sony was busy releasing specs of their PS5 on Monday and blowing people away, out of touch MS was announcing the Xbox SAD Edition and becoming the laughing stock of the internet. If that's the same energy MS is planning to use going forward they should pack up their bags and go home because they've already lost. If the hungry and competent MS from last-gen weren't able to beat an out of touch and almost bankrupt Sony last gen then this new MS run by Fail "No Games" Spencer and his stooges isn't gonna stand a chance.
Didn't we already know that PS3 outsold Xbox 360? So. In retrospect I had the 360 first and than got a PS3 and was all PS3 fanboyish but in actuality the 360 was a way better console. Multi plats were better, Xbox Live, download speeds were better etc.
Are you seriously trying to discredit the ps3's reliability with (compared to the 360's rate of failure) isolated issues vs the 360?
My ps3 broke on me too, but I went through only 2 ps3 (the 2nd ps3 fault was moreso on Sony's repair team than anything)but like 5 360 last gen.
@xhawk27: The ps3 outsold the 360 for nearly its entire life span, the only reason number wise why the 360 was able to keep up was its year head start which saw it sell I believe 10 million systems. If you're going to talk at least know wtf you're talking about.
@ajstyles: Even if those numbers are true, in the markets that there was unbiased competition, the Xbox 360 trounced the PS3. Japanese gamers only buy Japanese consoles.
If you take the culturally skewed numbers from Japan out of the equation, the Xbox 360 sold over 9 million more units than the PS3 (JP: PS3 = 10.6m, 360 = 1.6m)
Are you seriously trying to discredit the ps3's reliability with (compared to the 360's rate of failure) isolated issues vs the 360?
My ps3 broke on me too, but I went through only 2 ps3 (the 2nd ps3 fault was moreso on Sony's repair team than anything)but like 5 360 last gen.
How many of each did you actually purchase vs getting repaired under warranty? He's saying that since the most prevalent issues on the 360 ended up being covered under warranty, and the PS3 only had a standard (1 year I think?) one, that there is a good possibility that the PS3 ended up being as inflated or more inflated due to rebuys.
@ajstyles: Even if those numbers are true, in the markets that there was unbiased competition, the Xbox 360 trounced the PS3. Japanese gamers only buy Japanese consoles.
If you take the culturally skewed numbers from Japan out of the equation, the Xbox 360 sold over 9 million more units than the PS3 (JP: PS3 = 10.6m, 360 = 1.6m)
Thank god somebody finally brought up Japan's skewing of the numbers. I'd be curious to see who won the areas where the most games are sold. I'd hazard a guess that NA sell more games per system than anywhere else with Europe a close second as they tend to have the most disposable income.
@blackhairedhero: Butthurt's with you. Maybe you should read the article.."
(There's some debate as to whether the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 ultimately sold more units. With such a tight race and lack of official data, it's difficult to come to a clear conclusion. Continue to the PS3 section to see how we came to ours.)"
Playstation 3 just barely outsold Xbox 360. something like 86.5 million PS3 consoles to 85.4 million Xbox 360 consoles. IGN seems to have finally confirmed PS3 speaking into second place behind the Nintendo Wii with 101.2 million ish consoles sold.
If it was not for the Xbox RRoD Microsoft would have taken second place. While MS repaired or replaced defective Xbox 360 consoles. The RRoD did hurt the Xbox brand, and sales which could have been more.
plus despite the Wii sucking for traditional gamers. It was part of the 7th generation Console Wars. Xbox 360 and PS3 were only 16 million ish behind despite being more expensive than Nintendo's Netflix machine. After the blue ocean people were done with bowling.
Playstation 3 just barely outsold Xbox 360. something like 86.5 million PS3 consoles to 85.4 million Xbox 360 consoles. IGN seems to have finally confirmed PS3 speaking into second place behind the Nintendo Wii with 101.2 million ish consoles sold.
If it was not for the Xbox RRoD Microsoft would have taken second place. While MS repaired or replaced defective Xbox 360 consoles. The RRoD did hurt the Xbox brand, and sales which could have been more.
plus despite the Wii sucking for traditional gamers. It was part of the 7th generation Console Wars. Xbox 360 and PS3 were only 16 million ish behind despite being more expensive than Nintendo's Netflix machine. After the blue ocean people were done with bowling.
That could be possible but you can't call it confirmed with speculation and IGN even admitted as such. So, not confirmed but more speculation
Pretty much spot on with the rest of your post
Wow. It's hard to remember when an Xbox console [360] saw those kinds of numbers. Can they do it again without having to throw away billions just to try and get them in homes by constant price cuts?
They threw away Billions huh? You must do MS's books, I get it now. 360 was wayyyyyy better than PS3 in every way no matter the damn sales.
You do know how much MS lost on the very first Xbox alone, right? There isn't a sector they've burned cash on more than Xbox. They're weirdly obsessed with trying to take over this industry, even though it even less possible now than it's ever been.
I'm pretty sure that MS has burned through billions in other sectors as well over the years. MS deals in LONG term stratagies, and profits over the years since have eaten into those losses, and has allowed them to build up a base of recurring subscriptions. Then you have to factor in that even 9 billion in losses doesn't hurt all that much when you have the revenue and income of a company like MS that literally dwarfs sony in size.
@davillain-: have you ? The goonies definently aren't portrayed as ordinary kids.
It's what made the movie special for christ sakes lol
@sealionact: Butthurts with me? What reason would I care? If anyone's butthurt its MS fans. They are 0 and 3 vs Sony and after their strongest generation they destroyed all their momentum and got wrecked.
Wow I just can’t believe how many brain dead lems refuse to accept facts in here. The 3shitty’s failure rate was estimated to be over 54%!
You losers will defend every single one of MS’s failures it’s actually preposterous. Lems are the grossest fanboys, confirmed.
Umm ever hear of a warranty? Warranties don't count towards sales but I will tell you what does, the PS3 YOLD failures, PS3 laser failures(personal experience with that) as well as all the other PS console failures. So provide proof the RROD inflated any sales numbers to a point that it made a difference. Oh wait, you can't. Didn't think so
You mean the one that lasted 3 years and that by 2009 had millions of users without it?
Oh again trying to portrait YLOD like having even close the fail rate of RROD had.
RROD didn't cover laser failure on xbox 360 either,in fact RROD didn't even cover E74 error up until 2009 which mean for 5 years anyone who had a E74 error was out of warranty and had to buy a new unit.
The proof is there i don't know a single person who hasn't buy a second 360 BUY not warranty shit,am i am sure you will be hard pressed to find someone here that didn't own a damn slim 360 after owning a damn fat 360.
And considering that you claim to OWN 3 xbox one i say you owned as well more than 1 bought by your money and we know you LOVE to make shit up and lie to have things your way,examples trying to portrait YOLD as been even close to RROD or pretending laser problems didn't happen on 360.
Fact is the xbox 360 and PS3 were not more than 400k apart sales wise in December 2013,while the PS3 continue to outsold the 360 world wide in 2014,2015,and 2016 so yeah is a given the PS3 pass the 360 even more if we taken into account that millions of 360 were re-bought units the 360 warranty was 3 years all people who bought a 360 by summer 2007 by the time the slim 360 arrived were totally out of warranty and those were by far the worse models you can pretend all you want the 360 ended 3rd period not that it matter much the PS3 loss as well move on.
The funny thing is that i KNEW that i would find you here using the same shitty arguments which had been proven wrong time and time again you just can't help it.
The fact alone that you bring laser problems on the PS3 whjich were extremely rare and not the ones on 360 as well is a joke RROD didn't cover those you double standard is lol worthy.
@ajstyles: Even if those numbers are true, in the markets that there was unbiased competition, the Xbox 360 trounced the PS3. Japanese gamers only buy Japanese consoles.
If you take the culturally skewed numbers from Japan out of the equation, the Xbox 360 sold over 9 million more units than the PS3 (JP: PS3 = 10.6m, 360 = 1.6m)
This is sad.
If we take cheap ass american gamers who didn't want to pay a little more for a PS3,then the PS3 sold what 30 millions or more units than the 360?
Dude your argument is weak product are sold worldwide.
Wow I just can’t believe how many brain dead lems refuse to accept facts in here. The 3shitty’s failure rate was estimated to be over 54%!
You losers will defend every single one of MS’s failures it’s actually preposterous. Lems are the grossest fanboys, confirmed.
Nobody takes you seriously. Stop posting.
The IGN article literally had to stipulate that certain numbers were estimated.
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