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Lower than Eternal Sonata? This game is so much betterFirstDiscovery
More JRPGs have come out for the 360 in between the releases of Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia.
[QUOTE="lolkie_81"]Im out of the loop, I know nothing about this game. Should I care about it?forgot_it
It's a mix of a semi-cliche standard JRPG plot that JRPG players have come to know and love with fresh faster paced gameplay that non JRPG players prefer.
Don't forget about the awful dialogue sequences.
60 hours of gameplay. That's without exploring everything too.
Wow! This game is going to last me til 2009 probably lmao, seeing as how long I take to beat JRPGs :lol:
60 hours of gameplay. That's without exploring everything too.
I find most JRPGs to be unnecesarrily long and think I would like most of them a lot better if they were a little bit shorter. Seriously, some of them just get so repetitive. Final Fantasy X was good, but I stopped fifteen hours in to it, because I started to say, "Hey, I've done this before."
Also, I found the battle system to be extremely flawed with the way the characters worked.
[QUOTE="sammyjenkis898"]60 hours of gameplay. That's without exploring everything too.
I find most JRPGs to be unnecesarrily long and think I would like most of them a lot better if they were a little bit shorter. Seriously, some of them just get so repetitive. Final Fantasy X was good, but I stopped fifteen hours in to it, because I started to say, "Hey, I've done this before."
Also, I found the battle system to be extremely flawed with the way the characters worked.
I hate short JRPGs.
guys..they gave too human a 7.81337cole1337
And? To some people, that game was deserving of that score.
60 hours of gameplay. That's without exploring everything too.
60 hours of gameplay. That's without exploring everything too.
60 hours of gameplay. That's without exploring everything too.
60 hours of gameplay. That's without exploring everything too.
Is it just me ,or does your sig look like porn?
[QUOTE="sammyjenkis898"]60 hours of gameplay. That's without exploring everything too.
60 hours of gameplay. That's without exploring everything too.
60 hours of gameplay. That's without exploring everything too.
60 hours of gameplay. That's without exploring everything too.
Is it just me ,or does your sig look like porn?
It's just you..
It's just you..
Yeah, that was seriously a pretty... stupid thing to say, no offense to that one guy. I mean, there's a fully clothed female screaming into a microphone, and he considers it "porn."
Also, I just meant that some JRPGs could be condensed. Some are stressed out so unnecesarrily long that it ruins the experience for me. Some just drag on with pointless crap. Twenty hours is good, but I'll take an even longer one if I don't get tired of the gameplay.
You can't stop introducing things later in the game.
[QUOTE="sammyjenkis898"]60 hours of gameplay. That's without exploring everything too.
I find most JRPGs to be unnecesarrily long and think I would like most of them a lot better if they were a little bit shorter. Seriously, some of them just get so repetitive. Final Fantasy X was good, but I stopped fifteen hours in to it, because I started to say, "Hey, I've done this before."
Also, I found the battle system to be extremely flawed with the way the characters worked.
Final Fantasy X is like anything else once you get far into it. Especially when it turns everything on its head.
I hyped it A, so this is surprising. I didn't think the demo was 8.2 material. I have no doubt Kevin will give it an A or lower, though.BioShockOwnz
[QUOTE="forgot_it"]Meh, almost everyone who's buying this game knows exactly what to expect.Overclockd
Yeah, the score means almost nothing. If you read the review, they barely even have any reasons for taking off points. Any RPG fan reading this post: ignore the score and try it out.
also alot of Fighter fans check this game out too
I hyped it A, so this is surprising. I didn't think the demo was 8.2 material. I have no doubt Kevin will give it an A or lower, though.BioShockOwnz
vanOrd said he was really enjoying Tales of Vesperia
IGN gave Eternal Sonata a 8.3 and it got 8.5 here, IGN gave symphonia a 8.5 and it got 8.8 here..
[QUOTE="DeathScape666"][QUOTE="sammyjenkis898"]60 hours of gameplay. That's without exploring everything too.
I find most JRPGs to be unnecesarrily long and think I would like most of them a lot better if they were a little bit shorter. Seriously, some of them just get so repetitive. Final Fantasy X was good, but I stopped fifteen hours in to it, because I started to say, "Hey, I've done this before."
Also, I found the battle system to be extremely flawed with the way the characters worked.
Final Fantasy X is like anything else once you get far into it. Especially when it turns everything on its head.
Oh, I thought the game was very fun, but it did something a game should never do: It got worse as it went on. I also thought some of the dialogue was ridiculous. That stupid laughing scene with Tidus and Yuna was... a massice facepalm.
I would go in to more depth, but I need to leave now.
It's an RPG. RPG's (particularly JRPG's that aren't Final Fantasy) rarely ever score higher than AA. thats not to say they aren't good, thats just how they are scored I guess. Still. an RPG is an RPG, and will no doubt be enjoyable to someone who enjoys the genre (like me)
Too bad the PS3 isn't getting more RPG's this year :/ Oh well :)
That's because most JRPGs do a lot of things wrong.
I don't hate the genre at all, because there are a lot of good games for it, but hell, some parts could seriously be improved upon.
[QUOTE="hakanakumono"]Emo is thrown around too much.
Oh no, the main character has depth! And its a male! It can't be!1!1!!11
Did you drop your razor blade? Seriously, I don't mind a guy with depth, Solid Snake for instance, but don't create this aura that you're second guessing on that sex change procedure.
Often one only sees what one wants to. So perhaps it isnt the game that is the issue. Perhaps it is why some of us wonder how you've experienced something in your life that you know what a second guessing sex change procedure aura looks/feels like.
I know at times that I have seen a drama queen and sometimes I feel the jrpg characters represents such. Or someone who just has no confidence which everyone can associate to someone they knew in real life. You, on the other hand, associate it with a sex change procedure.
[QUOTE="FirstDiscovery"]Lower than Eternal Sonata? This game is so much betterDeathScape666
More JRPGs have come out for the 360 in between the releases of Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia.
Only few truly great ones though[QUOTE="Bigboi500"]Cool. Another solid jrpg for my 360. Can't wait.Oroin
Agreed, me neither, I love RPGS and with this and IU comming, I'll be covered for the next two month.. Anyone else here also getting IU? good time to be a rpg gamer. :D
Yep I'm gettin' that one too unless it turns out terrible, which I highly doubt.For those of you who have played the demo, is the dialogue really that bad?
The problem I had with the only Tales game I played, Symphonia, was that the characters and dialogue were poorly written and the plot was stolen from Final Fantasy IX and X.
For those of you who have played the demo, is the dialogue really that bad?
The problem I had with the only Tales game I played, Symphonia, was that the characters and dialogue were poorly written and the plot was stolen from Final Fantasy IX and X.
Let's just say, I'd preffer Japanese VA..but I'd preffer that to any JRPG, so the dialogue wasn't that bad.. Don't know anything about the plot to say. I'd suggest renting it if your not sure yet.
[QUOTE="hakanakumono"]For those of you who have played the demo, is the dialogue really that bad?
The problem I had with the only Tales game I played, Symphonia, was that the characters and dialogue were poorly written and the plot was stolen from Final Fantasy IX and X.
Let's just say, I'd preffer Japanese VA..but I'd preffer that to any JRPG, so the dialogue wasn't that bad.. Don't know anything about the plot to say. I'd suggest renting it if your not sure yet.
I usually prefer Japanese VA. I don't have a 360. I haven't decided on this generation yet believe it or not, but I'm pretty sure I'll go with PS3 because of its import capabilities (I've begun to buy a plethora of Japanese and Japan only titles).
That's a pretty good score for a J-RPG other than FF. Elviathan
Probably mostly for its battle system. Thats what seems to score JRPGs high these days.
[QUOTE="Elviathan"]That's a pretty good score for a J-RPG other than FF. hakanakumono
Probably mostly for its battle system. Thats what seems to score JRPGs high these days.
tales battle system > FF Battle system
yet FF will still score high because of its name...
it would be extremely nice to see tales of vesperia get a 9.0 on here, it would be very just
yet a final fantasy comes out and is crap and at least gets a 9...
[QUOTE="hakanakumono"][QUOTE="Elviathan"]That's a pretty good score for a J-RPG other than FF. supermechakirby
Probably mostly for its battle system. Thats what seems to score JRPGs high these days.
tales battle system > FF Battle system
yet FF will still score high because of its name...
it would be extremely nice to see tales of vesperia get a 9.0 on here, it would be very just
yet a final fantasy comes out and is crap and at least gets a 9...
Final Fantasy is a much higher quality title than Tales. The battle system is different, but it has improved (XII). It's just not as fast paced and doesn't let you roam around.
Maybe I'll check it out. Tales is one of the only jrps series I haven't played yet (other than Star Ocean and Xenogears).MarthRingman
Xenogears first.
[QUOTE="Gl0ry_L0rd"][QUOTE="Overclockd"][QUOTE="Gl0ry_L0rd"]May I say Owned? Overclockd
Who got owned? That's pretty much the score everyone thought it would get.
Wasn't it hyped by lems to be a 8.5 - 9.0? 'Cause it sure felt like it.
Nah, look for the thread. It ranged from 7-9, but only about one or two people hyped it 9. The majority said A-AA.
you cnat hype a game A-AA....its one or the other if i remember correctly it was if it gets A here which it will no doubt get...its a flop...a big flop at that since this game has been compared to FF 13 too many times.[QUOTE="hakanakumono"][QUOTE="Elviathan"]That's a pretty good score for a J-RPG other than FF. supermechakirby
Probably mostly for its battle system. Thats what seems to score JRPGs high these days.
tales battle system > FF Battle system
yet FF will still score high because of its name...
it would be extremely nice to see tales of vesperia get a 9.0 on here, it would be very just
yet a final fantasy comes out and is crap and at least gets a 9...
"FF only scores high because it's FF wahhh wahhh"
FF scores high because it's high quality stuff. They clearly aren't your thing if you think they are crap.
[QUOTE="supermechakirby"][QUOTE="hakanakumono"][QUOTE="Elviathan"]That's a pretty good score for a J-RPG other than FF. Koalakommander
Probably mostly for its battle system. Thats what seems to score JRPGs high these days.
tales battle system > FF Battle system
yet FF will still score high because of its name...
it would be extremely nice to see tales of vesperia get a 9.0 on here, it would be very just
yet a final fantasy comes out and is crap and at least gets a 9...
"FF only scores high because it's FF wahhh wahhh"
FF scores high because it's high quality stuff. They clearly aren't your thing if you think they are crap.
FFX and FFX-2 were both disapointments. Finished FFX with the side quests done, and got maybe 30 hours into FFX-2 before I had enough fanservice.
I love all of them from mystic quest up to FF9. FF9 was pretty fun in my opinion even though many said it was too old school and bland. Loved tactics. Enjoyed FF12 but felt the characters were mostly dead inside. Will see about FFXIII.
Tales.. well.. Loved those games too. Enjoyed the battle system and felt the optional bosses in the tales games were much harder than the latter FF series. Tales of Destiny 2 was pretty good in that regard. Tales of Eternia or something as well.
However FF does score good because of the name. Anyone can see that. Dosent mean they are all crap but you rarely see critics pointing out the flaws when they are so obvious in other games that ARE pointed out. However the FF series has been losing it's thunder for quite some time now and could use some more controversial storylines. I would love to see a FF game come out with the complexity of the Xenogears storyline. I think with the mature story and good gameplay, coupled with the high budget graphics, would breath new life into the FF series not seen for such a very long time.
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